Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Kade kneltbefore the demon king’s white throne, waiting to be acknowledged. The king ignored him, speaking to a demon near him in a hushed tone. So Kade let his gaze run over the high ceilings of the white palace and then back to the young man who occupied the throne. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and a strange quality that spoke of his immortality. It was as if he was too perfect-looking.


And the most unexpected thing? Every demon in the realm had bright red skin and twin white horns on their heads, including himself. But not the king. As much as he had an inhuman quality to him, he was the only one who actually…resembled a human.

Not something I would have expected from the king of demons.

At last, the king turned to him, the man at his side shuffling away. “So this is the demon who trespassed on my lands after doing the forbidden…returning to the human realm.” His voice boomed through the massive throne room, echoing so much that even some of his guards that stood along the wall flinched. “What do you have to say for yourself, demon, before I toss you back into the Pits?”

Here goes nothing.

Kade held the man’s gaze. “I’ve returned to ask you for help.”

The king raised a brow. “Surely you jest?”

“No, I do not, my lord.” He took a deep breath. “I am a member of a rebellion on Earth. We know that something is going on with Caine and the realms. We know that innocent people are being tossed into the demon realm incorrectly. And so, we are working with a human who is helping us save innocent demons.”

As Kade spoke, the demon king’s gaze narrowed. “Are you so certain that these people are innocent?”

“We know there are innocent people incorrectly thrown into the demon realm.”

The king looked away for half a second.

He knows I’m right.

“None of this explains why you’re here.”

Kade’s hands clenched into fists. “I’m here because the woman I love believes in our cause so much so that she risks her life each and every day trying to save these lost souls. But she can give every ounce of herself and it won’t be enough. Every day more innocent demons will be sent here. Every time she tries to save someone, she risks her life. So, I have to believe that there’s a better way. And I think if anyone can help us, it's you." The demon king leaned back in his throne, not speaking for a long time. One of his hands hung over the arm of his throne, his fingers moving in small ways, but otherwise, he remained perfectly still.

“Everyone!” His voice boomed over the room. “Get out!”

The demons hesitated for half a second, looking shocked. But then, one after another, they trickled out. The throne room door closed behind them like a crack of thunder.

“Rise,” the king commanded.

Kade obeyed.

The most powerful being in the demon realm rose and moved down the steps toward him, stopping no more than a foot away. “I am going to tell you things that no other demon knows. And you will keep these secrets. Do you understand?”

“I give my word.”

The king studied him for a long second, then nodded. “Did you know that two hundred years ago there were no Level 10 demons?”

Kade stiffened. “I did not.”

“And did you know that all of the demons older than two hundred years have no memories of the days before that time?”

“I did not,” Kade whispered, feeling the hairs on his body stand on end.

“Myself included,” the demon king continued. “All I know is that the first time a Level 10 demon appeared in my realm, I was confused. Within those demons, I sensed goodness. I knew my job was to ensure that the evil paid. That the cruel suffered in my realm. But what was I to do with beings that felt as if they should be angels rather than demons?”

Kade shook his head, not sure if he was expected to answer him.

The king held his hands behind his back and began to pace. “I couldn’t help them, or I’d risk bringing the wrath of Caine upon me. So I did the only thing I could. I did nothing. As they climbed the realms to escape this prison, I didn’t stop them. I did nothing outwardly to support them, but in ignoring their actions, I helped them the only way I could.”

He stopped pacing and met Kade’s gaze. “But there’s change in the air. My demons with the ability to prophesize have warned me. A war is coming, and there are whispers that Caine will be overthrown.”

Kade closed his mouth, realizing that it had been hanging open. This is deeper than I ever imagined.

“So now a demon comes to me with a desire to help free the good demons, and I must ask myself: do I do nothing once more? Or do I do something?”

Kade held his breath, waiting.

The demon king moved closer to him, so close they stood only inches from one another. A second later, a strange black pen appeared in his hand. “Roll up your sleeve and give me your arm.”

Kade obeyed.

The king pressed the pen against his skin.

Kade hissed, shocked as it burnt his flesh. Gritting his teeth, he held perfectly still as the king scribbled something onto his arm.

At last, the king pulled the pen away and it disappeared from his hand. “This is the location of a realm that no one knows exists but me. In three days, I will ensure that every innocent demon is there. Your human can return them to Earth. But after the three days, the location will fade from your arm and from existence.”

Kade stared at his arm, then back at the king. “Thank you.”

The man nodded. “But you know, this is just the beginning. You will not be able to hide that many demons. Caine will feel their presence. This act will be the beginning of war. Can you handle that?”

I would do anything for Sharen.


“Then go. But if you should return to me again in death, do not expect to leave.”

Kade bowed low and then hurried out the door. The smell of burnt flesh followed him as he headed out into the demon city, but his heart also felt lighter.

War with the angels would be difficult, but it was better than what they were doing now. He and his brothers could help protect Sharen this way. And one way or another, all of this would end soon.

Hold on, Sharen, I’m coming!