Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen staredout the window of their car as they drove the short distance to the refuge. It was only fifteen minutes outside the city but felt like a world away. Her demons had used a great deal of the funds from their business to purchase the large estate and acres of woods around it. This was the place they kept most of the demons while they adapted to the human world once more and learned not to use their magic.

Alec took her hand, squeezing it gently. “Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I think seeing you will cheer them up.”

She raised a brow. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. Trying to get me to take a day off.”

He smiled, which only made his stunning good looks completely breathtaking. “You got me.”

She stared for a long moment. Sometimes it amazed her that he was Kade’s twin. Both men had the same dark hair and brown eyes that were so dark they were almost black, but while Kade’s hair was cut so short it was nearly a military style, Alec’s haircut looked as if it cost a hundred bucks, which it nearly did. And while Kade preferred jeans and t-shirts, Alec always looked ready for a night out on the town. Even today he wore a sports coat and a white shirt, unbuttoned low in front.

Her insides tightened. A man shouldn’t be allowed to be as handsome as Alec. It was as if someone had given him classic good looks, then sprinkled in some bad boy.

The perfect recipe for Mr. Panty Dropper.

She smiled.

He turned to look at her. “What is it?”

She shrugged. “I was just thinking about what you’d look like with a mustache.”

“A mustache?” He touched his square jaw. “Not a chance. You can’t hide these good looks with hair.”

This time, she laughed. “You sure are humble.”

He raised a brow, his smile widening. “It’s hard to be humble when a beautiful woman follows you around smacking your ass and demanding sex.”

Demanding sex!” She hit his shoulder. “Like hell!”

He threw back his head and laughed, the sound deep and satisfying. “Come here, my little sex kitten. Why don’t I unbutton my pants and you can just—“

She reached across him and grabbed his erection.

A strangled sound exploded from his lips. “That was a joke!”

“Let’s see if you’re laughing when I take you into my wet mouth and—“

“Hell!” he said. “Want me to pull over the damn car?”

She unbuckled and leaned forward to lick his tip through his pants. “No, we’re on a deadline.”

Then she rebuckled and turned to look out the window as if nothing happened.

“Are you, I mean, this is a joke, right? Now I’m horny as hell and can’t stop picturing those sweet lips wrapped around my cock.”

She looked back at him and grinned. “I wonder who will be chasing who tonight.”

He groaned and rubbed his face. “Remind me not to joke around with you. You’re one cruel woman.”

She smirked and leaned back in her chair. God, her demons kept life interesting. And they were the perfect distraction from all the things that had been spinning around her head lately.

A couple minutes later, they turned off the main road and started down a small, unpaved road that served as the private driveway to the estate.

Alec cleared his throat. “So, have you heard from Kade?”

Way to ruin my good mood.“No. But you know he does this when he’s angry.”

He disappears for a few days, to God only knows where.She pulled her hand from Alec’s, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Not that he has a reason to be mad. I’m the one who should be mad.

“Maybe you should give him a call.”

She scoffed. “Not a chance.”


“Don’t say my name like that!” She glared at him, the fighter within her roaring to life.

“I’m just saying.” His tone was growing angrier with each word. “He did what he had to do to keep you safe.”

“He didn’t have to kill the demon, he could have—“

“Left him alive so he could hurt you again?” he challenged.

She reached out and struck the dashboard with her fist. “Why the hell can’t you guys have some faith in me? I wouldn’t let that happen!”

Why can’t anyone just believe in me? Why does everyone think I’m such a useless burden?

When she struck the dashboard again, her hand cracked right through, leaving a fist-sized hole. “Damn powers!” she shouted, then followed up with, “Damn idiot demons who think they know better!”

He slammed on his brakes and whirled on her. “We love you because you have so much damn hope. So much faith that everything is going to work out. But you get to be idealistic, because we’re practical. We take care of the things that you can’t. So as much as we want to follow recklessly after you, we have to use some common sense to keep you alive.”

“Keep me alive!” Now she was full-on shouting. “I can take care of my God damn self!”

“Everybody needs somebody!”

I didn’t need my ex. I didn’t need my parents. I didn’t need that foster family that told me every day what a waste of space I am.

“I don’t need anyone! And I’m not some idealistic idiot who just does whatever the hell I want, leaving you guys to pick up the pieces!”

He looked forward, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. “I kill myself at the fucking company to fund your dreams. Getting that demon stone. Getting that equipment. And those books. None of it’s cheap. And Ryder? He’s working like a madman to turn the lost souls you save into functioning, helpful parts of the Rebellion. And Kade? He handles everything else. He puts himself in dangerous situations to get the information and sources we need to make this thing run.”

“And what?” she challenged. “I do nothing?”

He looked at her. “None of this would be possible without you. You’re our guiding light. Our hope for a better future. I’m just saying, you could try to understand how exhausted we are, and how much it’s killing us to let you put yourself in danger every fucking day. It’s driving us mad. Especially Kade.”

She glared. “Why do you guys have this need to keep me in a safe little box?”

Alec grew quiet for a long minute. “Well, because we love you. And maybe you don’t need us, but we need you. And…because we failed at keeping the woman we loved safe once before.”

She stilled. “Your sister.”

They rarely spoke of the girl who had been raped. She knew they had killed the men responsible for hurting her, and that they’d been jumped and killed before they could get out. But she knew little else.

“What happened to her wasn’t your fault.”

He hung his head. “We’ve told ourselves that a million times. But the truth is, we failed her twice: once by letting her get hurt, and again when we died. She had no one. And by giving in to our reckless anger, we got ourselves killed. She was left alone. Even though we’ve searched for her, we have no idea what happened. Did she go on to live a happy life? Did she get married or have children? We don’t know. But what we do know is that we failed her. And we don’t want to fail you.”

I’m such an idiot. Why do I get so caught up in other things that I forget my tough demons have a softer side?

Reaching out, she pulled his face to her and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m not your sister. I’ve chosen this life. I know it’s dangerous, but I can’t stop. I can’t live knowing innocent people are suffering in the demon realm.”

Alec pushed her dark hair back from her face. “We know we can’t stop you. I’m just saying, maybe give us a break when we act like possessive, alpha assholes.”

I hate when he’s right.“Okay.”

“Can you call Kade?”

She bit her lip. Usually it was a game between the two of them of who would break first. He usually did. But Alec was right, maybe she needed to stop taking her frustration out on the man she loved.

“All right.” Then she lowered her voice. “But also, I do need you guys.”

He rolled his eyes. “Of course. Because without me, you’d have to take out the trash yourself. And without Ryder, you’d have to cook and clean. And without Kade? Well, who would fix every damn thing in the house?”

She laughed. “I could always hire someone you know.”

One of his brows rose. “But would you make them do their chores in nothing but a sock?”

She couldn’t help herself. “It depends what they look like.”

He growled low in his throat. “Better call Kade before I decide to start beating up random good-looking repairmen.”

Trying to hide her smile, she unbuckled and pulled her phone out of her back pocket. Hitting Kade’s name, she listened to the ringer, holding her breath.

But it went to voicemail.

She frowned. “He didn’t pick up.”

Ending the call, she stared at her phone. Kade always picks up his phone, no matter how mad he is.

“Maybe he’s in the shower.” Alec spoke the words, but his tone held doubt.

She called him again. Nothing.

Her pulse sped up. “Any idea where he went?”

“Not a clue.”

Alec closed his hand over hers again and pulled her closer to press a light kiss along her knuckles. “We’ll call him again after our visit. I’m sure he’s fine.”

She nodded, even though every instinct was screaming inside her.

They continued down the private road until they felt the magical barrier. It tingled over her flesh for a moment, then vanished. They’d had to pay a witch an ungodly amount of money to create a barrier around the estate that would hide the demon’s magic from the angels. It wouldn’t hide all of it… If the demons went wild, the angels would feel them, and the barrier had to be enforced again by magic every few weeks, but it gave the demons some level of protection from discovery.

A minute passed before they reached the massive brick fence. Typing in the code, the gates parted in front of them. Driving through the wild grounds of the estate, it took them a minute to exit out to the neatly trimmed lawn and the mansion. On the lawn, demon children played ball.

Her fears slipped away in the face of their happiness. The kids looked like any other human children, but she knew they would always be different. Death did that to a person.

But at least they’re out of that awful place.

That was the other thing. Earth wasn’t truly the place for them either. They belonged in the angel realm. She had no idea what their lives would be like as immortals living on Earth. She hadn’t yet thought that far into the future. All she knew was that for now, they were safe.

Alec parked the car out front. More demons poured out of the house, men and women, both old and young.

Taking a deep breath, she opened her door and came out into the fresh air.

There were lots of hugs and excited questions, but then the kids reached them. She knelt, wrapping her arms around them, breathing in the sweet scent that was solely that of children.

Pulling back, Beth’s face came into view. Her lovely dark skin, her stunning brown eyes. “Have you heard from Brian? How’s he liking the big world?”

Ice settled in her stomach. How had she forgotten that they would ask her? She still felt too raw to talk about the boy. In her mind, the alley flashed in her thoughts. All the blood. The little car that was still in her jacket pocket.

Alec cleared his throat. “We should discuss that inside.”

As she stood, the atmosphere changed. The adults looked at her. And they knew. She could see it in their faces.

Their hopelessness tugged at her like a living thing, and suddenly, she felt exhausted.

Alec wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her hair. “Come on.”

As they made their way up the steps, she fought back tears. How can I make them believe they have a better future in this world if I’m starting to doubt it too?