Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



Usingthe laser gun to remove the chains, both Alex and Kai stand a bit straighter. The cuffs remain for now but it’s better than nothing.

“Mercy,” Kai says, moving toward the door. “She’s—”

“Taken care of. Damon is on it.”

Alex furrows his brow. “The Master has her and he’s planning—”

“Don’t worry about them. She’s safe. I promise.” Neither look satisfied. “My only hope is they leave the Master alive so I can skin him myself.”

“Brother,” Kai says, giving me a weak hug, “You’re a welcome sight.”

“You were hard to find,” I tell him. “This dungeon isn’t even on the maps and blocked by some kind of magnetic force. I had to pry the information out of the Master’s men, one level at a time.”

They both look like hell. Malnourished, dehydrated, and definitely nursing a variety of injuries.

“Is this just a rescue mission?” Alex asks. There’s noise in the hallway. The other soldiers containing and rallying the prisoners.

“It’s bigger than that,” I admit. “It didn’t start off that way, but a few different things have changed the course of our vision. I think you’ll approve.” Kai, leans against the wall. “Let’s get you out of here and healed up. Then we can plan.”

I’m itching as much as they are to get back to Mercy and follow up on our plans. This wasn’t just a rescue mission. It’s an occupation. Emperor Elin issued a directive to all active members of the military and special units, the Athion nation is taking back the women we brought from Earth. We made an agreement to keep them safe and we’re going to do everything we can to restore that trust, starting with this facility and birthing ring on Cryron.

But there’s no doubt my main motivation is Mercy’s safety first, my brother’s second, and tearing the Master apart third.

If Damon has accomplished the first part and I’ve secured the second, there’s only one thing left.

Kill the fucking bastard that ruined my life.