Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



When I arrive downstairsthe following morning for work, I expect Kai. Instead I find another Custo, Dimka, waiting. He’s tall with broad shoulders, inches taller than the other men including the Athionans. His coloring is a bit darker and the shape of his eyes slightly different. There’s a long scar along his neck that travels beneath his collar. The skin is slightly discolored and it looks like whatever caused it was painful.

I can’t help my curiosity about these males. Although they are completely different from human men like Dr. Kane, I still find them very appealing.

“Good morning, Ms. Ladd.”

“Hello, Dimka. I was expecting Kai. Is everything okay?”

His hesitation is barely noticeable but I notice a quick line appear between his eyes. “Just a small incident on the eastern border. Nothing to worry about. I volunteered to take his place.”

“I hate to drag you from something important. I could have gone alone—it’s not very far.”

His eyes cloud and he shakes his head. “No. Your safety is our highest priority.” He gestures for me to go ahead and I hear him say under his breath, “And trust me, it’s not an inconvenience.”

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to hear that comment, but I do, and it sends a thrill up my spine. Having the full attention of these strong, warrior-like Athions is a surprising pleasure.

Dimka doesn’t speak to me as much as Kai, and it only gives me time to study the man next to me. There are differences between the two Custos besides size and coloring.

“Watch your step,” he says as we get to an uneven part of the sidewalk. Dimka has a slight accent—one I don’t think I’ve heard in my time here.

“Your accent—it’s different from the others.”

He gives me a wary look. “I’m from a place called the Southern Tip.”

“Oh, I’m from the south too. Not the Athion one, but the one in the United States. We talk differently, too.”

“I noticed.”

It’s like the gates open and I start to babble.

“I grew up in one of the southern states, North Carolina. It’s not the ’Deep South,’ but I think that depends on where you lived. Our area was pretty rural, although my parents did okay. My mother is a school teacher. I always knew I wanted to go into the medical field.”

I don’t expect him to ask me anything, but to my surprise, he does.

“Was it just you? Do you have any siblings?”

I swallow the lump that formed automatically in my throat. “Yes. A sister.”

“I had brothers.”

“Are you close?” I ask.

“We were.”

Past tense and his eyes cloud when he mentions this.

“My sister and I were very close. We did everything together. Same college, she was in nursing and I shifted into mid-wifery.”

“And you left her behind when you chose to come to Athion?”

“No. Well, not exactly.” I want to tell him the truth. It feels like a betrayal to her life to do anything differently. “She was seduced by a Trad and was impregnated.”

“Oh,” he says, eyes softening. “Was she taken?”

I shake my head. “No. They didn’t get the chance. She killed herself before they could take her or the baby.”

“That…” his hands ball into tight, angry fists and there’s no mistaking the anger in his eyes. “That is a devastating story.”

It’s not a story. Not for me. It’s reality and I should have been there to protect her—the woman in my life that needed my help. Instead, I was too busy helping everyone else. “It was difficult for me and my parents.”

We walk toward the clinic in silence and I’m not sure how I feel about revealing so much of myself to this man I barely know. Maybe that’s why it was easy.

“I was forced to leave my brothers as well—my whole family, actually.” He looks up at me with soulful eyes. “I’m glad you had an opportunity for something different, something new.”

“I’m hoping this will be a fresh start,” I tell him.

“I hope for that for you, too.”

He leaves me at the clinic and I start the day feeling lighter. Dr. Kane notices.

“You seem in good spirits today, Ms. Ladd.”

“I am, thank you.” I hand him the data for the next client we’ll see in a few minutes. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“This morning, Dimka escorted me from the dormitory and he mentioned he’s from the Southern Tip. Do you know anything about that region?”

He looks up from the data pad where he’d been jotting down notes and looks at me quizzically. “I do.”

“Well?” I prompt, unsure of his hesitation.

“It’s a small series of islands. They have different customs and cultures in their regions as well as a few different physical markers.”

“Like skin tone?”

“Yes, among other things.” He clears his throat. “It’s sort of like how people are on Earth. Different ethnicities and accents depending on where we were raised. Different features such as eye shape or features.”

“That makes sense.” I wipe down the counter with sterilizing pads.

“Ms. Ladd, are you spending a lot of time with the Custos?”

I glance up and frown. “What? No. Just the time it takes to escort me back and forth to the dormitory.”

“And do you speak personally with them during these walks? Share things about yourself?”

“I…” After today I couldn’t deny that I felt comfortable with them, even Dimka. “Is that wrong?”

His expression softens. “It’s not wrong, but I’ve been here longer than you have and maybe I just have a little more awareness of the customs. The Custos are an elite squad, similar to our S.E.A.L. teams or Rangers. They should not be distracted from their duties.”

“I assure you I am not doing anything to distract them from their duties,” I say defensively.

“Not on purpose.” He chuckles. “The Custos are Athion men like all others on this planet. They are hormonally designed to seek a fertile mate. Sure, they follow a code for their service, but nature can’t be overruled. They’re attracted to you. Distracted by you.” He settles his piercing eyes on me. “I can understand why.”

Heat flames my cheeks and I move to straighten the counter. “I think you’re overestimating my ability to distract men, Dr. Kane.”

“I don’t think so.” I hear him move and turn, finding him right behind me. “Despite what you’ve been told, not all of the men here are just like human men. Some have…differences that you may find unsettling. Please be careful, Ms. Ladd. I know you came here for a reason—just like I did—to help the women of Earth as they enter this society. I’d hate for that to become derailed.”

He’s very close to me and although he’s suggesting I not get distracted from my goals, he’s not making it very easy.

“You don’t have to worry about me, Dr. Kane. We both know I’m well outside the prime birthing age desired by men on this planet.” I pick up the next file in the holder by the door. “Our next patient is here. I’ll make sure she’s ready.”

He blinks. “Thank you, Ms. Ladd.”

We don’t discuss it again but all day I think of his warnings, his closeness and his scent, and wonder what he was really warning me about. The Custos or himself?