Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



I step outsidethe command building and feel the sharp sting of wind against my cheeks. I’m pushed back a foot, landing against Dimka’s solid chest. He holds me upright.

Kai shouts over the wind but I can’t hear him. My com crackles in my ear.

“I’m going to check on the outer perimeter. I’m getting a damage report. Dimka, secure the educational wing. Alex, make sure the dorms are secure and everyone is in their rooms. The buildings are safe. We just need everyone inside.”

We part and I brace myself against the pummeling wind to make the two-hundred-yard walk across the facility. The storms on this part of Athion are like a series of massive tornadoes back on Earth. The wind is vicious, the sandy landscape makes flying debris common. Cyclones tear through the air.

Thankfully, the pathways are clear of civilians and I only have to dodge one flying container as I duck into the residence hall. The doors are locked and I use my security access to gain entry. At the front desk, a Custo stands over the data pad, lowering the window shutters and checking each room.

“Everyone secure?”

The pad shows each room, red lights signaling the occupant. A few dots are still in motion, moving from the bathrooms or down hallways. My eyes go directly to the fourth floor, room 418.

Only one dot is in the room.

“Call the room. Ask who’s missing.” My heart lodges in my throat.

The Custo does as I ask, calling into the room’s intercom system.

“This is Rose,” a voice says. I picture the dark-haired girl.

“What is the location of your roommate?”

“I don’t know. She never returned from the clinic.”

“Lock down the dormitory after I leave. Don’t open it again,” I declare, heading toward the door.

“Where are you going?” the Custo asks.

“To locate the occupant of 418.”

“Don’t you think she’s secure?”

I don’t answer. It doesn’t matter what I think. The wind knocks me backwards as I step outside. It will only matter when I find her and make sure Mercy’s safe.