Nolan by Lane Hart, D.B. West

Chapter Five


“Well? What did you think?” I ask Rita as soon as I kill the engine. I have to physically peel her fingers away from my cut to climb off my bike.

“That was…scary, but, ah, also sort of exhilarating.”


“I can see the appeal of them, feeling so free and nervous at the same time, but I think I prefer my car.”

“Maybe being the one driving makes it more fun,” I tell her.

“Maybe so. You were going way too fast!”

“Sorry,” I say without any regrets since I was doing the speed limit the entire way and was being more careful than if a newborn baby was behind me.

I hold out my hand for Rita to take, helping her climb off and noticing the slight wobble in her long legs when she is finally standing next to me.

“I’m shaking so hard I’m not sure if I can eat now,” she says, a noticeable tremor going through her.

“Let me see if I can help with that,” I suggest as I grab her waist to pull her body against mine. My lips place a kiss on her neck, making her shiver even harder at first. But by the second and third one, Rita slips her arms around my neck to hold on, leaning her weight against me.

Once my lips work their way over her jaw and cheek to her lips, our mouths are moving in sync.

“After near-death experiences…it’s good to find something…to ground you,” I tell her against her lips, between kisses.

“Yeah? I think you might be right about that,” she agrees before her tongue slides against mine, sending a jolt of need straight down to my cock.

Her fingers slide up and caress the back of my head. My hands glide down to grip the swells of her ass, urging her impossibly closer as I explore her mouth thoroughly.

In no time at all, I’m no longer hungry for food. In fact, I think I could be sustained by this woman’s mouth alone from now on. Her soft curves are pressed deliciously to my hard ones, especially the aching ones jutting into her belly in a silent demand to be inside of her.

“Nolan?” Rita whispers against my lips before her tongue takes away the ability for me to respond right away. Instead of answering with words, I make a grunt of acknowledgment. “Why didn’t we go back to my place for lunch?”

“Fuck if I know,” I answer. Then I realize that there’s no time for sex and lunch, not with what I have in mind for the first time I get her naked. And since she’s still got a shit ton of hours left in her day, the woman needs to take time to eat a good meal. I finally pull back and stop kissing her, even though my hands aren’t quite through with their roaming.

“Let’s eat now, and then pick this up tonight?”

“Okay,” she agrees, easier than I anticipated. Her palms slide down the front of my cut before they finally, unfortunately, drop. “But, um, only if you promise I’ll see you again tomorrow. On Saturdays I don’t have to go to work until six…”

Smiling as if she thinks that’s some sort of huge compromise for me, I tell her, “Cherry Pie, I’ll be the first person you see in the morning when you wake up, because I’m not going to want to leave your bed. Then you’ll be damn lucky if I don’t follow your gorgeous ass to work like a puppy dog.”

* * *


Of courseby the time I pull up to my apartment in between my day and night job, I’m having second thoughts about inviting Nolan over tonight after I leave the club.

Sure, kissing him is great. And so was the conversation over our early breakfast and quick lunch. But now…I’m not sure if I should be jumping into anything with a man I just met quite so quickly.

Getting out of my car, I head up the two flights of stairs to the apartment, weighing everything in my mind.

And as soon as I turn the key in the lock and open the door, I hear a commotion and urgent whispering coming from back in Cory’s bedroom. Guess he’s not alone.

Before I can even start heating up a frozen meal for my dinner, a teenage girl with long, blonde hair in a skimpy spring dress comes bolting out of his room. Didn’t Cory have a redhead over last week? “Hi, Rita. See you later,” the girl I don’t recognize says in a hurry as she runs out the door.

“Cory!” I exclaim while watching the time tick down on the microwave. It seems like all I do every day is watch some kind of clock.

“What’s up?” my little brother asks when he finally reappears a few minutes later wearing nothing but a pair of athletic shorts, his fingers trying and failing to comb his tussled reddish-blond hair.

“Who was that who just left?”

He grins in response before disappearing behind the refrigerator door. “Oh, that was Jenny. Cute, right?”

“Cute, yeah. The girl last week was cute too. So was the one last month. Do I have to even say that you better be wrapping it up?”

“Trust me, sis, the last thing I want is a kid. No matter how good it feels to go bareback, it ain’t worth that shit.”

“No, it’s not,” I agree. “I’m glad you’re being somewhat smart about this. And, ah, since you’re obviously not a little kid anymore, you should know that I’m seeing someone.”

“Yeah?” he asks before drinking straight out of the two-liter bottle of cola – the cheap kind since we can’t afford name brands.

“His name is Nolan, and, um, you may see him around here in the mornings…”

“No shit? You’re gonna have sleepovers? You haven’t ever invited a man over before. What makes this one special?”

I’m surprised he actually noticed. It’s not that I haven’t slept with anyone in the six years Cory and I have been living together on our own. I just haven’t brought any men home or thought any of them were worth introducing to him because I knew they wouldn’t last. And I was right about every one, not that there have been all that many.

“Nolan is nice and handsome. I like him. Even though I haven’t known him long, I think he’s looking for more than a hookup.”

“If you say so,” Cory replies, not sounding convinced. Just because my teenage brother can’t keep it in his pants doesn’t mean the twenty-nine-year-old biker isn’t ready for monogamy.