Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


The Present…

Sharen’s feetpounded against the pavement as she ran, fiery rage burning through her veins with each step. She looked up and spotted a white-winged angel flying lazily across the city. She would catch the bastard and tear every feather from his wings until he told her where she could find her people.

And my demons.

Her heart lurched at just the thought of her demons. All she could picture was the blood-stained room she’d returned to after jumping through the portal. If they weren’t safe—

Don’t think of that. It’s not possible.

Her demons hadn’t wanted this life. They’d just wanted to return to earth and lead a peaceful existence. She was the one who couldn’t just forget the truth about her world. She was the one who couldn’t focus on anything but saving innocent lives.

They didn’t deserve an ounce of pain. And yet, she had no control over that now.

I was willing to die for this cause. I just never imagined my demons might be the ones to pay for my obsession. Would I have done this if I had?

Her stomach turned.

People shouted at her as she ran through them, knocking into bags and shoulders. A truck honked as she darted out into traffic, and she rolled over the hood of a car that nearly hit her.

But she didn’t slow. She couldn’t. Because she had no idea where her demons were. She had no clues as to who took them. She could only hope this angel knew something, anything that could help her find her missing people.

Even as I child, when I was afraid, I would run like this, run as if moving fast enough would turn back time.

Someone grabbed her and pulled her roughly into an alley. Her back slammed against the wall and for a second, she couldn’t breathe.

“Don’t say a word. There isn’t time.”

Marval. She recognized the ancient vampire's voice before she spotted him. Then, her gaze focused on his face, and she gasped. He had been badly injured. Badly. His entire face was swollen, bruised, and streaked with blood. It was like a grotesque mask of pain so bad it hurt to see.

How is he still breathing?

“What the hell—?”

“Stop!” he ordered her, glancing behind them. “They’re following me. There’s no time.”

Prickling moved down her spine. Who’s following him? Who did this to him?

She wanted to ask a million questions, but she forced herself to remain quiet, even while her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Marval had seen a lot of awful things in his life, and until that moment she couldn’t imagine one thing that could frighten him. But right now, he looked terrified.

“You need to go. Now! Listen to me… there’s a place you’ve dreamed of. A place you thought wasn’t real. You’ve seen it, in the forest, surrounded by angels. Go there, and you’ll be safe.”

My dream?The image of a place glowing with golden magic came and disappeared in a flash. She shook her head to clear away the picture.

Hide? Like hell! “My demons—“

“Doesn’t matter!” he hissed, his voice frantic. “All that matters is that you get to safety.”

She stood straighter, putting force into her words. “What happened to you?”

He squeezed his eyes closed. “You have to believe me. The fate of everything relies on you leaving town right this instant and going into hiding, do you understand me?”

Images flashed in her mind of her headquarters, of the evidence that a fight had taken place.

“No!” Her voice rose. “No, you’re the one who doesn’t understand. Everyone in headquarters is gone. There was blood everywhere.”

His eyes popped open. “Their lives mean nothing compared to yours. If they die, they die. But you need to live.”

“Like hell!” she snarled.

“Sharen, at least go to the refuge. Stay behind the protective barrier. They won’t be able to catch you unprepared.“

She stood taller, shoving his hands off of her. “Do you really think I’m just going to run and hide?”

He shook his head and winced. “You have to know if any of them are still alive, they’re only keeping them that way to get to you.”

“I don’t care.”


“I’m going to save them, and nothing you say will change that.”

He stared back at her, and suddenly, it was as if her words really sank in. His expression crumbled, and his shoulders sank. “I risked everything to tell you. To get you to safety.”

“Why?” Her pulse raced. “Did you find out what I am?”

He nodded. “Listen to me. Your powers, they’re tied to hope. When you feel hopeful, when you feel connected to the faith of others, you become strong. And when you feel defeated, your powers wane. You’re influenced by the emotions of others around you. It’s a weakness and a strength, because you’re capable of impossible, amazing things.”

She took a small step towards him. “What am I, Marval?”

His mouth opened.

A shadow darkened the sky above her. The flurry of angel wings blocked out the sun.

“Go!” Marval shouted. “I’ll distract them!”

“Not a chance!” She reached for the sword at her back and pulled it free. “Let the bastards come!”

He grabbed her shoulder and shoved her back. “There are things worse than death, and they’ve planned those things for you. Run, now!”

Her hands tightened on her sword. “You should know me better than that!”

In moments, the angels shot down toward them. Hitting the ground, the massive angels surrounded them. She slipped Marval a dagger and was grateful when he took it. They stood back-to-back, staring without speaking at the angels. They were all men, wearing normal clothes, but even without their massive, white wings, they wouldn’t have looked human. Something about the angels marked them as immortals… they were too beautiful. And there was a dreamlike quality that made them seem unreal.

“Sharen.” The one directly in front of her spoke, cocking his head to the side in a movement that was strangely creepy. His deep brown eyes glistened as his gaze ran over her, and his long brown hair fell almost delicately around his shoulders. “You will come with us.”

She grinned, even though her stomach turned. “Where to?”

The angel raised a brow. “To a place you’ll never escape from.”

“Well now, that doesn’t sound like a place I want to go, so I think I’ll pass.” Her grip tightened on the hilt of her sword.

The angel’s mouth pulled into a frown. “I wasn’t giving you a choice.” Then, he looked to the others. “But first, let us kill the troublesome vampire.”

A glowing soul-blade appeared in the hand of an angel with harsh features, and he took a step toward them.

Please let my powers be here. She thought she felt stronger, but she was never entirely sure. And she had no chance if she had only the strength of a normal human.

Marval slashed his dagger in front of him, but even the movement was weak.

The angel swung back his sword, and she acted. Moving in a flash, she severed his head from his shoulder. His body hit the ground with a thump.

Silence surrounded them.

That’s right assholes, look who has super strength and speed too! She almost grinned. Almost.

“How the hell did you do that?” the first angel growled.

She looked at his angry face, but to her surprise, she also saw a touch of fear in his eyes.

“What are you?” he whispered, holding her gaze.

Show no fear.“I’m the woman who’s going to kill all of you, if you don’t let us go.”

He laughed and a soul-blade appeared in his hand. “I’m not afraid.” Looking over her shoulder, he gave the orders. “Kill the vampire. Leave her alive.”

Time seemed to speed up, and blood rushed into her ears.

The angel dashed toward her. Their swords clashed. Behind her, there was a shout.

She spun away from her opponent, and plunged her sword into the stomach of one of the angels behind her. There was no time to think. Two angels were playing with Marval. He had a slash on his arm and one on his leg. And both the bastards were grinning like it was Christmas.

A roar filled her ears, and she attacked, catching them by surprise.

She knocked one of their swords away. It flew, clattering against the alley wall. Before the angel could react, she kicked him in the chest. To her surprise, he went flying back, hitting the ground on his back. Spinning to the other angel, their swords connected. Once, twice, a third time. Sweat trickled down his forehead.

He moved to strike again and she sensed movement behind her. Darting to the side, she just barely avoided the blow from behind, while at the same time, avoiding the sword from the opponent in front of her.

Both angels suddenly struck at once. She moved again, but the painful burn of metal caught her arm.

She hissed as blood poured from the wound, and held her blade in front of her. Four angels stood looking uncertain, their gazes darting between her and Marvel.

Keep them focused on you.

“So the great Caine didn’t tell you what I am?”

The leader of the group glared. “He doesn’t need to tell us anything. We’re his soldiers; our job is to obey him.”

“And you’re such good, mindless soldiers,” she mocked, sickly sweet.

She felt wind on her head one second before the angel descended behind her. A massive arm wrapped around her throat, choking her. Someone knocked her sword away, and then she was being lifted into the air.

Digging her nails into the arm at her throat, she struggled, her legs kicking at the air. Below her, the angels surrounded Marvel. He banished his dagger, and a second later, an angel behind him severed his head from his body.


The angel carrying her flew higher and higher. Passing the top of the building, her thoughts cleared. If she didn’t escape now, there would be no escape. Grabbing her other dagger, she pulled it free of her sleeve and stabbed it into the arm that held her.

A scream came behind her. The arms released her. And suddenly, she was plummeting to the ground. Reaching out, she grasped the ledge of the building as she fell past. Hitting the brick, she gasped in a deep breath and pulled herself to the top of the roof.

I’m so sorry, Marvel!

She had no weapons and powerful enemies who wanted her dead. She had no choice. Turning, she ran.