Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 29



I walk up towards the stage, shaking the Dean’s hand as someone snaps a photo of him handing me my diploma.

How cliché, I know.

As I walk off the stage, I’m greeted by the man who has literally changed my life, which has somehow become a dream come true. He picks me up, spinning me around with his hands firmly on my ass and not afraid to show it. Not a care in the world of who sees.

“Congratulations, baby.” He presses his lips to mine firmly, before setting me back on my feet. I smile brightly at him, leaning up on my tippy-toes, needing more of him because I can never get enough. He meets me halfway, pressing his perfect lips to mine in a softer, chaste kiss. His hand comes up to brush against my cheek. “I love you, sweet girl. I’m so proud of you.”

“Charlie!” I turn to find my mother, walking over with a proud smile on her face. Philip and Fiona trailing behind. Mom pulls me into a hug, something she’s been doing a lot more of when I see her. She’s different since being with Philip. Happier, more carefree. I guess that’s what happens when you find the right person.

She was shocked about Jonathan and I, and definitely wasn’t happy when I first told her. In fact, we didn’t talk for a few months. She needed time to process, which I understood. I’m not sure what types of thoughts went through her head, but you know people always think the worst. I gave her the space she needed, and surprisingly, she reached out to me when she was ready to talk about it. And I’m so glad she did because I was able to tell her the truth, not wanting to hide anything from her. Well, most of the truth. Basically from when I went back to school and on. Maybe I’m a coward, but I’m too afraid to let her know about anything before that, but it’s okay. It’s nothing that would matter to her. I definitely didn’t admit I’d had a thing for him since I was sixteen.

I’m so thankful she didn’t disown me, I’m not sure what I would have done at that point or how I would have handled it. It took her a good five months to be okay with this.

“Congratulations, honey. I’m so proud.” She pulls back, keeping her hands on my cheeks, her smile wide. “My girl is a college graduate.” She looks as if she may cry.

“Thanks, Mom.”

Things have been better for us, too. We’ve built a better relationship, we do things together. Ever since moving in with Philip she’s cut down her hours. Sure, part of me is still bitter about her never doing it for me, but I try not to think about it too much. I have her now. I visit during the holidays and summers, and we actually make plans. We all even went on a cruise together. The five of us: me, Jonathan, Mom, Philip and Fiona.

“You look beautiful, Char,” Fiona says, giving me a hug.

“Thanks, Fi. I love your dress.” She does a spin and the whole bottom flares out. “Oh, wow. I’m so jealous.” She’s three years older, officially a teenager now, but she still looks like the same, innocent little girl she was the day I met her in that park.

She smiles a big, toothy grin.

Philip walks up next, giving me a hug and congratulating me. Mom and Jonathan talk for a few moments, all the while his hand is on the small of my back in a very sexy, possessive way.

“Let’s get back to our seats,” Jonathan suggests. “I made reservations for five at Rachel’s. You’re able to join us, I hope?” I look to my mother. Even though she’s accepted what this is, I know it still must be weird for her. Her only daughter, dating a man she almost married. It has to be weird, and sometimes I still find myself being awkward around her because of it. I’m not sure it’ll ever go away, but maybe one day it will.

“Of course. This is Charlie’s day, I think we can make the time. We’re in town until tomorrow anyway.”

“Oh, you’ll have to come by to see the house!” I say, excited for my mother to finally see it. Jonathan and I only just moved in a month ago and I’ve been talking about it nonstop.

After that night I came back, Jonathan never left. Not for long anyway. He found an apartment here and I moved in with him. His bar is still going strong, he just manages it from here, though he does travel there every now and then to check things out. He’s hoping this year he’ll be able to open another location in town, or close by. He’s been looking at real estate over the last month too. The house was a surprise, him telling me it was an early graduation present. I had told him I didn’t want him buying a house, that we could do this after I found a job and could contribute more to the bills.

Clearly, he didn’t agree with that.

“We’d love to,” Mom says with a smile.

“Tomorrow, before you leave?”

“Of course,” Philip assures.

We walk down the aisle, and head back to our seats. I stop at the row I belong in and kiss Jonathan goodbye, even though he isn’t going far. He walks with my mom, Philip, and Fiona. We have about another hour left of this and then we should be good to go. I was so nervous about this day that I haven’t eaten anything yet and I can’t wait to get to dinner. I’m starving.

I feel Jonathan’s eyes on me from here and it’s the best feeling in the world. Nothing has changed between us. Nothing. Just because we’re more domesticated now, doesn’t mean a thing. We like what we like, and officially being together hasn’t changed a thing.

He still enjoys watching me with other guys, something I gladly do, knowing how much it drives him wild. Though, when we first made things official, it was only us for a while, needing that time together, to explore every inch of each other’s bodies. Weekends were spent in bed. I’d go into school every Monday with every inch of my body sore.

I still tease the hell out of him, knowing he’s going to take out his frustrations over it on my ass. The sex afterwards is the best we have, and I look forward to putting on a show for him every time we plan for me to be with someone else. Finding someone who is okay with it is surprisingly easier than I ever would have guessed.

In fact, I have a nice surprise for him when we get home this evening.

“Did you enjoy your day?” Jonathan asks as we get into the house. I walk straight to the couch and plop onto it.

“Sure did, but now I’m exhausted.”

He comes over to the couch, lifts my feet and takes a seat, resting my legs over his. He pulls my shoes off, one by one and begins to massage the sore muscles.

“Early night then?” he asks. His fingers feel so good, digging into my heels with the perfect amount of pressure.

“No, sir. I have a surprise for you,” I say, closing my eyes and enjoying his touch.

“Is that so?” He smirks. “It’s your day, sweet girl. I should be giving you all the surprises.”

“Oh, I’ll definitely be getting something out of this,” I say. He raises a brow, that dark, heated look gleaming in his eye. “In fact, it should be here any minute.”

A few moments later, there is a knock on the door. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but wasn’t entirely sure how he would take it. I figure there is only one way to know, and either way is a win/win for me. If he enjoys it, I’ll get rewarded. If he doesn’t enjoy it, then I’ll get punished. Like I said, win/win.

“I think you should get that.” I wink at him. He lifts my feet from his lap and places them gently on the couch, a curious look in his eye. I sit up, my heart already racing with anticipation.

As he opens the door, there are a few words spoken before the good stuff happens. It feels like forever, but I know it hasn’t even been a minute yet.

“What—” Jonathan’s voice is muffled as the gag goes around his mouth. It takes both men to subdue him and get him into the cuffs. They play it out exactly as I requested. Thankfully, Jonathan responds exactly how I thought he would, which only made this that much easier. When they drag him into the living room, his eyes are dark. He’s angry. So fucking angry. He shakes his head at me, nice and slow and I know I’m in for it. The thought has me clenching my thighs together.

The taller of the men pushes him onto the other end of the couch and his eyes find mine. Promises of punishment sneak through those bright blue eyes and all I can do is smile.

“See, baby, I’ve been planning this for a while,” I say, crawling over to him on the couch. “Thought we could make things a little better? More fun, you know?” I run my hand up his chest slowly, brushing my thumb along his jawline. “You’re going to watch these men fuck me, and you’re going to like it, aren’t you?” He doesn’t respond, but he doesn’t have to. I can see the answer in his eyes.

He’s fucking thrilled.

And if that didn’t give it away, the aching thickness that’s pulsing between my legs does.

The taller of the two men that I’ve gotten to play this part, comes over and lifts me up, pulling me away from the love of my life. His eyes fill with humor as he slowly starts to shake his head again, a deep, muffled laugh vibrating in his throat.

Yeah, he’s going to fucking love it.

Because nowadays, we're both winning.