Waste My Time by Kelsey Clayton


And that’s a wrap on North Haven University.

Wow. I cannot believe this series is over already. While the original plan was not to give Easton and Kennedy a book, they were the perfect way to end this series. I’ve spent the last year and a half writing in this world and I loved every second of it.

To my PAs, Mercedez and Christina. I love you both so much. Thank you for dealing with the walking dumpster fire that is me.

To my publicist, Sarah Ferguson. I’m so glad you’ve come into my life. I love you so much and can never thank you enough for everything you do for me.

To my editor, Kiezha, and my proofreader, Tiffany. I don’t even have the words to explain how amazing you two are. When things get rough, I can always count on you to help me get through it. I love you both.

To my beta readers. The first people who get their eyes on my book babies. All of your inputs and opinions make these books as good as they are. I love each and every one of you so much!

To my Street Team and Review Team. You guys are always so supportive and cheer me on when I need it most. Your love for my books keeps me in love with writing and I am so lucky to have you guys.

And lastly, to my readers. Your love of this series and your dedication to reading it has changed my life in ways I can’t even begin to explain. As much as I have enjoyed writing this series and the last, I am so excited to branch out and show you what else I can do. Thank you for always trusting me with your hearts. I love you.

Until next time.

