Owned By The Bratva King by Jagger Cole



Two days later,I’m still stewing. I’m still buzzing, too. I’ve basically sequestered myself in my quarters, barely even coming out for meals. I tell myself it’s because I’m angry. The lie I tell myself is that I’m furious that Yuri used his power and influence over me to take advantage of things, and to do things to me no other man ever has.

But, yeah… that’s a lie.

I’m not angry at him for the things he did to me. In fact, I can’t stop melting into feverish day-dreams and nighttime fantasies about his hands and mouth on me that leave me slick and throbbing. Yuri didn’t take advantage of me, because I let him touch me. I wanted his hands on me, and I know deep in a shameful place that I’ve been aching for him since the moment I laid eyes on him.

I’m angry because giving in to that aching lust was “giving in.” Or maybe I’m just not sure how to process the fact that I like the fucked up power dynamic. Being both his captive and his plaything gives me a thrill I’ve never ever felt before. And I like it; I like it a lot more than I fucking should.

Try as I might, my body won’t let me forget the feeling of pure ecstasy that his tongue between my legs gave me. I can’t stop thinking about the way his hands felt—the way he touched me and turned me to putty.

I can’t forget the way his kiss electrified me. And it’s downright infuriating.

Two nights after the meeting with Semyon, I’m slumped across my bed. But my mind won’t stop whirling. The problem is, the usual cure for my brain not shutting up is to call my best friend Belle and vent. Except there’s two big problems with that solution given my current circumstances.

One, I’m a captive on a yacht in the middle of the Black Sea, with no cell phone. And two, the man who’s mouth I can’t stop thinking about, who’s also the man holding me captive?

Yeah, that would be Belle’s father. There’s a conversation literally no one wants to have about their own dad.

The unfairness of all of this suddenly hits a peak. My anger at this entire situation suddenly pops. With a hiss on my lips, I jump up and storm out of my quarters. It seems they only locked the doors on me that first night here. After that, they were left open for me to come and go as I please. I mean what am I going to do, run away? It’s a boat.

I storm down the halls of the yacht, up a flight of stairs, and then out the doors to the private deck where I had dinner with Yuri. Sure enough, he’s out there. He’s in perfectly fitting suit pants and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, sitting in a deck chair by the railing reading a book.

He looks up in curious amusement as I march over to him.

“You’ve emerged.”

But he stops smiling when I yank the book out of his hand and toss it over the rail to land in the pool below.

A low growl rumbles in his throat as he slowly stands, glaring at me.

“I didn’t peg you for a thrower of temper-tantru—”

“There are people who won’t believe I’ve just run off with some random rich guy, you know!” I snap. “They’ll talk!”

His eyes narrow as he folds his arms over his chest. “You mean people like my daughter.”

Yep,” I sneer back.

Yuri’s eyes pierce into me, making me tremble. But then, he shrugs.

“Then call her. I’ll get you a phone.”

My brow furrows. “Just like that.”

He shrugs. “Just like that.”

“So I guess you want me to lie to her too about what’s going on?”

Yuri looks amused. “I want you to say whatever you desire.” His brow furrows. “River, you are mistaken if you think I am worried what people think of me; that I let anyone in this world hold any power at all over me. Here.”

He pulls a phone out of his pocket and holds it out to me.

“This is a clean phone. It’s all yours. Call her, please.”

I eye him warily, my lips pursed. “You’re still patching things up after abandoning her for the first eighteen years of her life, just in case you forgot that little detail.”

His smirk fades as he stiffens. His brow darkens.

No, River,” he growls. “I had not actually forgotten about the daughter whose life I did not get to be a part of for her entire childhood,” he says thickly.

He glares at me, his eyes narrowing.

“But you’re her best friend. You know all of that, which means you’re simply trying to be petty.”

I scowl back at him. But, of course, he’s right. Of course I know the story from Belle.

“You know damn well why I kept my distance from my only child,” he growls, anger rising in his voice. “I couldn’t be a part of her world. Or more specifically, I couldn’t let her become a part of mine. Things were dangerous back then. Extremely so.”

He smiles thinly, eyes narrowing.

“But you’re a smart girl. You know all of this. So be my fucking guest, River,” he grunts. “Call Belle. Tell her whatever you want.”

“Including that you’ve kidnapped me?”

He pushes the phone into my hand. And without another word, he turns and storms off. But I don’t feel victorious. I just feel like a bitch.

“My my my!”

I blush when I hear my best friend gush on the other end of the line.

“Well, I’d ask how your vacation is going, but it seems rhetorical, from what I’ve heard.”

I bite my lip, groaning. “What, uh… what have you heard?”

Belle laughs. “Oh, you know, nothing crazy. Just that my best friend in the world got rescued from actual, real-life pirates by some rich older European playboy, who she is now shacked up with getting laid eight ways from Sunday?”

I cringe, feeling my face burn.

“Does that about sum things up?” She giggles before groaning. “I cannot believe you’re just calling me now!”

“I—yeah I didn’t have my phone—”

“And you haven’t left Mr. European hottie’s bed in a week?”

My lip twists in my teeth. “Where have you been hearing all this?”

“Oh, you know how this fucking town is,” she groans. She means LA. “The tabloids have been losing their shit about you getting knocked up by the heir to some random European throne.”

I groan. “Yeah, that’s not entirely correct…”

“Gee, no way,” she laughs sarcastically. Aside from being my best friend, Belle’s also one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood. She’s had way more than her fill of and run-ins with paparazzi bullshit and half-cocked gossip rag stories.

That should mean I can offload all of what’s been happening to me to her. But obviously, I can’t do that. Not with the little detail of who exactly has been keeping me.

Belle’s well aware of what her father is. Of course she is, her own husband is a captain in the Kashenko bratva back in Chicago. But knowing the father you’ve just come into contact with is the head of a Russian mafia family is one thing. Knowing he’s also making your best friend who’s barely older than you are ache for him, and crave him, is another thing entirely.

“So, it’s not an heir to a throne?”

I frown, shaking my head. “No.”

Belle giggles. “But the other details…?”

I blush deeply. “No!

She laughs. “So wait, you’re not finally getting laid?”

I groan as my face burns. “No, God. Well…” I chew on my lips, blushing deeper. I look up from my bed that I’m lying across to look out the huge wall of glass that overlooks the sea.

“Yeah, I’m going to need some clarification on that ‘well’, girl,” Belle snickers.

I roll my eyes as my cheeks throb. “It’s just…” I frown. “It’s hard to explain.”

“You met someone who finally makes you want to do something crazy. And it’s the strongest feeling you’ve ever had about anything in your life. But every single part of your life screams that it’s a bad idea, because it’s new and scary, and maybe that person doesn’t mesh with your version of life?”

My brows arch. Belle sighs.

“That about sum up what you’re feeling?”

“What are you, a fucking mind reader?” I mumble.

She giggles. “No, but there was that small detail a year ago of me, the Hollywood actress, running off with the Bratva hitman and having a wild and lurid affair with him which ended up in me falling hopelessly in love with and marrying him. Ring any bells?”

I laugh. “Maybe I did read about that somewhere.”

“Look, I can’t tell you what to do. But this guy you’re with… does being around him feel dangerous because you feel like you’re in danger? Or because it’s exciting and new, and it feels like it might shake up the life you thought you had?”

I smirk and slip off the bed to pad over to the windows. “Hey, if this whole Hollywood superstar thing doesn’t work out, you should look into being a therapist, you know.”

Belle laughs. “Only for you.”

I sigh and drop my forehead against the glass. “And it’s not the first one. Maybe the second one.”

“You’re not in danger, but he still feels dangerous.”

“Yes,” I whisper. “Sort of.”

Talking to her about this guy and my own twisted up emotions suddenly starts to feel shitty. I mean, this is her father we’re talking about. Her father and me.

“You know what? Don’t stress about it,” I sigh. “I’m fine, honestly. Just having fun. I just wanted to call and say hi, that’s all.”

“You sure? You know I’m here if you want to dig into—”

“Yeah, no, I’m good,” I smile guiltily. “Really.”

She laughs. “Alright, alright. I know that tone. Fine, I’m off the case. But just one thing, if I may.”

I smile. “Shoot.”

“Do you get that hot feeling in the base of your stomach when he kisses you? Do you feel that… I don’t know, it’s like a wave that explodes inside?”

I close my eyes, blushing as I gently nod.

Yes,” I mumble.

“Well then, just do you, River,” she sighs. “Live the adventure. Have fun, and just see where it takes you. You’ve earned some time off.” She giggles. “And besides, what the hell is the point of being a famous model if you can’t run off for a tawdry sex-cation with a hot older European guy, right?”

I groan, rolling my eyes. “Thanks, super helpful as always.”

She laughs. “Call me anytime. You know that, though.”

“I do know that.”

“And have fun.”

I blush.

“Just, you know, maybe don’t get knocked up?”

I groan, rolling my eyes. “Yeah, thanks.”

She laughs. “Call me, okay?”

“I will.”

“Oh! Shit! I almost forgot.”

I frown. “What?”

“I was going to invite you to my next premier in a few weeks!”

I grin. “For Tomorrow’s Battle?!”

Not a month ago, Belle dragged me in to the private screening room at her new production company to show me the semi-final cut of her upcoming war movie. Which she not only produced, but stars in. And it’s fucking awesome. It’s like Zero Dark Thirty meets 127 Days. And of course, Belle is freaking incredible in it.

“Uh, hell yes! I’d love to!”

“Great! It’ll be fun. Feel free to bring a date, or…” Belle laughs.


“Nothing. I was just going to say, or you could come with my dad as his date.”

I freeze, feeling the blood leave my face.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Well, cause I invited him and told him to bring a date, and he laughed it off.” She sighs. “Never mind, that’s just me trying to be funny.”

I laugh nervously. “Oh, yeah, no, totally. I’ll just bring your dad…”

I groan inside.

“Oh, perfect. A match made in heaven,” she snickers sarcastically. “But I am not calling you stepmom in case you two get married. Just so we’re clear.”

Lord, please take me now, I groan to myself.

“But I guess your oil tycoon might have a problem with that.” She laughs again. “Anyways, talk soon?”

“Yeah…” I mumble.


When I hang up, I turn and toss the phone onto the bed. Then I look back out the windows at the rolling sea. The sun is just starting to dip past the horizon, painting everything in golden orange.

My stomach gurgles, reminding me it must be close to dinner time. The last few nights, I’ve just been walking myself to the kitchen, asking Korol, the chef, for something, and then taking it back to my room to eat. Which sounds like a great idea for right now, too.

I’ve been lounging around my quarters all afternoon in yoga pants and a t-shirt. And even if I’m here as a captive of sorts, I feel weird about the idea of walking around a yacht this fancy dressed like a schlub.

I find a cute dress in the closet and bring it back into the bedroom. I peel off the t-shirt and yoga pants, then my bra… Then the door to my bedroom bangs open.

I gasp, whirling as my face burns hotly. My hands fly up to cover my chest as Yuri storms in, looking fierce and powerful. He’s in a crisp white dress shirt, open at the collar, and dark blue, ridiculously well-fitted dress pants. He prowls towards me as I tremble, my pulse surging.

“Uh, can I help you?!” I blurt, half in anger, half in excitement.

“Earlier,” he snarls as he marches right over to me. He stops inches from me, looming over me with his piercing blue eyes holding mine captive. I swallow, trembling.

“Earlier what?” I snap.

“I was wrong,” he grunts quietly.

I smirk. “Well, that’s a first—”

“I was wrong to allow you to speak to me like that, without repercussions,” he growls. He lowers his mouth to my ear, making me gasp. “Without punishment,” he hisses into my ear.

My breath stutters. I shiver as heat teases over my skin.

“You…” I swallow before I drag my eyes up to his. “You don’t get to talk to me like—”

“That is exactly where you’re wrong, kiska,” he growls. “This is my world. You are in my kingdom, under my control. And while you are here, I will speak to you any which way I please.”

I sneer at him.

“So you take me without my permission, you lock me on this boat, you trot me around like a fucking bargaining chip for your disgusting little Bratva friend—”

“He is not my friend—”

“And you think you can walk into my fucking bedroom, and touch me, or kiss me whenever you goddamn please?!”

“I haven’t exactly heard any complaints.”

My jaw is in the process of dropping when his hand suddenly juts out and takes one of my wrists. Without even blinking, he yanks that hand away from the bare breast it’s covering and brazenly lowers his gaze to my chest. He smirks before he looks back up into my shocked face.

“I still don’t hear any comp—”

My hand rips from his grip, swings back, and slaps him, hard, across the cheek. Instantly, my face pales. I see his eyes blaze and his jaw clench. But my fear melts into brazenness. I smile as I leer up at him.

“What, sir,” I spit. “What, your majesty,” I sneer. “This is your kingdom, right?”

The growl rumbles in his throat. He glares down into my eyes with a fierceness that takes my breath away.

“What are you going to do,” I hiss quietly. “Hit me?”

But slowly, Yuri smiles… a dark, hungry smile.

“No, kiska,” he growls. “I’m not going to hit you.”

I gasp as his hand slips up into the back of my hair and grabs a fistful of it. I whimper as he yanks me into him and suddenly kisses me so hard it bruises my mouth. But God help me, I moan. I moan eagerly into the kiss.

When he pulls away, I’m gasping through swollen lips. I’m panting for a breath, and my pulse is thudding in my ears.

“I’m not going to hit you,” he growls as he looms close. His eyes blaze with an icy blue fire.

“I’m going to fuck that little brat mouth of yours until I spill my cum down your throat.”

My jaw drops. My pulse surges. No one has ever once spoken to me like this. Not even close. I want to feel shocked and scandalized. But I’m not horrified; I’m turned on.

I feel more turned on than I maybe ever have before. I like the way he’s just spoken to me. I like the way it lights a fire inside of me.

His eyes burn into me. His hand tightens in the hair at the nape of my neck. He doesn’t push or coax… it’s all me, and my own volition that brings me to my knees in front of him.

His hand stays in my hair as I look up at him, my pulse thudding. His eyes captivate mine, never letting them pull away. My hands reach up, shaking, but with lust and desire as I undo his belt. Then the zipper of this pants.

I fumble with the rest, but he just groans and brings a hand up. He pops the button on his pants and slips them and his briefs down. My eyes drop from his gaze. They widen, my mouth falling open as the throbbing, thick, veined shaft slips into sight.

He pulls his briefs lower, and lower, and lower. More and more of his swollen length slides into view. A tendril of tattoo the groove of his hip muscle swirls into a black rose. I tremble as he peels them lower, until suddenly, the waistband slips off of his head, and his full, engorged cock springs out right in front of me.

My core clenches as my pulse thuds. Holy fucking shit. My mouth hangs open.

He’s… big. Very, very big. Virgin with no experience or not, I know what big looks like. My breath catches as I look up at him. His gaze holds mine fiercely, the lust and desire surging in his eyes. I reach up, gasping when my small hand wraps around the silky and yet rock-hard shaft. He’s so hot to the touch, and my heart skips as I give him a stroke.

I’m going to fuck that little brat mouth of yours until I spill my cum down your throat.

It’s so filthy and wrong. But there’s also no ignoring the heat that throbs in my core. There’s no ignoring the desire that coaxes my mouth forward, my tongue slipping out to wet my lips.

My eyes stay on his when my mouth kisses the head of him. Yuri groans, hissing as excitement sizzles through me. I kiss his swollen crown again. My lips part, and with a soft moan, I take him in across my tongue.

“Fuck, Kiska,” he growls thickly.

I whimper, spurred on by the way his face looks like he’s in pure heaven. His jaw grinds, and his eyes burn hotly into mine. I can feel his hand tighten in the back of my hair, but that only makes me wetter. It makes me bolder.

I suck, taking him a little deeper. He’s so big, and my jaw feels stretched around him as I hum eagerly. His hand pulls me back, and then guides me back onto him as his hips push. He’s not demanding or forcing. He’s showing. He’s guiding… teaching.

I moan, feeling more alive than I have ever have. I suck wetly on him as my eyes raise up to his again.

“Spread your legs, kiska,” he growls thickly.

I whimper, doing what he says. On my knees, I spread my legs, trembling as I slurp on his swollen dick.

“Now put your hand between them, and feel how wet you are for me,” he groans. “Touch your little pussy while I take your mouth.”

I don’t even hesitate. I don’t care how filthy and lewd this is. My hand slips eagerly into my panties. I’m so fucking wet—slick and dripping as my fingers slip over my lips. I moan around him as I start to rub my clit.

Yuri groans, pumping his hips. His thick head glides past my wet lips, pushing over my tongue into the back of my mouth. I whimper, humming and moaning as I rub my clit faster. He growls, dropping a second hand to my hair. His fingers thread into my long locks, taking two handfuls as his body surges against me.

I love this. It’s like a control and a dominance that I’ve craved, without even knowing I craved it. His cock swells, throbbing so big and hard in my small mouth. I whimper, slipping my hand up his body. I push his shirt up, dragging my nails over his abs. They clench, and the large, swollen balls beneath his cock jump, tightening.

He grunts, fucking my mouth and pushing his cock across my tongue as I rub myself. My pleasure builds and swells. Until suddenly, I feel myself start to explode.

“You’re going to make me cum, baby girl,” he snarls. “You’re going to make me cum down your pretty throat.”

His filthy words do it. With a muffled cry, I start to come. My fingers press hard against my clit as Yuri groans. His cock swells and throbs, with a hiss, he pushes it deep. I feel the first spurt of him hot across my tongue—sweet and salty, and I swallow it eagerly. More and more spills out across my tongue and down my throat as I moan around him.

And then gently, he pulls my mouth from his glistening, swollen cock. A drop of white cum beads at his crown and drips to land on my bare thigh.

My whole world is throbbing and buzzing. I don’t know where to look now, or where to put my hands. But slowly, gently, Yuri pulls me to my feet. He cups my face, looking me fiercely in the eye. His thumb brushes my bottom lip, pushing a drop of his cum back into my mouth. With a whimper, I suck his thumb between my lips and lick it clean.

Yuri groans, and his mouth crushes to mine, kissing me deeply. When he pulls back, we’re still staring at each other. I blush, biting my lip as his curl slightly at the corners.

“Dinner is in twenty minutes; my private deck.”

He kisses me again, and I can hear and feel him zipping his pants back up. Then he pulls away, turns and makes for the door.

“Are you… was that you inviting me to dinner?” I blurt.

He turns, smiling curiously. “Yes, River. It was.”

“After…” I blush and look down.

“After what? After that?” He frowns and turns fully. Then he walks back over to me. His hand cups my face tenderly again, tilting my chin up. And without missing a beat, he leans down to kiss me softly.

“It seems too crass to fill your mouth with my cum and not invite you to dinner, does it not?” He murmurs as he pulls back.

I blush as he grins at me. He leans down and kisses my lips once more. Then he turns and walks out the door, leaving me throbbing, tingling, and wetter than I’ve ever been.