Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



The next morning,I walk through the living quarters toward the office. I pass two Athion resistance soldiers along the way, both standing on alert. They nod with respect when they see me and I stop.

“Do you know where Damon is?”

He tilts his head toward the closed door. “He’s in a meeting.”

“With the other Custo?”

I don’t really feel like dealing with them as a group right now. This battle will have to be won individually. Alex is already Team Stay Together and after last night, I’m definitely on Team Alex.

“No, a scout.”

“Thank you.”

When I get to the office door, I don’t knock.

Damon looks up at me from behind the desk, gray eyes sweeping over me. My stomach flip-flips at that look, knowing there’s heat behind it, but I also can sense he’s in a mood.

Guess what? I don’t care.

“We need to talk,” I say, ignoring the short, stocky Athion in the room. The man looks at me with slight awe. I hadn’t really believed the men when they told me I’m famous because of that video, but the few Athions I’ve run into give me the impression they at least know who I am.

“Can this wait?” Damon asks, dismissively.

“Sure,” I say, walking over to the leather sofa and taking a seat. “I’ll be right here.”

A look of irritation crosses his features but I ignore him, instead picking up a coffee table book. It’s an antique, photos of the national parks in the US, all part of the Master’s strange obsession with humans. I lean back and cross my legs, slowly flipping through the pages.

“Any sign of Tradrych forces?” Damon asks the scout.

“Not yet. I think our assumption is that they’ve focused so much of their military forces on the Earth invasion that they’ve left places like Cryron to falter.”

Out of the corner of my eye I see Damon cross his arms, forcing his massive biceps to bulge impressively. “Any word from the ships on the outer atmosphere?”

“All clear.” The scout shifts on his feet. Damon lifts an eyebrow in question and the Athion’s eyes dart in my direction. I quickly divert my gaze back to the book.

“Anything else?” Damon asks in a low voice.

“There’s been a sighting of Target One in the merchant district. Video footage from a shopkeeper.”

Target One?

I look up and see Damon’s jaw tic. “Anything else?”

“No, sir.”

“I want the district tossed. Top to bottom. Unearth that weasel and find out what he’s hiding.”

“Yes, sir.”

Damon nods and the scout scurries from the room, passing me without looking up.

“Bye,” I call as the door slams shut. I turn back to Damon and see he’s moved to the front of his desk, leaning against it, arms crossed over his chest. I nod at the door and say, “He seems nervous.”

“Did you come here for a reason?” he asks, sharply.

“Do I need one?” I place the book on the table and stand. “Are you avoiding me?”

His eyes rake over me, head to toe. “Why would you say that?”

“Just a feeling I’m getting.”

“No, I’m not avoiding you. I’m busy. There’s a rebellion afoot.”

I slowly walk across the room until I’m a few feet away. “I’ve noticed. In fact, that’s why I came here. To talk about the women in the ward and their futures.”

He visibly relaxes and gestures to one of the chairs in front of the desk. “What are you thinking?”

“We need to get these women back to Athion as soon as possible. Being here…it’s stressful and puts them at a medical risk. There are some that are too close to birth to transport, but those that have already given birth? They need to feel safe and they need to move on with their lives.”

He nods. “That makes a lot of sense.”

“Normally, the babies would be taken from their mothers after a set time and the women returned to the brothels where the whole process starts over again.”

Dark rage settles on his face and his hands grip the edge of the desk, turning white at the knuckles. “I knew he was a fucking bastard, but holy shit.” He runs his hand over his face. “We’ll organize this immediately.”

“I’d like to help,” I say. “They trust me.”

“You have a lot of obligations already.”

“I’m hoping the influx of new patients will slow down, right?”


“Our focus needs to be on the health of these women and getting them back home.”

He snorts.

“What?” I ask.

“Home. Athion isn’t home to these women.” His eyes flick to mine. “Or you.”

“My home is wherever you and the others are.”

There’s a pause as he processes this admission, but after a beat, he speaks. “Mercy, you’re not the only one that left Earth with a mission. The two of us, back on my ship…we probably crossed a line we shouldn’t have. I didn’t know this is where it would end up. That Cassidy and Amias would betray me like that. That I’d have to build an army to keep you safe. This doesn’t go both ways for me. I’m either in or out. And when I’m on the edge like that, living on my own, lines can blur easier, but here? When I have a job to do like this? I can’t let my emotions or my cock get in the way.”

I stare at him, trying to keep my jaw from hanging on the floor as well as my foot from nailing him in the balls. A million retorts pop in my head but the only one that makes it out of my head is, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

He holds firm. “No. I’m not.”

“You think this mission is more important than our relationship.”

“You don’t think yours is?”

“No, you idiot! I think they’re both important. I think they’re part of a balanced life. I think that you need to get over yourself and your desire for self-sabotage and isolation and deal with reality.”

He steps forward and I push him back with both hands. He grabs me by the wrists. “Reality is that I’m getting on a ship in three days to go unearth a hidden birthing ring. I’m going to save more women and shut the system down. It’s my job, Mercy. I took it on when I was given this army to save you.”

“Then give the army back.”

He shakes his head. “It’s too late for that.”

I wrangle my arms away from him. “You know what I think?”

He stares at me and doesn’t answer.

“I think that you’re scared, that you’d rather keep running than deal with actual reality. What you have right here in front of you. A family. A bond.” I glare at him. “Me.”

I turn and walk to the door, horrified to see that Kai is standing there. He looks distressed but I don’t want to talk to him. And if I expect Damon to call for me, I’m a fool, because there’s nothing but silence that follows me as I walk away.