War and Roses by Kat Baxter

Chapter 7


She's so damn pretty it's ridiculous. I mean, I knew I'd find her attractive no matter what because I fell in love with her personality and heart. But this petite, curvaceous goddess in front of me is gorgeous.

First, her curves. She's not thin-like and bony the way our culture claims is how women are supposed to look.

No, she's all woman with curves for days. Big tits, wide hips, and thick thighs. Her body looks soft and welcoming. She isn't pretty in spite of her curves, they're part of what I find so damn attractive about her.

Then she's got the most breath-taking blue eyes I've ever seen. Her fair skin and dark chocolatey ringlets just make those eyes pop even more. My girl is a beauty.

And yeah, she's my girl. I know we're meant to be. But I also recognize that she's spooked. Though I'm unsure of her reasons for hiding from me. And I ignore the hit to my pride that she wasn't more excited that I showed up. I can be patient and let her get accustomed to me being here. For the time being, I'll be her buddy. Until she's ready for more.

We hop into her car and the radio is tuned to a country station.

"Texas girl, through and through, aren't you?" I tease.

She turns off her radio with a roll of her eyes. "I like other types of music."

"So, what should I try first? Tacos or enchiladas?"

"I'm actually thinking you should try fajitas first. But you should definitely read the menu when we get there."

She glances over at me and then quickly looks back at the road. I've seen the heat in her gaze though. I know she wants me the same way I want her. But something is holding her back.

Good thing I'm a patient man. I'll wait however long it takes her to acknowledge that she belongs to me.

I hope I last that long. I've had a half chub since I saw her plump, round ass walking to her car.

I don't know what I'm expecting for this Mexican restaurant that she's taking me too, but when she pulls into a tiny run-down looking strip mall and puts her car in park, I'm kinda surprised. But there above one of the shops is a green sign that reads: Lola's Tacos and More.

She opens her door and steps out, and I follow her inside. They lead us to a booth in the back corner. Immediately, chips and salsa are deposited on the table between us. Then the waitress appears to take our drink order.

We order drinks and our food, then settle in. I'm trying really fucking hard not to stare at Bethany's mouth, but her full, pouty lips are like a goddamn dream. I shift in my seat trying to alleviate some of the pressure from my hardening dick because every time she wraps her lips around her straw, I imagine her doing the exact same thing around my cock.

"So, what are you really doing here, Jacob? You couldn't have come all this way just to see me and have some Mexican food?"

I could and I did. But clearly, she's not ready for that information yet. "I actually have a job interview."

One of her shapely black brows arch. "Don't you have a job?"

I shake my head. "I didn't re-enlist, actually."

She momentarily chokes on her swallow of iced tea, then wipes her eyes. "What?" she asks, her voice now a little scratchy.

It's that moment that our waitress arrives with our food. My sizzling skillet of fajitas with all the fixings and Bethany's crispy tacos. I wait until the server leaves our table before responding to Bethany's question.

"It came time to fill out the re-enlistment paperwork and I filled out the retirement ones instead. I was ready to be done. Ready to be stateside." Ready to come here and claim my girl.

Her hand goes to her chest which only makes me look at the way her ample breasts are hidden behind the material of her high neck shirt. "Is it your father? Is he worse?"

I reach across and put my hand on top of her other hand that's resting on the table. "No, he's good. Better than good, actually. He's on his last few months of antibiotics. And my brother-in-law found some grant he qualified for that significantly helped with the exorbitant cost of the medications. Not to mention, my sister's art is selling and she's making some decent money."

Bethany smiles, her eyes a little glassy with emotion. "That's wonderful, Jacob. I'm so happy for you." She pulls her hand out from beneath mine and uses it to grab a chip.

I glance down at my food. "I assume I just make this like a soft taco?"

"Yep, just put whatever you want on it. I personally think pico de gallo is dumb and would just rather use salsa, but to each their own. I like that this place always serves fresh cilantro on their fajita setup."

I shake my head, flicking the offensive green leaves away from my lettuce. "Tastes like soap."

She clutches her chest and her eyes bug. "You're one of those? How disappointing."

I laugh. This woman is everything. And as much as I'm dying to get my mouth and hands on her, this--just sharing a meal and visiting--is amazing. I take a bite of my fajita taco and it is perfection.

"What about your sister's marriage?" Bethany asks.

I laugh. "They're great. It's weird, I never would have matched them up, but they fit. They're perfect for each other. And Austin is a great guy. Truly one of the best I ever served with. I actually went and saw them before I came here."

"Oh, so you have been home?"

"Briefly. I needed to get here quickly."

She swallows and sets down her taco. "For the job interview?"

"Something like that." I take another bite and chew. "You were right, the fajitas are amazing."

"What changed?" She lifts a shoulder in a shrug. "I mean, why did you decide to retire when you’d been so intent on staying in?"

She might not think she's ready to hear some of our truths, but they still need said. So I make certain to look eyes with her as I say, "I found something worth retiring for."

She pushes the remains of her tacos around with her fork but doesn't respond.

"So, what is the job?"

"It's a securities company. I told you that I have a friend who'd been in my unit who ended up working there. So I got in contact with him when I knew I was leaving active duty. Evidently, the entire company is made up of former military. All different divisions." I shrug. "Makes sense to try to remember what it's like to be a civilian among men who have known war the way I have."

"That does make sense. You haven't been a civilian in a long time."

"Since I was eighteen. It'll be different, but I'm ready." Ready for everything with her. I'd fucking propose right now if I knew she wouldn't run out of the restaurant. God, I want to kiss her. Want to lean across the table and claim those beautiful lips.

But it's not worth scaring her. I just wish she'd talk to me. Be honest and forthcoming the way she always was in her letters and emails. Maybe she's just shy, but honestly, that's not the feeling I'm getting. I'd think she just wasn't attracted to me, but I've seen the desire in her eyes. The subtle way her eyes flick to my lips, then away. The way she's looked approvingly at my arms and chest.

It's not my ego talking, Bethany wants me too.

We spend the rest of the meal talking about everyday stuff. The things we typically shared in our emails. Everything about being around her feels right. She feels like home to me.

"When is your interview?" she asks.

"Monday. It's in Corpus Christi which is the neighboring town, right?"

She nods. "Yeah, Sand Dollar is tiny, Corpus is our big town. Though sometimes you gotta trek all the way to San Antonio if you need something specific that you can't find around here." She pauses for a minute before asking. "Do they have satellite offices around the country?"

"No." I smile at her. The waitress drops off our check and I have my card ready to pay. Bethany might not be willing to admit this is a date, but I'm still behaving as if it is. "If I get the job, then I'll be moving here."

She swallows visibly and takes another sip off her straw. Never in the history of the world has iced tea been so damn sexy.

"Is that going to bother you? If I move close by?"

She shakes her head. "No, of course not. We're friends."

"Is that what you want me to be, sweetheart? Just a friend?"

She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. So she just gives me a tight nod.

"Alright. We'll be just friends." I meet her gaze, then let my own drop to her lips for a moment. "For now."

Her fair skin pinkens as a blush spreads across her cheeks.

I hope my message is clear. We're meant to be more and I'm not giving up until we are.

We stand to walk back to her car, and I put my hand at the small of her back. Being this close to her, I can't resist touching her. What I want to do is lean in and drag my nose up that spot behind her ear. Find out if she wears a citrusy perfume or if it's just Bethany. I give her the address of my hotel and she says she knows right where it is. Sand Dollar, Texas isn't a big place, and I'm pretty sure I'm staying in one of the bigger hotel chains.

"You didn't have to pay for dinner," she says as she drives out of the parking lot.

"Sure I did. I came here, you took me out to have some great food. It was my pleasure to buy your meal."

"Thank you."

Fifteen minutes later, she pulls into an empty parking spot and puts the car into park.

I reach over and grab one of the dark ringlets hanging behind her ear. "Did you want to come in for a while? We could watch a movie or just talk more." I can't help myself and I wrap one of her curls around my finger. "I'm not ready to say goodnight to you yet."

Her impossibly blue eyes glance over at me. "Okay." Then she turns off the car.