Broken Records by Bree Bennett


Once upon a time, a girl tried to write an epic fantasy series and it just wasn’t working. In a fit of exasperation, she fell back on the old “write what you know” saying, turned up her Elvis music, and wrote what became Jack and Lucy’s story.

This book couldn’t have been completed without the support of a lot of amazing people:

My editor, Jessica McKelden.

My beta readers, Jane and Celia, whose comments not only made me braver but also kept me laughing throughout the process. (A rhododendron is not a Pokemon)

My fellow Squanchchat Slackers, who put up with my random requests of “what’s that thing with the thing and the thing?” called again.

Dan, for creating my beautiful cover.

Stella, Vita, and Tresa, for all the summers of writing Hanson fan fiction and Barbie musicals in the basement that laid a very…unique…foundation for my adult writing habits.

Mandy, for your Laverne-and-Shirley level of support, and for that one night on the bus back from COSI when you played Billy Joel for me through shared headphones, and my music world was forever changed.

Cordelia, Leonidas, and Esmeralda, for being the bestest of dogs and laying with me while I write.

My daughters, for providing cuddles and giggles, and listening when Mommy says, “Let me go write so we can go to Disney World.”

And my husband, for listening to my endless monologues, reading random scenes, and recognizing that the little pieces of us in this book are little pieces of love.