The Perfect Play by Cookie O’Gorman

CHAPTER 24: Chase

5 weeks later

Walking into Shake & Pour again was surreal.

My brothers and sister may have come back, but I'd stayed away, even after my arm was on the mend. For me, it'd been months. This was where it happened. My injury. I looked to my right and saw the place where I'd fallen. There was nothing there to mark the spot. But my life had irrevocably changed after that night. It taught me that things could go south in an instant and to never take one moment for granted.

That was why I was here.

To make sure every second of my life counted.

I took in my surroundings. There were a lot of people at the bar and even more mingling around the tables, booths and dance floor. Loud music. Dim lighting. A lot of tipsy college students. Taken altogether, it should've made it hard to pick out anyone in particular.

But my eyes found her immediately.


She was in the middle of the room, moving to the beat of the music.

A bunch of other people were dancing, too, but it was like Charlie radiated her own light. Her body swayed as if she was one with the music. Her eyes were closed. A small smile lifted her lips. God, I wanted to know what she was thinking about, what had her smiling like that. I wanted to ask whether it was the song or a good memory. Still, I watched, not making a move. Charlie was in her own little world, and I was reluctant to intrude. It made my throat tighten to know she was happy.

"Are you gonna go out there?" Emmy said, suddenly at my side. "Or stand here and watch her all night?"

"Haven't decided yet," I said.

My sister sighed. "Chase, it's a celebration. The Wolves just won another championship. I know I already said it, but congrats again. Charlie's been out there for a while. I'm sure she can't wait to see you."

"She looks happy."

"Well, of course she is," Emmy said. "You guys are together now. It's all hearts and rainbows. P.S. I always knew you and she would make a great match."

I turned to her then. "Weren't you the one who told me not to kiss her?"

"Yeah, but that was all part of my brilliant plan."

"Care to explain?"

Emmy shrugged. "After I saw you guys kiss at Village Pizza, I knew you'd be good together. Charlie's the kind of person who likes a challenge. So, I came up with the bet. I knew you'd never make a move on your own. No offense or anything, Chase. I just wanted to help you two get the ball rolling."

I felt my brows furrow. "But if that's true, why tell me about the bet?"

"For several reasons," she said. "First, you might've been hurt if you found out about it too late in the game. That's how it always happens in books and movies. Second, I figured why not just tell you? Then there'd be no stumbling blocks once you and Charlie actually got together—or so I thought. And third, if you didn't kiss her before the seventh day was up, I'd get a ton of awesome massages. Either way, it's a win."

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Emmy, you're unbelievable," I said. "I don't know whether to be pissed off or impressed by your sneaky ways."

"You should definitely be impressed."

"For future reference, I don't need my sister playing matchmaker."

"You sure about that?" she asked. "Because as far as I can tell you're still over here talking to me while Charlie's throwing off every guy who tries to dance with her."

My gaze shot to the dance floor, and she was right.

Several guys were trying to dance with Charlie, but even as I watched, she deftly stepped away. I turned back to Emmy with a nod.

"I better go rescue her," I said. "Not that she needs it."

"Yeah," she said, "Charlie's a tough cookie."

"I know. It's one of the reasons I'm in love with her."

Emmy groaned. "Ugh, so sappy."

I threw her a smile, and she gave me one back.

"Seriously, though, I'm glad it all worked out," she said. "Once you get past the bravado and sass, Charlie's alright."

"Thanks," I said. "For everything."

"I just want you to be happy," Emmy said.

And I would be, I thought.

I walked with purpose toward the dance floor. Each step brought me closer to Charlie and closer to what I knew would be my happily-ever-after. I couldn't believe I'd gotten so lucky.

When I finally made it to where she was standing, Charlie had her back to me.

The song changed right as I stepped in close.

"Uh, uh, back away," Charlie said, not turning her head. "I'm dancing on my own tonight."

Leaning down and placing my hands against her hips, I spoke directly into her ear.

"Well, that doesn't sound like fun," I said.

She froze at the sound of my voice.

"Chase?" she asked.

"I was hoping you'd make an exception for me."

Charlie said nothing, but as she melted into me, I smiled.

"One dance," she murmured. "Then you have to go. My very sexy, championship-winning boyfriend should be here any minute."

"I'll take whatever you want to give me," I said, playing along. Our bodies moved to the beat of the music. "Also, your boyfriend sounds like an awesome guy."

"He's alright, I guess."

I chuckled. "I missed you."

"Missed you, too," she said.

Dancing with Charlie was something that I'd never get tired of. Feeling her leaning against me in this trusting, totally relaxed way?


"I love you," I said. "You know that, right?"

She turned to me then and threw her arms around my neck with a smile. "And I love you, Chase O'Brien."

I couldn't have spoken then even if I wanted to.

She'd actually said it. Those three tiny words that meant so much along with my name. It wasn't the first time. Charlie had said she loved me before. Still, it struck me fresh every time, my heart thrilling at the words.

I didn't know if I deserved it. Charlie or her love.

What I did know?

I'd been part of a lot of teams over the years; from tee-ball to now, they were countless. But nothing could beat Team ChaCha. I'd found the one. My one. And I was going to do everything I could to make her the happiest woman on Earth. I loved Charlie. My soul recognized her and knew. We were meant to be. I wanted nothing but more days and nights, more laughs, hugs and kisses. I couldn't wait to share life with her.

As I leaned forward and kissed her breathless, I poured all of my love into that kiss.

She was my perfect play, my forever.

And I was hers.

