Ruthless Noble by Alley Ciz


This is where I get to say thank you, hopefully I don’t miss anyone. If I do I’m sorry and I still love you and blame mommy brain.

I’ll start with the Hubs—who I can already hear giving me crap again that this book also isn’t dedicated to him he’s still the real MVP—he has to deal with my lack of sleep, putting off laundry *because… laundry* and helping to hold the fort down with our three crazy mini royals. You truly are my best friend. Also, I’m sure he would want me to make sure I say thanks for all the hero inspiration, but it is true (even if he has no ink *winking emoji*)

To Jenny my PA, the other half of my brain, the bestest best friend a girl could ask for. Why the hell do you live across the pond? I live for every shouty capital message you send me while you read my words 97398479 times.

To my group chats that give me life and help keep me sane: The OG Coven, The MINS, The Tacos, The Book Coven, and Procrastinors & Butt Stuff (hehe—still laugh at this name like a 13 year old boy).

To all my author besties that were okay with me forcing my friendship on them and now are some of my favorite people to talk to on the inter webs.

I know I dedicated the book to them, but there needs to be an extra shout out to Laura and Julia, for without them I wouldn’t have finished this book. I’ve lost count of how many times I texted “Help, this book sucks.” Laura you’ve been stuck as my cross-country bestie for years but thanks for bringing Julia into my crazy!

For my beta readers and their shouty caps as I played around with the cliff and story.

To Maggie for being my asthma sensitivity reader and letting me ask her question after question as my inside source for Savvy and never thinking it was weird when I’d text her with “Question” at 2 a.m.

To Sarah and Claudia the most amazing graphics people ever in existence. Yeah I said it lol.

To Britt for helping Jenny keep my crazy self in line and making my Insta an absolute work of art.

To Jules my cover designer, for going above and beyond, then once more with designing these covers. I can’t even handle the epicness of them.

To Jess my editor, who is always pushing me to make the story better and giving such evil inspiration that leads to shouty capitals from readers.

To Caitlin my other editor who helps clean up the mess I send her while at the same time totally getting my crazy.

To Gemma for going from my proofreader to fangirl and being so invested in my characters’ stories to threaten my life *lovingly of course*.

To Dawn and Ellie for giving my books their final spit shine.

To my street team for being the best pimps ever. Seriously, you guys rock my socks.

To my ARC team for giving my books some early love and getting the word out there.

To Jen and Wildfire PR for taking on my crazy and helping me spread the word of my books and helping to take me to the next level.

To Wander and his team for being beyond amazing to work with and this custom shoot for Savvy and Jasper’s books. And Joey and Kennedy for being the perfect models! Seriously I think the world can hear my fangirl squee whenever I get to message with you both on IG and I love that you guys are a real life couple!

To every blogger and bookstagrammer that takes a chance and reads my words and writes about them.

To my fellow Covenettes for making my reader group one of my happy places. Whenever you guys post things that you know belong there I squeal a little.

And, of course, to you my fabulous reader, for picking up my book and giving me a chance. Without you I wouldn’t be able to live my dream of bringing to life the stories the voices in my head tell me.

Lots of Love,
