Mate to the Demon Kings by Lacey Carter Andersen


Sharen and Ryderran toward the flames. She didn't know what she could do to help, but she had to do something. She and Ryder froze as shapes appeared in the doorway.

Tensing, she clutched her blade in front of her, ready for the next battle.

Which was when the demons in The Rebellion came rushing out of the fires, carrying other members of their team.

She looked to Ryder.

He shook his head, his expression as confused as her own.

Henry led her team, holding her assistant Riverly in his arms. “Sharen,” he greeted her.

She almost laughed. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you!”

He smiled back.

“Did everyone make it out okay?”

Her gaze ran over the others. Kade and Alec were not among them, but she didn’t expect them to be, even though her heart ached with the realization. There were only a few missing faces among them.

Riverly spoke, her face pale, and her glasses missing. “Kim, Renolds, and Jake were killed in the battle. Everyone else—other than Kade and Alec—is here.”

“Does anyone know where Kade and Alec are?”

Her question was met with silence. Damn it.

Sharen pushed back her sadness. “How did you get out?”

Riverly answered, her voice filled with amazement. “Henry came in. He’d stolen the keys and let us all out when no one was guarding us.”

Finally, something went right! She looked to Henry. “We owe you, big time.”

He nodded. “Don’t even think about it.”

Ryder squeezed her arm. “Our enemies are still around, and this fire will lead them straight to us. If it doesn't, my soul-blade will.”

She nodded. “Put your blade away for now, and let’s head for the woods.” Turning to the waiting crowd, she raised her voice. “Are you all able to run?”

Their voice came together. “Yes!”

Her people looked beaten, bloody, and exhausted, but their strength against such impossible odds amazed her. She felt relief and gratitude fill her heart, and strength pushed away her exhaustion.

Turning, she led them back through the woods even though she knew not everyone could fit into her car, or that they could make it back to town on foot. But a quick call, when it was safer, could bring them the help they needed. And that was enough to keep her going.

She knew the only way she was keeping up with the demons was that her powers fueled her movements yet again. Even calling Lily and giving a quick explanation didn’t slow her down. As they moved through the woods, she hoped like hell that their enemies wouldn’t find them too soon.

But even though she kept looking to the sky, there wasn’t a single angel to be found.

By the time they reached the road, the reds and oranges of the sunset had been entirely swallowed, and the moon rose slightly on the horizon. Lily was leaning against the side of a bus near her car, her stance that of a woman who did this every day.

“Mrs. Bran—“

“Sharen,” she corrected her student for the millionth time, then threw her arms around her. “I’m glad I can always count on you.”

The woman laughed. “Me too. And I’m glad you caught me before I starting boozing.”

Sharen pulled back, laughed, and shook her head.

Her people gathered behind her, and she took a deep breath, turning toward them. “Lily will take you to the refuge. Stay there and try to stay alert. Our enemies likely know about the refuge.”

Riverly spoke, her voice nervous. “Are you sure?”

“We suspected they planted an old man name David there a while ago, but no one has seen him since.” The shapeshifter! No wonder we couldn’t find the old man, he must have shifted faces! The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. “In fact, we might not be looking for the old man at all. One of our enemies is a shapeshifter, so be aware of any unusual behavior in any of our people.”

A hundred questions rose at once.

She raised a hand, and slowly everyone descended into silence. “I know there’s a shapeshifter. Darla never betrayed us. He killed her and made himself look like her. I… I found her body.”

“I knew she wouldn’t have betrayed us,” Riverly whispered, and tears filled her eyes. “That bastard really killed her?”

Sharen nodded.

“Was her death at least quick?”

Sharen thought of the young woman’s body and shuddered. No, it hadn’t been.

“The bastard!” Riverly exclaimed, as if reading her mind. “Don’t worry. We won't stop until we catch him!”

Sharen was amazed by how brave the quiet woman had become. “Yes, we will. We’re a strong team, and now we know what to expect.”

She answered a few more questions from the group before, at last, everyone seemed more tired than curious. It was time to go.

As the people began to load onto the bus, she caught Henry’s sleeve. “Keep an eye out on them. Not everyone has the training that you do.”

“Of course.”

“No, ‘commander?’”

He looked confused for a moment. “Sorry.”

I don’t need to hear it, but usually he ends every sentence with it. “It’s okay. It’s been a long day for all of us.”

As Henry quickly climbed onto the bus, Ryder surprised her by hoisting her into his arms. A little cry escaped her lips, and then she wrapped her arms around his neck, grateful to hold him again.

“Ready?” He carried her to their car, just a short distance away, his expression far too satisfied.

His playfulness warmed her heart. God, had she missed him! “So, you’re going to carry me right over there? But not the whole trek through the woods?”

He laughed. “I’m a gentleman like that.”

She reached up and touched his face. “I’m glad to have you back.”

Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Me too.”

If only we were all back together.

He heart gave a painful squeeze. “Now, to find Kade and Alec and kill the bastards who took them.”

Ryder’s brow rose. “Why does it turn me on when you go all badass Hunter?”

She shook her head. “Because you’re a freak.”

They both laughed, even while she could feel the tension singing between them. Yes, they were safely back together, but they could never be happy. Not when the other parts of them were still missing. Maybe even hurt. So they would need to keep going, keep searching for clues. They had no choice.

There’s no rest for the Hunters.