Nolan by Lane Hart, D.B. West

Chapter Eighteen


Here I am, standing at the foot of the bed with Rita, about to do exactly what I said I would never do again.

Of course I want her. Not a day has gone by when I haven’t wanted her, despite everything.

It’s a relief to know that she never really abandoned me. No, I think I let the past taint my perception of her. But Rita isn’t Brooke, the little bitch I went to prison for after I stole her daddy’s car when I was young and stupid.

I was too quick to think the worst, and it cost both of us five long, miserable years.

And now, well, does it even matter that she missed me too and still wants me?

I can have her tonight, sure. Then, in a day or two, she’ll up and leave town to start her new life and I’ll stay here. Why would I torture myself with more memories of being happy with Rita when they won’t last?

Because I’m a masochist, just as she once accused me of all those years ago.

No matter how much it will hurt to let her go, I will, even though I wish she could stay here with me forever.

I’ll just have to take what I can get, which is tonight.

Finally, I release Rita’s hand, allowing her to pop the button on my jeans and pull the zipper down.

Whatever thoughts I had about taking this slow, savoring every second, disappears when her hand wraps around me.

My mouth crashes down on hers, and then it’s a race to get all of our clothes off as fast as possible. My boots are the trickiest, but Rita is ready to take care of them when she kneels down in front of me and unties the laces while at the same time her mouth teases my cock. Damn, the woman is one hell of a multitasker. I had forgotten that about her.

“Fuck, you make me crazy,” I tell her as her mouth works me over. She skips right over the teasing licks and goes straight to deep throating me.

And while her mouth feels amazing on me, I don’t want our first time in five years to end this way, with me the only one getting relief.

No, I want to try and make Rita forget every man she’s been with since the morning I left her bed.

“Condom. Wallet. Now,” I demand.

Rita doesn’t waste time locating the rubber, then helping me out of my shoes and pants.

I’m too close to coming, so before her mouth finds me again, I yank Rita back up to her feet. Only when she’s standing before me again in nothing but her little black thong do I remember the bedroom door is still open.

I glance over at the door, then to her before making the decision. Instead of leaving her for even those two seconds, I pick her up by her thighs, letting those long, beautiful legs wrap around my waist so I can take her with me to the door, shutting and locking it. Then I can barely make it back to the bed, laying her on the mattress.

Having this amazing woman in my arms again is a dream come true.

“The first time is going to be hard and fast,” I warn her as I slip my fingers between us to make sure she’s good and wet. “But then I’m going to lick your pussy for hours, milking every drop of pleasure from you that I can get.”

“Yes! Do it,” Rita urges. “I’m ready.”

“Fuck, yes, you are,” I agree. I have to move off of her to get the condom on. Ripping the foil wrapper with my teeth, I get the rubber out and roll it down my shaft in record-breaking time.

Then I’m back on her. My hands start at her breasts and work their way down, wanting to touch every inch of her at the same time.

“Nolan, please!” she demands while wrapping her legs around my waist to get our lower bodies closer, making me grin.

Taking my length in my hand, I fist it by the base and start feeding it inside of her. In a split second, I’m sliding all the way inside of that tight, wet, heat unlike any other. I know she hasn’t been celibate all these years, but you couldn’t tell that by the way her body squeezes around me like an untouched virgin. I hold still, giving her time to adjust to my invasion. “God, I’ve missed you,” I tell her again as I capture her lips in a bruising kiss. My fingers weave through hers and pin them both beside her head.

Rita kisses me back while her body wiggles underneath me, trying to make me move. “Show me, Nolan!” she demands.

So, I do.

I fuck her so hard the bed bangs against the wall loudly. Hell, the whole house may be shaking from my urgent thrusts as I bury my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet rose and vanilla scent before kissing her there to taste it.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Rita cries in encouragement, her fingers squeezing my hands tighter either in pleasure or pain.

After all these years, I just want tonight to be as good for her as it is for me.

Based on the way her head is thrown back, eyes closed, lips parted between gasps and moans, I’m thinking it is.

Then her body locks down tight around my cock, holding me prisoner inside of her as the pleasurable pulses start in her pussy and work their way through her, making her legs quiver and the rest of her sexy body shake.

* * *


Beingin Nolan’s arms again feels amazing. And no matter how exhausted I am, I don’t want to miss a moment with him tonight. Sleep is overrated. We’ve spent too many nights apart. I want to know everything about him, except he doesn’t seem very interested in talking after we both begin to recover from the amazing round of sex.

No, he apparently meant what he said about going down on me for hours.

“Nolan!” I exclaim in embarrassment when his body slides down mine until his face is between my legs.

“Tell me you didn’t miss my tongue and I’ll stop,” he says, holding my eyes while the body part in question snakes out, licking briefly over my swollen bundle of nerves before retreating.

“Please don’t stop,” I whisper, giving in, losing all sense of modesty because it feels too damn good.

I get lost in the pleasure of his lips, tongue, and fingers, doing I don’t know what all to make my body shudder with the best, most explosive orgasms in my life.

They come one right after another, or maybe it’s a long one that doesn’t stop.

Either way, the shivers of pleasure go on and on until I can’t move a limb. The best I can do is locate and pat the top of his dark head before my eyes fall shut. “I can’t…no more…”

“You tapping out already? It’s only been…forty-five minutes.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Can’t move…” I tell him, my eyes refusing to open again.

Sometime later, feeling comes back into my arms, although my legs are still tingling. Hair tickles my cheek, and I realize my head is resting on Nolan’s chest. I don’t remember seeing him lie down. His arm is wrapped around me snugly, holding me to him as his slow and steady breaths make his chest rise and fall underneath my head.

“Are you awake?” I whisper.


“That was…I had forgotten how good we were together,” I tell him.

“I hadn’t.”

Okay, so maybe I just tried to forget.

“What have you been doing for the last five years?” I ask as I press my lips to his chest. “Other than being in prison for two of them, I mean.”

Nolan makes a grumbly noise that I feel vibrate through him. “Riding my bike, hanging with the guys, mostly just trying to stop thinking about you.”

I smile at his grumpy words that could be taken two ways. I prefer the way that means he couldn’t stop thinking about me.

“I couldn’t forget you either,” I admit. “I tried. Especially those first few weeks. I called you every shitty name in the book, wanting to make you a villain. Cory probably remembers my ranting. And never once did he say anything…”

“Let’s just try and forget that. We’ve both apologized, but neither of us did anything wrong. It was all just a misunderstanding that I want to forget.”

“Yeah,” I agree, even if I find it hard for him to just forget his time locked up.

Pushing my hair away from my shoulder so he can rub it, he asks, “What have you been doing for the past five years?”

“The same thing I’ve been doing forever,” I mutter. “Working. Every day just like the one before. My life feels like that movie, Groundhog’s Day. I wake up, go to the office, nap during lunch, leave to go home to change clothes and then stay on my feet for seven or eight hours serving beers. The only variations from one day or night to the next was the amount of tips I made or if the copier machine broke and caused havoc.”

“That sounds awful,” Nolan says.

“It was. I’m really glad to be given this chance to start over, to do something different for the first time since I can remember…”

“Yeah, I get it. That’s why I loved being a nomad, never staying in one place for too long, riding from one place to another.”

“Why did you give that up? Your patch is different now. It has Myrtle Beach on it.”

“When I got out of prison, I had to give my probation officer a permanent address, one where I could be at the drop of a hat for a random inspection to make sure I didn’t have any contraband, like drugs or guns. The Myrtle Beach crew was looking to increase their numbers, so Hugo, Abel, and I put in a transfer and were accepted here.”

“And now you’re miserable because you can’t roam the highways, and that’s my fault too?”

“No, it’s not your fault,” he says, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “And I haven’t been miserable. The MC has been full of excitement the past few years.”

“Yeah? You’re not just saying that so I won’t feel even more guilty?”

“I mean it. Hugo and Abel don’t seem to mind much either. We’re getting older, can’t drink as much as we used to without feeling like shit the next day or two. Instead of partying, we play pool, fix up our bikes, keep our heads down.”

“That doesn’t sound bad at all.”

“It’s not, Cherry Pie,” he agrees. “But it would’ve been better with you.”