Nolan by Lane Hart, D.B. West



“Inow pronounce you husband and wife,” the preacher says. “You may now kiss your bride.”

“About fucking time,” I mutter before pulling Rita to me, planting a kiss on her mouth that’s so deep and probing our friends and family sitting outside the gazebo whistle and cheer.

We waited a few weeks for everyone to recover before planning another ceremony in the gardens, during the daylight this time. Jake, Leo, and Lucas are still slow to get around but healing. Roman agreed with my logic about waiting to see if they wanted to patch in until they can ride a Harley again. I think he’s worried both of the prospects may say “no, thanks,” and then we’ll have to start the prospect process all over again, waiting years before patching in new members. If he gives them time to put distance between nearly dying, well, maybe they’ll want to be a part of this life. If not, then unfortunately they were never ready for it in the first place.

The Savage Kings MC may not be the most ruthless, violent club around, but it’s still dangerous to be a member. The crowned skull king patch on our backs can garner respect or make us a target, which is sometimes scary as shit, especially now that I’ve got someone to come home to. But it’s worth it, knowing that whatever comes our way, our friends, my brothers, will be there and always have our backs.

When Rita and I finally come up for air, she hugs me close and says, “We did it. We actually did it!”

“You’re finally my wife, Cherry Pie.”

“It’s hard to believe we got here because of that lie,” she replies with a grin.

“We were always going to get here; we just had a bit of a detour.”

She laughs. “Just a little, tiny one.”

Someone clears their throat, obviously trying to get our attention. I should’ve known it was the redheaded brat, also known as Cory. I knew Rita had invited her brother, but he had so far had the good sense to keep a low profile.

“Hey, ah, I just want to say congratulations and that I’m sorry for the mess I caused,” the kid says. “You’re a good man, Nolan. And I hope I can be more like you from now on.”

“That is a great goal to have, little brother,” Rita says as she gives him a brief hug. “But you’re still going to have to work on making this up to me.”

“And you’re going to pay every penny of college your sister fronted for you back, aren’t you, kid?”

“Yes, sir,” he agrees with a nod before offering me a handshake. I take it, cutting him more slack than he deserves, but knowing he’s Rita’s family, her only family. I don’t want her to lose him in her life, even if he’s sometimes a jerk. I wish I still had my family.

But I guess I do have one here with the Savage Kings now.

Speaking of which…

I pull Rita to me, kissing her lips, her cheek, and her neck before kneeling down in front of her, getting an even closer look at her gorgeous white gown as I lift the hem.

“Nolan!” she exclaims as her face reddens with a blush.

“Don’t worry, baby, my head will be back under here later. For now, watch this…” I lean forward to bite into the white, satin and lace garter around her upper thigh and use my teeth to pull it down. Rita finally lifts her foot in understanding as I pull it free.

A few of our friends notice the tradition and are whistling when I stand up. My two best friends have their backs to us, though.

“Yo, Hugo! Abel! Catch!”

I slingshot the elastic garter from my fingers right into their direction. Both of them spin around and make a grab without realizing what they’re attempting to catch.

Abel is the lucky winner. His fist wraps around the material, then he opens his hand to stare down at it for a second before closing his eyes in regret. “Aw, fuck!” he mutters.

Hugo, now realizing what he missed out on, claps his hands together and throws his head back with a cackle. “Ah! Tough luck, motherfucker! You’re next!”

And even though the two men have so far refused to fall in love, I hope it comes for them both soon. It would be a shame for them to miss out on something that feels so damn good when you finally find it.

The End