Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Thirty-One

After book club on Monday, I’m surprised to find Easton chatting with Brayden outside the classroom. It’s normal for Brayden to wait for Kara, but what’s Easton doing here?

Kara leaps into her boyfriend’s arms and they kiss each other like they’ve been apart for years. Then they bid us goodbye and leave the building, their arms wrapped around one another.

Ally and Charlie hug me goodbye and leave as well. Only Easton and I remain in the hallway.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

He rolls his shoulders. “Figured I’d keep my buddy company as he waited for his girl to be done with book club. I’ll be going now.”

“Oh. Okay, see you.” Why am I disappointed that he wasn’t waiting for me?

“Mhm.” He nods before tossing his book bag over his shoulder and setting off down the hall. Then he turns around. “Hey, Wood?”


“You busy?”

I shake my head. “Not for a few hours. I need to clean the studio later.”

He smiles. “Come with me?”


“Just come.”

I hike my backpack on my shoulders, then follow him out of the school doors. He leads me toward wherever, refusing to answer what our destination is.

We walk a few blocks until he stops at an area full of abandoned trains. I’ve never been to this part of town, even though it’s close to school. People claim it’s a shady area.

“What are we doing here?” I hiss at Easton as I glance from right to left, worried someone will charge at me with a knife. I gape at Easton. “Oh my gosh. You really are going to kill me, aren’t you? This is just like that movie where a guy gets close to a girl and builds up her trust. Then he stabs her.”

“Wood, relax. No one is killing you.”

We stop before a train and Easton looks around, eyebrows furrowed. “Tommy? You home?”

“Easton, boy? Is that you?” A head peeks out from one of the train windows, and I’m taken aback. I guess I didn’t realize people have made homes in these trains.

The man, who is a little older than Dad, steps off the train and beams at Easton, displaying a gap in his teeth.

“How are you, Tommy?” Easton asks with a kind and warm smile.

Tommy sits down on a broken chair and Easton drops down across from him on an equally broken bench. I lower myself next to him.

Tommy eyes me. “Brought your girlfriend, I see?” He winks. “I knew there was someone at school who caught your eye.”

Easton’s fingers dig through his hair, messing it up. “We’re not…she’s not…we’re just friends.”

The man smiles like he doesn’t believe a word of that. “Sure, sure. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your lady friend?”

Easton smiles uneasily. “Tommy, this is Dani Wood. Dani, this is my good friend Tommy.”

Tommy holds out his hand and I shake it. “It’s a pleasure, young lady.”

I smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Tommy.”

Easton talks a little bit about school and Tommy listens intently. Then Tommy talks about various things, from memories of his life to the things he hears around here. He’s lived a great life, but unfortunately things happened and now he’s living here. From the anguished look on his face, I know this bothers Easton. He truly cares for this guy, and I can’t help but stare at him. Be in awe of him. I thought he was just a rich guy, but there’s so much more to him.

Easton must feel me watching him because he turns his head and lifts a brow. I quickly avert my gaze, my heart racing. Why do I feel hot all of a sudden?

Tommy asks me to tell him about myself, but I can’t get the words out. I’m just in a state of shock, I guess. I thought I misjudged Easton before, but now I realize just how wrong I was about him.

Easton smiles at me before focusing on Tommy. “Dani is a dancer. Going to be on Broadway one day.”

Tommy beams. “That so? Roberta was a dancer. She lit my heart with her dancing.” He smiles sadly. “To this day, I wish I would have had the courage to ask her out before Bobby Ingels did.” He shakes his head. “But we can’t change the past, can we?” He looks between Easton and me. “But you two…I tell you time and time again, Easton boy—don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

Easton looks at me, then away. He laughs awkwardly. “Tommy, we’re just friends.”

“That’s what I thought me and Roberta were. Then it was too late.”

Easton shakes his head. “Did you enjoy your lunch today?”

“Sure did. Best chicken wings I’ve had in my life.”

Easton waves his hand at me. “Compliments to Dani’s mother, the chef.”

I’m about to ask him what he means by that, but Tommy talks about something else and I forget about it.

We chat for a little while longer before it’s time for us to go. Easton promises Tommy he’ll see him tomorrow. Tommy tells me it was nice to meet me and I say the same, then we walk away from the train.

We’re silent for a few minutes before Easton turns to me. “Tommy’s a good person, just life wasn’t kind to him. When I’m older, I want to help people like him. No one should live like that.”

“That’s great. You’re amazing.”

He frowns. “How can I be amazing when I’m powerless to do anything to help him? I’ve asked my dad, but he told me he helps many such organizations. He can’t take on every special case.” He sighs. “What good is being one of the richest kids in the world when I don’t have the money to do what’s right?”

I place my hand on his arm. “The important thing is that you’re here for Tommy now.”

He nods slowly. “I’m happy I’m here for him, but I hated that I nearly missed our presentation. I feel terrible about that, but Tommy needed my help. Some jerks beat him up for no reason and I threatened them to leave him alone. Then I went with him to the hospital to make sure he was taken care of. That’s why I was late for the presentation. I’m sorry.”

I shake my head. “No, you don’t need to apologize for that. I’m glad you were there for Tommy. But why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know. We weren’t friends and I thought you hated me.”

“Well, I don’t hate you anymore.”

He smiles. “Thanks.”

We’re quiet.

“What did you mean when you said Tommy eats my mom’s food?” I ask.

“Since I met Tommy a month ago and realized he had nothing to eat, I give him my lunch.”

It hits me like a lightning bolt. “That’s why you ate the school’s lunch. On the first day, you told me you brought lunch from home.”

“I did. I just gave it to Tommy every day, and once your mom started working for us, I asked her to pack me two more portions. Two for Tommy, for lunch and dinner, and one for me. I can’t stand the new lunch lady…why are you staring at me?”

I fling my arms around him, squeezing him tight. Then I realize what I’ve just done and spring back like I touched a boiling pot of water. I laugh awkwardly. “Sorry, I was overcome with emotion. Because you’re so sweet, Easton. So special.”


“Are you kidding? You take care of Tommy, you bring him food every day. You want to help him when you’re older.”

He shrugs. “Thanks, I guess.”

I give him a look. “You guess? You’re amazing.”

He turns around and…are his cheeks red? I’ve never seen Easton Knight Jr. blush before in my life. It makes him look so normal, so approachable.

“You’re staring at me again,” he says.

I look away. “I was not.”

“Yes, you were.”

“Was not.”

He just chuckles, reaching for his phone. “I’ll call Joe to take you to dance practice. I think I’ll hang with Tommy for a little while, make sure he’s okay.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.”

As I wait for Joe to fetch me, I can’t get the events that just happened out of my head. Easton…he sends a warm and fuzzy feeling throughout my body. But…what exactly does that mean?