Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen stoodin her office wearing her dark green uniform. Turning to each of her demons, she hugged them tightly. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

She was overcome by a strange giddiness. Her people were finishing setting up the last few things, and then she’d be stepping through the portal. For some reason, everything seemed to be hitting her at once.

After today, there would be no more jumping into dangerous realms. There would be no more staying up at night and thinking of all the lost souls unfairly trapped in the demon realm. The fight would be…over.

Then she could focus on helping the demons. She’d figure out how they fit into this new world. That would be a whole new struggle, but one she would welcome. For a second, all she could see was Brian and his family. They would be waiting for her. She knew it. And this time when she rescued them, she was determined they’d never be in danger again.

And what if they killed the old woman?a tiny voice whispered in the back of her mind.

She stiffened. She’d find out the truth and deal with it later.

And then there were the other uncertainties of the situation. Would there be hundreds of demons? Thousands of demons? Tens of thousands? She truly had no idea what to expect.

But she was overwhelmed with a sense of hope. Of happiness. She felt it radiating out of her like a light, filling her with energy.

“I hate that we can’t go with you,” Kade murmured, drawing her back to the present.

She smiled. “I know, but everything is going to be okay.”

Her gaze slid over her handsome demons. The bruises had nearly faded from Alec’s face, and the gashes on Ryder’s face were light pink lines. She knew they still hurt by the way they moved stiffly when they thought she wasn’t looking, but she was thankful that they were healing so well.

Everything is falling perfectly into place.

Alec pointed his finger right in her face, his expression serious. “If anything doesn’t go according to plan, and I mean anything, you get out of there. Do you—“

She couldn’t help herself. Leaning forward, she slipped his finger into her mouth.

His eyes widened. “Sharen…”

Trailing her fingers down his chest, she curled her hand around his cock. It instantly hardened beneath her touch.

His breathing grew ragged. “How much time do we have?”

“An hour,” Kade said behind them, his words husky with need.

“That should be enough time,” Alec whispered, his eyes glued to his finger in her mouth.

She released his finger. “That’d give us time for two, maybe three times.”

Ryder slapped her ass, drawing her gaze. “Are you saying we’re too fast? Because I don’t remember hearing you complain.”

She laughed. “I’m just saying, we have plenty of time.”

Alec reached for the button on his pants. “I think we’re wearing a little too many clothes for what I have planned.”

She grinned, reluctantly releasing his shaft. He unzipped his pants and they dropped to the floor.

Unable to help herself, she moved out of the circle of her demons. Moving to her desk, she stood in front of it. All three men watched her, their gazes dark, need radiating from them in waves.

Grasping the zipper on her uniform, she drew it all the way down. Pushing the sleeves off, she let it slide down her body. Another minute later, she’d kicked off her uniform and boots. Standing in front of them in nothing more than her white lacy bra and underwear, she smiled.

“What are you guys waiting for?”

They removed their clothes and in a matter of moments stood before her in nothing at all. Her hungry gaze slid across them. There was no doubt she was the luckiest woman in the world. Three beautiful men wanted her and no one else, and what was more, these three incredible men knew exactly how to touch her, how to make her feel…too much.

“Make sure you boys keep it down,” she whispered, her voice shaking with anticipation. “This is an office, after all.”

Alec closed in on her, standing just a foot in front of her. “I think one of us is overdressed.”

Her heart sputtered. “Who? Me?"

He reached forward and ran his soft fingers along the tops of her breasts. “You are so beautiful.”

She couldn’t catch her breath as she watched him.

His fingers moved to the latch at the front of her bra. His knowing gaze locked with hers, and he flicked his fingers.

She gasped as her bra fell apart, even though she knew it was coming. The cool air rushed over her nipples, causing them to tighten into hard nubs.

His naughty hands slid down the slides of her breasts, causing a tremble to overtake her body. When he cupped her breasts in his hands, she swallowed, trying to keep her calm, trying not to show him how much he affected her.

When he leaned forward, she arched her back, eager to feel her nipples in his warm mouth.

He chuckled, his hot breath brushing against her sensitive nubs. “I thought you wanted us to move slower.”

Ryder stepped forward, linking a finger into the front of her panties. “No one ever said we were good at following directions."

Instead of tugging her underwear off, Ryder slid his fingers over the lace, then began to rub her slowly through the material. She bit her lip, hating that her legs shook.

When Alec finally closed his mouth around one of her nipples, a moan tore from her lips. His hand moved to pinch her other nipple between his fingers.

When Kade came closer, she watched him, wondering what he would do next. To her shock, he stood close to her, slowly stroking himself up and down.

Her entire body went wild for the three of them. Ryder was driving her crazy, his touch amplified by the silk lace. The more he moved, the more nerves he awakened, causing her to burn with desire.

And Alec’s lips and hands on her breasts? They were amazing!

Digging one hand into his hair, she pulled him closer. She wanted more, needed more.

Watching Kade stroke himself brought her a different kind of arousal. She couldn’t take her eyes off the man. He was so beautiful, all muscles and corded, powerful arms. An eight pack rippled down his chest and stomach as he stroked his cock—a cock that she knew was capable of magical things.

When she pushed his hand away, he let her. She stroked the big man, loving how he rocked into her grip, loving how his eyes widened in amazement.

No matter how many times they touched each other, it was always like this. Hot and beautiful.

Maybe it was because her demons spent so long in the darkness, in a place without pleasure and closeness, that now they never seemed to get enough of it.

Or maybe it was because before them she’d thought she was broken, unlovable, incapable of enjoying sex.

A woman tossed aside by my husband for my sister.

But if all her pain and heartache meant she appreciated what she had with her demons more, then it was all worth it.

When Alec released her breasts and sank to his knees, he pushed Ryder’s hand away and yanked her underwear down. Before the thin material could hit the ground, his mouth was on her hot core.

She gasped, and he pulled her legs off the ground and around his neck. If Ryder hadn’t grabbed her around the waist from behind, she might have fallen.

She gripped Kade’s cock harder and thrust against Alec’s delicious lips. He licked her softly, slowly at first. Then his mouth grew harder. He kissed, pressing his lips deeply inside her. When he licked her clit, she cried out.

There was no way she was going to last much longer.

Ryder moved behind her, and she barely registered his shaft as it rubbed against her backside. But then his tip dipped into her wetness, close to Alec’s mouth, but not too close. It slid back and forth in her wetness several times before returning to her ass.

Gripping Kade harder, she took a deep breath as Ryder slowly eased into her from behind. Each inch of his length felt massive, too big, but she knew she could handle him. Her heart hammered against her ribcage as she felt him slide deeper and deeper, until at last he reached his hilt.

Ryder grabbed her hips from behind and pulled out for an instant before plunging back in.

She rode Alec’s face while Ryder slammed into her from behind. Her arousal built like water rising, waiting to overflow. Alec found her clit and sucked.

The combination of Ryder behind her, Alec sucking on her, and Kade’s gorgeous cock in her hand was too much. She shot over the edge, screaming incoherently.

When Alec stood and replaced his mouth with his cock, she was still tingling, her orgasm not yet spent. She felt like a live wire. When Alec eased into her, she didn’t think she could take both of them. Not right then. Her nerves were too sensitive, her body too aware.

But when he slammed into her, and Ryder continued to pump into her from behind, she knew she was going to come again. And this time, it was going to be something dangerous and uncontrollable.

She began to chant the word “yes” her nails digging into Alec’s shoulders. Behind her, Ryder groaned and came, filling her from behind with his seed. Her arousal grew, and when she felt Kade’s hot cum shoot onto her hand, she threw back her head and let herself go.

She went wild. Riding them. Screaming. Her inner muscles squeezing Alec like a vise until he swore and exploded inside of her.

Her vision went white. Her limbs went limp.

She lay sandwiched between them, feeling amazing.

“You know,” Ryder whispered, kissing her shoulder. “Some women just say they’ll see us later.”

She laughed, feeling happy and satisfied. “I’ll have to remember that next time.”

Kade turned her head and kissed her until her head was spinning again. “There won’t be a next time, little human woman. Because after today, you’ll never leave us again.”

Staring at Kade, Sharen's heart swelled with love for him. For the three of them. There was nothing better in this world than feeling loved.

She smiled. “We had better get dressed.”

Ryder pulled out of her from behind. “And tell the others we just had a hot sex session, because they probably think someone was dying in here.”

Her cheeks heated. “We weren’t that loud!”

Alec chuckled. “We weren’t that loud. But you sure were.”

Knowing she was probably blushing like a teenager, she let her legs drop back onto the floor and moved away from her demons. “Let’s just focus on the mission!”

Ryder winked at her. “Yes, ma’am.”

Getting dressed, she couldn’t help but look at her demons again. After today, everything would change. And she was looking forward to a little time to just enjoy being with her husbands.

Maybe we’ll even take a little vacation when everything is settled.

The future was looking bright.