Nolan by Lane Hart, D.B. West

Chapter Twenty-Seven


While we wait for the alterations on the dress, the women and I decide to walk down to the deli at the end of the block, the prospects trailing us like silent sentries. I nearly forget they are there when we order and sit down on one of the outdoor patio tables to eat.

Madison and Charlotte tell me all about how they met their bikers while we devour our sandwiches and then sip our lemonade.

“You won’t find a better group of men,” Charlotte says.

Madison nods. “I agree. I thought they were just a bunch of out-of-control vigilantes, but they’re truly good guys. It took me a while to see that and to appreciate their more…vicious side.”

My phone rings, interrupting our conversation.

Pulling it from my purse sitting by my feet, I look at the screen. “It’s Nolan,” I inform them before answering.

“Hey, is your secret job all finished?” I ask when I answer.

“Yeah, Cherry Pie, it is. We’re on our way back now,” he says, which is a huge relief.


“If you still want to do this, then everything will be ready tonight at seven at the butterfly garden. Do you know how to get there?” Nolan asks.

“Ah, no but I’m sure Charlotte or Madison will know. And yes, I still want to do this. I’ve already bought my dress. We’re just waiting for them to do a few quick alterations. It should be ready in an hour. Then I need to grab some shoes, and we’ll be ready to go!”

“Good. That’s good. The prospects keeping an eye on things?”

“They are. One is standing on our left, and the other is on our right out here,” I say as I turn to glance at the guys, who are keeping busy eyeing the surroundings.

“Out where?” Nolan snaps.

“We’re just sitting on the patio of a deli near the bridal shop. Why?” I ask, starting to get a little annoyed. Having him be protective is sweet and all, but I hope he doesn’t think he can tell me when and where I can go.

“You’re outside?”


“Rita, baby, do you really think that’s smart? Leroy is going to be looking for you.”

“Nolan, I thought you said everything was handled last night.”

“He left with his crew, but that doesn’t mean he decided to give up! If anything, he’s even more determined to find you now!”

“What makes you say that?” I ask, noticing the edge to his voice.

“Trust me, okay? Please just stay inside to be safe.”

“Okay. We’re getting ready to leave anyway to go check on the dress.”

“Do that,” he says, making it sound like an order. I know he’s just nervous, but by now, Leroy has probably already found some other woman back in Cape Cartwright to obsess over. “I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon,” I agree. “I love you, even when you’re being overprotective,” I tell him with a smile.

“I’m only overprotective because I love you and want to keep you safe.”

“I know,” I reply, and then he ends the call.

“Trouble with the giant?” Charlotte asks just as her phone and Madison’s chime with a new message.

“Let me guess,” I start. “Your men telling you to keep me inside too? Are they always so bossy?”

“No,” Madison remarks. “Cannon knows better than to try and tell me what to do. He must be concerned.”

“Don’t worry too much about it. Roman would keep me in a bubble at home if I let him,” Charlotte says.

One of the prospects phone starts ringing as I shake my head, knowing it’s likely Nolan checking in with them.

Lucas talks to him briefly before ending the call.

“What the fuck,” Jake grumbles from the other side of our table. “Why did he call you instead of me?”

“Because I’m better than you, that’s why. I can almost see that big ass patch on my cut now…” the other man teases right before they both stiffen.

I look around to figure out what put them on alert. That’s when I hear the growling sound of a motorcycle coming closer.

“Time to go, ladies,” Jake says.

He doesn’t have to tell me a second time. I jump to my feet with my tray, ready to throw the trash away to get back to the bridal shop.

But it’s too late.

A Harley comes rolling by slowly. Before I even get a good look at the rider, he hops off and then the driverless bike slams right into the back of the truck sitting at a stop light. I wince at the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass.

“Oh my God!” one of the women exclaims, followed by a man shouting, “Get down!”

An arm grabs mine and jerks me to the ground just as a loud blast goes off, followed by several more in quick succession.

Gun shots. It must be.

I finally lift my head to try and see what’s going on, instinct telling me to run, not try and hide in an outdoor patio with no protection.

But it’s too late. Arms that must belong to someone incredibly strong lift me completely off the ground. When my stomach suddenly slams against something hard, all the air goes out of me.

“Get the hell back!” a deep voice that’s unfortunately familiar says.


Of course it’s Leroy who picked me up. What other man could lift me above his head so easily?

“You shouldn’t have run off with that son of a bitch,” he says to me as we start moving. I try and squirm out of his grip, but it’s impossible.

“Please, please don’t kill me!” a frightened male voice says. At first, I think it’s Jake or Lucas, but then I see the blue truck, the same one that was hit by the bike.

“Get out!” Leroy orders the driver, who I don’t see until the man is thrown to the ground.

The next thing I know, I’m being thrown into the front seat of the vehicle. Through the passenger window I can see Charlotte and Madison both crawling toward the two boys sprawled on the ground. Oh god, Jake and Lucas!

I grab the door handle and get it open only to be yanked back by a tight grip in my hair that hurts so badly I cry out as I reach around to try and pry his fingers loose.

The car jerks forward and his voice warns, “You can come with me uninjured, or I’ll put a bullet in your leg to make sure you don’t run. What’s it going to be?”

If I have a bullet in my leg, then I won’t be able to try and run away when we stop.

So I stop fighting. For now.

Leroy puts me in a head lock, keeping me close to him as he drives with one hand on the wheel.