Manix by Grace McGinty



We drove around the block and then parked in a dark copse of trees just at the end of the Omega’s street.

Gatlin climbed out of the passenger seat. “Take Raiden to a hotel. He looks exhausted.”

Our stubborn Omega stuck out his chin. “I’m fine.”

Seven rolled his eyes at him. “Dude, if your dick gets any harder, you are going to pass out. Naja’s heat is draining you, and the longer you’re around her without giving into those urges, the more exhausted you’ll be. Go to the hotel room, let Ellar suck your cock, and relax. The female will agree to our offer. I can feel it.”

Ellar flushed, but I could see the desire in his eyes at the thought. We were all high on the pheromones, and I knew if we didn’t have to put someone on Naja’s block to watch the house, we’d all be back in the hotel, paying homage to our bonds.

And by homage, I meant fucking in one huge sexfest.

Raiden crossed his arms over his chest, and I’d fuck that attitude out of him later. How we ended up with the biggest brat in the universe as an Omega was a weird twist of fate, but one I loved. “Come on, we basically ran down the side of a mountain. I’ll fuck you until you can’t remember your name, we’ll take a nap and later, we’ll come up with a plan to lure the pretty Omega to our nest forever.”

Raiden finally grinned. “My name has only two syllables, Finlo. I don’t think your skills are quite that good that I’d forget two syllables.”

I growled and pretended to hold myself back. “Challenge accepted. Prepare yourself, Omega.”

I saw the shiver run over his skin and grinned to myself.

Gatlin rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. “Try and get some sleep so you can relieve us at dawn.” I saluted him, and he just shook his head as he faded into the darkness.

Gatlin and I weren’t lovers, not the way we were with the other members of our Pack, but we were best friends. I would lay down my life for him without thought, and I knew he would do the same for me. For any one of our family.

Ellar climbed into the seat that Gatlin had vacated, still looking starry-eyed about the female Omega. I pulled back out onto the road and drove us to the small motel that we’d seen this morning on the outskirts of town. It had said vacancy then, so hopefully that was still the case. Raiden wasn’t the only one with a bad case of blue balls.

Ellar looked over at me, his straight black brows pulled down in a frown. “Do you think Seven is right? Do you think that Naja will say yes?” The hope in his voice was nearly heartbreaking, but I shrugged. In her position, I’d run as far and as fast as I possibly could.


We all fell into silence, thinking about what our future could hold. It could be everything or nothing, and it all rested on the shoulders of one tiny, curvy little stripper.

I pulled beneath the portico of the hotel, thankful to see the vacancy sign still lit up. I mean, why anyone would stop here outside of ski season was beyond me, but there must have been a reason. It would have been pretty enough, I guess, if I hadn’t been raised in the mountains, surrounded by landscapes that had never seen human feet. Vistas that had never been seen by human eyes. It was isolating, but there was no doubting the human footprint had a negative impact on nature.

I looked at Ellar. “Stay with Raiden.”

He nodded, though I wasn’t sure who would be protecting who if they were attacked. Raiden had come from a long line of fierce warriors, the best the Manix had. His brothers were all high up in our army, and his only sister had married the Manix equivalent of a General. The fact that Raiden had been born an Omega had shocked his father halfway into the grave. So he’d just treated him like the rest of his sons, training him in hand-to-hand combat, as well as close-range weapons. I knew for a fact that Raiden was an expert with a sniper rifle.

Ellar, on the other hand, had been dumped on the mountain's doorstep, like so many before him. A half-blood teenager, he was a weak Beta and basically considered prey in our society. That was, until Gatlin had pulled him into our Pack like a mama hen. That was Gatlin though—crusader for the weak. Because despite the fact that he was a half-blood too, he was strong. As strong an Alpha as me with all my damn fancy pedigree, and that irked the Manix upper class more than anything had for the last century.

I pushed open the door, and there was a small electronic beep. A woman stuck her head around a curtain, and I could hear a movie playing in the back room. “Need a room?” She sounded like she was offering me a blowjob the way she purred the words, but I ignored it.

“Two. Adjoining if possible,” I said, and her eyes went real wide. It happened when women heard the timbre of my voice. It was low and gravelly, and Raiden said it was like auditory foreplay.

“Uh, yeah, umm, sure. We should have…” She trailed off as she opened and closed drawers. “We have a self-contained apartment at the end, if that would suit better.”

I gave her a wide smile, and she blinked at me slowly, her face a little slack. “That would be perfect. Thank you.”

She thrust the key at me, and then escaped into the back room. Well, okay then. Guess I’d pay up when we checked out.

I walked back to the car, and I wasn’t surprised to see Ellar and Raiden cuddled up together in the back. I climbed in and drove to the designated spot, right down the end of the long line of rooms. I was glad to see there weren't any cars in the spots for the five rooms next to us. It would make it easier to be alert without some human beside us moving around all the time.

Hopefully we wouldn’t have to be here long. Maybe Naja would let us take her back to our Pack house. As much as Raiden wouldn’t admit it, he wanted to be by his nest. Naja’s heat was really bringing out his Omega instincts, if the way he was dry humping Ellar in the back was any indication.

I wrenched open the back door and ushered them inside, getting our stuff from the rear of the van. When I walked into the room and switched on the light, they were already half-naked, their hands running over each other’s bodies. I dropped our crap by the door, reaching into the pocket of my duffel for the lube before leaning back against the door to enjoy the show.

Watching Ellar and Raiden was one of my favorite pastimes. They were fucking beautiful together, like a symphony. The warm gold of Ellar’s skin was even more burnished against Raiden’s pale tone, and they were a similar height, like they were made to each be one half of a matching pair. Raiden had always refused the purported weakness of his Omega designation, and Ellar was all heart, more like an Omega than a Beta. Neither was who they were supposed to be, but they drew strength from each other, and that was perfect.

Ellar fell to his knees, peeling Raiden’s skinny jeans down, which were holding his dick painfully trapped. Raiden kicked his feet frantically, trying to get his pants off and his dick in Ellar’s mouth, but he was swaying wildly, completely off balance. I was behind him in an instant, running a palm down his spine, making soothing noises.

“It’s okay, Omega. Ellar is going to get those off and give you some relief.”

Raiden was already panting. “Fin, please. I need the knot.”

Well, fuck. I couldn’t say no to that, even if I wanted to. My dick throbbed at the thought of knotting my sexy Omega, and I purred against his ear, making him shiver.

“Mmm, but what do you say?”

“Please, Alpha.”

“Good little Omega,” I growled, and Raiden slumped against me as Ellar sucked down his cock. I looked over Raiden’s shoulder at Ellar’s plump lips sliding up and down his shaft. His eyes were on mine though, and I smiled at him. “Make our Omega feel good, El. I’ll do my bit back here.”

I unbuckled my jeans, shimmying them down my thighs. Pulling the lube from my back pocket, I squirted a good portion on my hand and on my cock. Then I slid my fingers between Raiden’s cheeks, feeling him buck back against me as I pressed my fingers against his tight hole. He gasped as I worked them in, spreading him to readiness.

But my greedy Omega wasn’t having it. “I’m ready Alpha, now,” he choked out as Ellar swallowed his dick.

I lined up my cock and then slid slowly inside him, all of us groaning. As my hands steadied his hips, I felt Ellar’s hands on the back of my thighs, anchoring himself to us. Fuck, I loved that guy, and not just because he ate cock like a champion. No, Ellar was a giver, and in a society of takers, he was a fucking gift. I looked down at him over Raiden’s shoulder again, seeing his eyes flick up to me. “Love you, El.”

He hummed, making Raiden’s knees go weak, and my own turn to jello as he clenched down on me. I slid faster and harder, Ellar setting the pace with my thighs, legit topping us both from the bottom—cheeky fucking Beta.

Still, I slammed into Raiden harder, bending him over until he was almost resting on top of Ellar, and I felt my knot swell.

“Oh Goddess, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Raiden chanted. “I’m so fucking close.”

That was definitely my cue. I made love to him until our bodies were a sweaty, slick mess, my knot growing and swelling around the base of my cock. When Raiden shouted, gripping the curly dark hair of Ellar, his hips jerking as he came, I knew it was time to move. Ellar scooted out of the way, and I took Raiden to the floor on his hands and knees. I shoved myself inside him to the hilt, my knot locking us into place. I watched as Ellar grabbed his own dick and stroked it in time to my thrusts, like it was him fucking our Omega. Raiden’s ass milked my knot, and wave after wave of my cum released inside him. My muscles no longer able to hold us up, I gripped his hips tightly against mine and rolled to the side, pulling him into my body and curling around him protectively. At this moment, we weren’t Finlo and Raiden. We were Alpha and Omega.

Ellar came to my other side, curling around my back. I gripped his hand and put it on Raiden’s hip, placing my palm on top of his hand and lacing our fingers.

He nuzzled my neck and I thrummed, the deep purr-like vibration emitting from my contented body and through my Packmates. We weren’t just physically satisfied; we were fucking happy. We were missing a piece, but if Naja chose not to join us, we’d still be happy.

I answered Ellar’s earlier question again. “I think she’ll join us. How could she not want this?”

Raiden hummed low, his body drifting off to sleep even with me locked tight inside him.

Ellar kissed between my shoulder blades. “She doesn’t know what’s missing yet, but we’ll show her.”

Yes, we would. We’d woo the little Omega with the promise of love and safety that would endure anything life threw at us.