Sweet Girl by Quell T. Fox

Chapter 6



No. I can’t avoid him, I have to act like everything is normal. The last thing I need to happen is for my mom to figure out something is happening between me and her fiancé. I can’t even think about how that would go over. A ball weighs heavily in my stomach as I inch closer to the kitchen.

A wave of relief washes over me when I find the table empty and only set for two.

“Good morning, sweetie,” Mom says. “Just us this morning. Jonathan had to run by the bar.”

Thank fuck.

Jonathan owns a bar in the next town. He doesn’t go by there too often since he has a really great manager, but he pops in every now and then to make sure things are running smoothly. It’s why he’s home so much, and always has been since I was younger. He’s a successful businessman. Just one more thing I find so attractive about him…

“Okay,” is all I say, taking a seat at the table. Mom brings me over a plate stacked with pancakes a few minutes later and I pick at it more than anything. I still can’t believe what happened last night. Sitting here across from my mom, the guilt is eating away at me. Yet, the thoughts aren’t going in the direction they should. Instead, the memory of his fingers on my skin, his cock beneath my ass… it’s embedded in my mind.

And then I remember what he said…

He is going to punish me.

Why is that thought so exciting? Why does it cause the butterflies to go crazy and my pussy to throb. I’m an adult, not a child. Why should I be punished for anything? Why do I want to be punished? I’m no prude when it comes to sex, but this is not something I’ve ever dabbled in before.

“I heard you went out with a boy yesterday,” Mom says. A ping of fear strikes my chest, worried Jonathan said something to her. “Lisa said she saw you at the park when she got into her shift last night. How did it go?”

I let out a sigh of relief. “It was good,” I tell her. “Jace and I have been friends since high school.”

“That’s nice. Not that I want you to any time soon, but the thought of you being with someone makes me happy. I think you should finish school first, but it’s your life. I’ll support you no matter what you do.” I smile at her and take a bite of my pancakes. Being with someone… with Jace? Well, I could see something like that. It would make sense. But the thought bores me. I need excitement and that isn’t what I would get from Jace. With Jace, it would be early evenings in, watching TV before bed, and sex missionary style unless he’s feeling a little adventurous. Maybe then he’d ask me—not tell me—to turn over for some doggy style. And that is just not what my goal is in life.

“Don’t worry, marriage is far from my list of things to do. I want to finish school and get established at work before anything else.” She smiles at me proudly, something she doesn’t do very often.

She lets out a yawn after finishing her orange juice. “I have to go to sleep for a bit, sweetie. I’m pulling another double tonight. Would you mind doing the dishes?” she asks.

I nod my head as she stands and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

“Good night,” she says, walking off and heading up to her room.

“Night,” I tell her, still picking at my food.

After another few minutes of poking at the now soggy pancakes, I finally decide to throw them away, knowing I’m not getting anywhere with eating breakfast this morning. I’m just not hungry. I blame the guilt.

I’m in the middle of doing the dishes when the door opens, freezing me in my place, my arms elbow deep in the sudsy water.

Firm hands slide around my waist as Jonathan’s body hovers against mine from behind, his masculine scent filling my nose. I close my eyes and breathe him in, lost in his masculine scent, both loving this feeling yet also terrified of what is happening here. This is a dangerous game. My mother is upstairs. Sure, she’s probably sleeping, but what if she woke up? What if she came down here? What would she think? The thoughts have my heart racing and a nauseous feeling to swirl in my belly. Jonathan’s teeth graze my ear, causing a soft moan to leave my lips.

“I can’t wait to hear you moaning my name, Charlotte. Because you will, soon enough.”

He backs away, taking slow and sure steps out of the room, and up the stairs. The minute he is gone, the air in the room changes without his presence. The tension is high when he’s in a room with me, and I can instantly feel when he comes and goes. I finally catch my breath and stop shaking enough to finish the dishes.

I’m up in my room when Mom leaves for work. She comes in to say goodbye before she goes and I hear her car start and back out of the driveway. I try to put my focus back on the book I’m reading, but I keep looking at the same line over and over again and I still have no idea what it says. My thoughts keep going to Jonathan and the fact that we are alone in the house together until tomorrow morning.

My phone dings, startling me. I put my book down and reach for my phone on the nightstand.

Jace: Sorry for not getting back to you last night, got busy with Mom.

Me: That’s okay. How’s she doing?

Jace: Better now. To answer your question… I was hoping to see you.

I stare at my phone screen for a while, unsure of how to respond to that. Do I want to see Jace again? Well, if you would have asked me yesterday, the moment he dropped me off, I would have said yes. It makes sense to hang out with Jace. But now? Now all I can think about is Jonathan. Again. The man is like a leech, clinging onto my brain and refusing to leave. I don’t want anything else but him. It’s always been him for me and I fear it always will be.

But that can’t be.

What does someone do in this situation? I’ve gone so long with being away from him and keeping these feelings inside, trying to ignore them. I don’t think my life will ever be fulfilled unless I have a piece of him. That’s so messed up, I know, but I can’t help the way I feel.

My phone dings again and I check it.

Unknown: I’ve decided on your punishment.

I know who it is even though the number isn’t saved into my phone. I deleted Jonathan’s number from my contacts when I first went to college, so worried I would have ended up drunk texting him one night or something worse… like sending him pictures or videos. With a message like that, it could only be him. It couldn’t be anyone else.

How am I supposed to respond to that? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to hear what it is. I imagine something along the lines of a spanking, and at that I’m clenching my thighs together again. I don’t know how much time goes by, but it must be too long because another text comes in when I don’t answer back.

Unknown: Invite your friend for dinner. Tonight. This is non-negotiable.

I stare and stare and stare.

I don’t get it.

How is inviting Jace over for dinner a… punishment?

He could only be talking about Jace, right? I don’t have any other friends that he knows of. And that’s what he was angry about, so he says. I hope he doesn’t plan on hurting him. That thought alone has me wondering whether or not I should actually do this. What does he have planned?

After what feels like forever, I finally decide to text Jace and ask him to come over. I’m not sure how this will translate into a punishment but the thought of wanting to know is too much to ignore. I tell myself I’m worried if I don’t do what he says he’d tell my mother something about what happened, turn it around on me. Yeah, that’s what I tell myself, but deep down, I know that isn’t it at all. I don’t know how or why, but I know I can trust Jonathan. With everything.

So when Jace texts me back, it’s not nerves that I’m filled with. It’s excitement. A grin spreads across my face as I pull up Izzy’s number and text my best friend.

Me: Shit’s about to get crazy around here.

Izzy: Finally taking that stepdad cock? ;)

Me: Not quite… but I’ll keep you updated.

Izzy: Bitch, you better!


I go back to reading my book, and this time, I’m able to focus a little bit better.