Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



I’m usheredinto the Master’s quarters and he waits for me with a gleeful expression. These dinners have grown tiresome. It became clear on the first one what my expectations were: fake it. Pretend like I’m interested in this man. That I enjoy his stories and banter. That his bragging of human trafficking doesn’t make my skin recoil. So far, he’s kept his distance—and there’s something old-fashioned about his manners. Pulling out my chair, politely offering me a drink. I feel the slow simmer of rage and madness beneath the façade and I’ve witnessed firsthand what he will do to Kai and Alex if I don’t comply.

“You look lovely,” he says, proud of the dress he picked out. It’s heavy and cumbersome. I can barely walk without toppling over and the beading of the bodice is heavy, threatening to fall at any moment, providing a nip-slip that would rival Janet Jackson’s.

“Thank you,” I reply, playing the game. “You look quite handsome.”

It’s not a lie. The human form he took is impressive. Strong, square jawline, angular cheekbones, soul-searching eyes. He even took on some of the smaller features that make a man handsome; tiny laugh lines by his eyes, soft-looking lips. It’s all a mirage to the beast underneath and another trick to make me more pliable.

“Before we go to the living room, I want you to know we have a guest attending tonight.” His lips curve up in a small, strange smile.

“Someone is joining us for dinner?”

“Well, not exactly. More like an observer.” He gestures for me to follow him down the hallway. “Mercy, I need you to remember your place.”

His words chill me and I brace myself as we turn the corner. It’s not enough preparation. When I see Kai standing there, bound by an invisible force, my heart nearly snaps in two.

He looks terrible. Awful. Beautiful. All at the same time. His normally smooth blue skin is riddled with cuts and bruises. His cheeks are hollow. His amber eyes filled with both anger and exhaustion. He swallows, biting back something he knows he cannot say. I hold his eye for a heartbeat.

I love you.

“Oh,” I say aloud, instinctively, covering my mouth. All I want to do is reach out to him. Take him in my arms. Heal his wounds, but the Master would lose his mind and punish him for my desires. I push my shoulders back and pretend Ieverything is okay. “So he won’t be joining us, then?”

“Oh no,” the Master laughs, “that would be highly inappropriate. I mean, bringing another man along on a date seems preposterous.”

A date.

I almost ask why he’s here, but I don’t. I get an uneasy feeling in my belly. Kai being here is a warning about how I should respond. If I go against the Master’s desires, Kai will pay.

Whatever he has planned, it doesn’t happen right away. He snaps his fingers and slaves appear carrying trays of food and drinks. There are fine meats, vegetables and delicacies. The table is piled high with more food than the two of us could possibly eat and even from a distance, I can hear the rumble of Kai’s stomach.

After a moment I lean over and say, “Don’t you think it’s rude to eat in front of our guest?”

The Master shakes his head. “All residents are given a specific meal plan. He’s fine, plus it’s bad form to invite lesser beings to the table.”

I swallow back my anger at his hand waving. The Master, first and foremost, is an asshole.

“Lesser beings?”

“The Athions,” he replies dismissively. “They’re not like the Trad or humans. They’re basic beings without ambition. They’re the worker-bees of society, which is necessary and why they make such good slaves. It’s like it’s their rightful place. Really, everything I do for them is a benevolence.”

I rest my fork on my plate.

“What? Is something wrong?” he asks through a mouthful of food.

“Sorry, I just don’t have an appetite.”

He frowns and it should scare me. It does scare me, but truthfully, what else can he do? He’s hurt my men. He’s taken away my autonomy. He’s forced me into playing dress up in an attempt to replace my sister.

“Why don’t you tell me what this is really about?” I say, lifting my glass of wine and sipping it.

His eyes flick to Kai and back to me. “I just wanted a special evening.”

“I appreciate that, but something’s different, and not just Kai over there. What’s going on?”

He takes a breath and exhales while wiping his mouth with his napkin. “I’d wanted to do this differently,” he confesses in a rush. “Over dessert, maybe? Possibly on the couch? I don’t know. I’ve played this out a hundred times and in my mind it’s impossible to make it exactly right.”

Against all of my instincts, I reach for his hand and take it in my own. “Please, go ahead, the anticipation is killing me.”

He smiles with uncharacteristic nervousness. “Now that you’ve settled into your midwife position, which, by the way, you’re doing a wonderful job. Eight healthy newborns already. You’re very skilled.”

Some of the births can be tricky, especially with the claws and barbed tails, but I’d managed to successfully deliver each one as well as maintain the mother’s safety. “Thank you.”

“It seems like maybe it’s time we move forward on a more personal level. We’ve been doing this for a while. Several weeks, at least. Spending time with one another, having dinner.”

“Yes, we have.”

“I think it may be time to take this to the next phase.”

Dread pools in my belly. “Excuse me?”

His eyes meet mine. “I’ve tried to be patient, to exert my willpower as much as I can, but I don’t know if I can wait anymore, Mercy. This relationship. It’s happening.” There’s the hint of a threat cloaked under a bashful grin. “I’m ready and I think you are, too.”

“Ready for…” I feel the need to clarify.

“To consummate our relationship. I want to lie with you.”

He says it so normally, as though we’re in a mutual, willing relationship with one another. As though he can’t snap his fingers and end both my and Kai’s life at once. I dare a look at my Custo, expecting a seething rage. If he’s angry, it’s buried deep. Behind sadness and pain.

“When?” I ask, feeling the wall I’ve built shift into place.

“Tonight?” He searches my eyes. “Tomorrow?”

I want to vomit. But I can’t. Kai’s life hangs in the balance. It’s understood.

“Tomorrow. I’d like to prepare,” I reply, then add on a smile. “For you. Make everything perfect.”

He laughs. “Wonderful. Tomorrow.”

He calls for the slaves in celebration while I reach for my wine and link eyes with one of the men I love. I don’t know what I expect to see. Reassurance? The flare of anger that tells me it will all be okay? My gaze is met with emptiness. Sadness, and I know the truth.

The cavalry isn’t coming.