Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Greg Manthen kneltbefore the immortal being known only as Caine. He’s going to kill me.

Letting his gaze subtly move up, Greg stared at the being who looked like nothing more than a man. He had dark hair, strong cheekbones, and a well-defined body. A woman would have called him handsome. But as he turned his eyes to roam over his subject, kneeling before him, the cruelness in his gaze sent every hair on Greg’s body standing on end.

What must it be like to have the power to destroy a person with a touch? And then, to decide how they spent eternity?

“So,” the being said, drawing out the word. “Not only were my plans for the half-breed ruined, but an angel was corrupted too?”

Tread carefully. Don’t anger him.

Sweat ran down Greg’s back, and he glanced slowly around the room at the dozen angels watching him from the shadows of the empty warehouse. “That’s correct, my lord.”

The tension was palpable. The angels, with their inhuman beauty, didn’t fool him. He knew what they were. Most were little more than brainwashed murderers, under control of the magical being who silently ruled the world.

“This is… disappointing.” Caine circled him slowly, staring off as if lost in thought.

Greg tensed, waiting. If he were killed, this creature would no doubt send him straight to the demon-realm, where a number of enemies would be prepared to make his eternity a painful one.

Convince him! Convince him not to kill you!

“Yes, but I think it worked out for the best,” he rushed out in desperation.

“Do you?” Caine’s deep voice held a dark amusement.

Please, please let him listen to me.“The angel could be useful to us.”

“She will be useful to me. Of that, have no doubt.”

Greg’s voice rose against his will in desperation. “We never would have discovered that Surcy was a traitor if Sharen hadn’t needed her help, so it was for the best.”

The being smiled, a joyless, frightening smile. “Mistakes have consequences.” He leaned toward him, and Greg instinctually cowered back. “From this day forward, Greg Manthen is dead. He no longer exists.”

“Please—“ he whimpered.

“The half-breed must be watched, carefully. Her role in the coming war is still yet unknown. You will not harm her, but you will watch her. And, you will become someone she will never expect.”

Hope blossomed within Greg’s heart. I won’t be dying today.

Closing his eyes, he shifted, wincing as his bones cracked and his skin shrunk. When he opened his eyes, he had a new face and a new body. Panting, he looked up at his lord, praying the creature would approve.

Caine’s brow rose. “That will do, shifter. That will do. Now, find the girl.”

Greg turned scrambling from the old building, even though his body ached from his Change. He had just lost the cushiest position he’d ever had. Being The Director had brought him wealth, power, and a life of endless pleasures.

Sharen had taken that from him.

And now, he would make certain she paid for it.

~ Find out what happens to Sharen and her demons in Unchained Magic.~