Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Five

I try not to groan as the city bus pulls up in front of the stop the next morning. The bus that’s packed so tightly with people you can make human pancakes.

And then comes the push and shove war. Some adults think it’s more important for them to get on the bus before us kids because they can’t be late to work, but did it ever occur to them that we can’t be late to class, either? I have perfect attendance and I won’t tarnish it because of the lame bus.

The door snaps shut after three adults get on, leaving the rest of us standing there. Great, the next bus won’t be here for at least another fifteen minutes. This is why I leave the house half an hour early.

We used to have a car, but it broke down a few years ago and we can’t afford another one. Between all our expenses and my parents saving up for my college, we don’t have that kind of money. I constantly tell them they don’t need to save up for my college—they didn’t go to college—but they want a better life for me.

I’m not a rude person—well, I try not to be—but when the next bus comes, I squeeze through two people and slip on. The good thing about being invisible? I can get away with things like this. But then I’m squished in the back with other sardines. It’s times like this I want to nix the Broadway dream for a high-paying career, but I can’t imagine giving up dance.

After what feels like a million years, the bus finally reaches my stop and I get off, sucking in the fresh air. Then I enter school a few minutes before the bell rings. Charlie, Kara, and Ally are waiting by my locker, each of them with worried expressions. Then Ally sees me and points me out to the others.

“Hey, guys,” I say with a huff as I quickly open my locker. “You can’t imagine the crap I had to deal with on that stupid city bus.”

“You should really let my dad drive you,” Charlie says.

“Forget it. It’s out of the way and you’d have to leave early.”

She’s about to say something, but she knows this is a doomed argument. I don’t want to be a burden to her or her family.

“I can’t wait to discuss Little Women after school,” Ally tells me.

“Heck yeah! The book club is like the highlight of my existence.”

“Duh,” they all say. Then we laugh.

The bell rings. I frown. “We’d better have classes together next semester or I’m going to revolt.”

“Agreed,” Kara says.

We say goodbye and part to our classrooms. Classes go by as usual, and nothing interesting happens at lunch, other than Teagyn’s friend Macy accidentally squirting a tomato in Teagyn’s face. Which has her shrilling and racing to the bathroom. The whole thing is pretty hilarious. Maybe I’m a jerk for saying this, but whenever Teagyn’s unhappy, I’m happy. Because she treated my girl Kara horribly when she tried out for cheerleading. Treat me bad? Yeah, I hold a grudge. Treat someone I love bad? I hate her guts for life.

Finally, finally, classes are over and it’s time for the best hour of my life—book club! I practically beam myself over to classroom 1B in less than thirty seconds. None of the others are here yet. I make myself comfortable with Little Women and look over the notes I wrote.

After a few minutes, the door bursts open and Charlie hurries inside, her red ponytail bouncing behind her. She deposits herself in the chair across from me and opens her laptop.

“You know the rule,” I tell her. “No homework during book club.”

“I know!” she says, exasperated. “But a jock just threw this on me last minute. I won’t be able to squeeze it in tonight.”

I lift a brow. “You can say no, you know.”

She gives me a face like I fell off the moon.

“Or not,” I mutter. “Fine, just a few minutes.”

I know my words have no effect on her. Charlie does whatever she wants, not caring what others think of her. It’s something I really admire. Maybe one day I won’t care so much what other people think of me, either. But being the Awkward Girl? I don’t know if I’ll ever truly accept myself.

But as soon as Kara and Ally join us, Charlie shuts the laptop and whips out her copy of Little Women. Soon, we’re discussing the book so deeply I feel as though I’ve been sucked into it.

“Thanks, guys,” Kara says as we close our books. “That was awesome. You made me think of things I’ve never considered before, Charlie. And I’ve read this book a million times.”

Ally smiles. “Never a dull moment in our book club.”

Kara laughs. “Definitely not.”

“Speaking of dull moments…” I playfully poke Kara’s arm. “How was dinner last night at your boyfriend’s?”

Kara’s cheeks flush bright red. “It was great! His parents are so nice and Bailey was so cute. She wanted to build a huge fort out of pillows and couch cushions and stuff. We spent like half an hour on it and as soon as she crawled in, the whole thing collapsed! So what did the kid do? Announced that the castle was overtaken by an enemy and that the prince was captured. It was up to her to save her prince. So I was the horse and had to go on all fours around the house until I reached Bray’s room. Ugh, my back is so sore.”

I smile at her. “You finally got the sister you’ve always wanted.”

Her cheeks turn a little pink. “I can’t believe this is my life. Sometimes, I need to pinch myself.”

“You guys are like the perfect love story,” Ally says.

“I know you guys will have amazing love stories too,” Kara says.

Charlie waves her hand. “Pass.”

“Oh come on!” I say. “I know you want to have a boyfriend one day. Don’t lie.”

“The chance of me meeting the person I actually envision? Pretty slim. I’m taking the loss.”

Ally shakes her head at me. “We’ll see how she feels once she meets someone.”

“If she can pull her head out of all that homework,” I tease.

Kara laughs. “I don’t think that’ll ever happen.”

“It will,” Ally says. “There’s someone for everyone.”

“You really believe that?” I ask.

“Of course! Don’t you?”

I frown as I stare at my desk. “I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong?” Kara asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Ally asks. “You know you can talk to us.”

“I know.” I sigh. “I guess I’m wondering if I’ll meet someone one day. Seeing you with Brayden, Kara…I don’t know. I guess I’m a little jealous. Sorry.”

“No.” She places her hand on my arm. “Don’t apologize for anything. I’m sorry I make you feel that way.”

“No, no, no! Ugh, the words never come out of my mouth right. I don’t want you to feel bad for me, Kara. I’m so happy for you. Really. I’m just…I don’t know. If Ally’s right and Awkward Girl has someone out there, I wonder when I’ll meet him. If I’ll ever meet him.”

“You will,” Ally encourages. “Just keep your heart open to love and you will find it.”

I smile. “I love that, Ally.”

She laughs sheepishly. “I read way too many romance novels.”

I throw my arms around her. “That’s why I can’t wait for you to meet someone! You’ll probably have such an epic romance story!”

“Yeah, right.” She opens her book. “Let’s get back to the book.”

We discuss it for a bit longer, when the big man on campus himself, Brayden Barrington, waltzes inside with hearts in his eyes as he kisses his amazing and beautiful girlfriend.

Kara giggles as she gently pushes him away. “Did you miss me that much?”

“Much more than you’ll ever know. You guys still discussing the book? I thought you’d be done by now. Football practice just ended.”

“Just a few more minutes, boyfriend.”

He winks. “Sure thing, girlfriend.” He leaves the room.

“We should wrap up,” I say as I tuck my book into my bag. “I’m running late for work.” I stand and stretch my arms over my head. “Let’s hope no one clogged the toilets this time.”

Kara wraps her arm around me. “One day you’ll be this famous Broadway star and you’ll have other people unclogging your toilet.”

I chuckle. “Nah, I’ll never make someone else go through what I go through. My toilet, my problem.”

We laugh as we leave the sacred 1B and separate to our houses. Well, me to work. Kara’s words play around in my head as I ride the city bus to the studio. I won’t make anyone unclog my toilets, but a famous Broadway star? If she and the rest of my friends believe in me, I’ve got to believe in myself too. I’m the only one who can make my dreams come true.