In the Baron’s Debt by Roselyn Francis

Chapter Two

"Surely this must be some sort of joke?”

As Lord Jeremy Dudley, the Duke of Rothesay, uttered those words, he rose from the table and stared head on at Miss Helena's brother, Allan. He had heard her call him Allan. Jeremy had been quite relaxed prior to that absurd announcement. Surely he was joking. There was certainly no way he could say such. Jeremy had not courted Miss Helena and he sure had no plans to be wed yet.

"I am afraid not."

"You wish for me to wed a Lady I share nothing in common with? Whom I've only just been acquainted to?"

"You should have thought of that before you decided to defile her!”

Jeremy was getting frustrated towards the sudden turn of events. When he had laid eyes on the Lady, he had been quite swept off his feet. And the way she gazed at him made him more inquisitive. Finally, when he got to talk to her, he realized that there was more to her than met the eye. Of course, her brother was indeed right. She was younger and he should have thought about that before inviting her to the library, however, she was willing. And Jeremy never forced anyone to do anything they did not wish to. He was also never one to tell if something had occurred between he and any Lady. The reason why such rumors spread like wildfire was because the women did not know how to keep to themselves. They went around spreading the story.

However, that was not the case now. The case he found himself in was very different. He had been caught. He groaned. He had left before Miss Helena because he felt they would be unseen that way. And she had not come immediately, had she? She had taken little time before her arrival.

Jeremy chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. There was no way he would agree to wed her. Her brother would have to leave with her. Jeremy had had enough of all the drama.

"I see that we have taken this little situation out of proportion," Jeremy said.

Helena stood before her brother, just before he growled. Jeremy narrowed his eyes but went on. "Now no one is aware of what occurred here. And if we all agree that it be kept that way, then Miss Helena's reputation is not at risk. I am not one to tell of my ventures, so I guarantee that no slip will come from me. If you both give your word, then this is settled."

"Yes!” Helena said in a high-pitched tone. She seemed disturbed, just as much as he was.

"Enough of all this nonsense," Allan said. He seemed more annoyed than before.

Jeremy stilled. Allan looked between he and Miss Helena. "If you do not make your intentions to wed my sister in seven days, I shall make sure to tell the ton that you had tried to force yourself on an innocent maiden. Let's see whose reputation would be ruined."

Miss Helena gasped, and so did Jeremy. That was a dreadful threat. If he did go ahead with doing such, Jeremy would never be able to show himself in public. He would lose the respect he had and his reputation would be soiled. His heart pounded as he stared at Allan in shock. How could he threaten him with such a thing?

Miss Helena on the other hand seemed distraught. "Allan stop this. If we leave now --"

Allan set his gaze on Jeremy. "You better think about this."

Jeremy, who had been quiet for a while began to put the pieces together. This was all a plan. He had been set up and he had been foolish enough to fall for it. Never had he been in such a situation. Miss Helena had apparently given her brother the signal to follow them. Jeremy could feel himself getting angry as realization hit him hard.

"This was well plotted, was it not?" he blurted.

Miss Helena looked at him. "What?”

Even when he knew that she was being deceptive, he could not deny how beautiful her eyes were as he gazed at them. Jeremy narrowed his eyes at her. She knew fully well that she was beautiful and could get men chasing after her, seeking her hand. And that was why she had made him her prey. He had fallen into a trap that many had escaped, he was certain of that.

"You both have this planned out. To trap me and trick me into marrying you," Jeremy said. "You do this because you wish to be wed to a rich nobleman, yes?”

Miss Helena shook her head. "What do you speak of?”

"You may be young, but certainly you are not naive. You do understand what I speak of."

"Wha --"

Allan walked forward, pulling Miss Helena back before he spoke. "You need not argue with this man, Helena. I have said what I needed to."

Jeremy nodded. "You indeed have.”

"I do not care what you think, Lord Rothesay. Your reputation precedes you and I shall not let my sister be another one of those ladies, so if you care very much about your reputation, I believe you now the right thing to do."

Unable to hold his rage, Jeremy snapped. "You listen to me. Nothing of sort will happen. Do not think that you can walk in here and lay threats to me, believing that I shall be easily shaken."

Allan groaned. He pushed his sister out of his way and lunged for him. Allan gripped Jeremy's neck and held him against the wall. Jeremy was not willing to have a fight with the man. He certainly did not want to ruin the ball that his old friend, Lord Hargreaves, had put together.

"You do not want to do this," Jeremy warned.

Allan stared at him with hard eyes. Jeremy stared at him in return. He would not be intimidated by his gaze. For a brief moment, Jeremy's gaze wandered, seeking Miss Helena. She stood by, her eyes wide with panic.

"Allan, let go of him."

"Stay away from this, Helena! Do you think that father would be proud of the disgusting thing that you have done?”

"But no one need know about this. Lord Rothesay would never say anything."

Allan let go of Jeremy and turned to Helena. "And you believe every word that he utters? Have you not heard of his past conquests?”

Jeremy watched as the Lady swallowed while staring between him and her brother.

"I do not wish to be wed to Lord Rothesay."

Allan groaned. He turned back to Jeremy and glared at him. "A week is all you have, Lord Rothesay. Watch and see what happens when you decide to do things your own way."

Miss Helena wanted to speak but her brother gripped her and led her out of the library. Jeremy stared after them, his mind racing. His heart pounding. All he wondered was what sort of trouble he had gotten himself in to. He had been a fool. How could he let himself be deceived by them? He had been careless and now he was going to pay the consequence. From the look of things, the two of them would go any mile to bring is reputation down if he was unable to act on what had been requested of him.

Groaning, he pounded the top of the table and stayed there for a while. No longer feeling in the mood for festivities, he decided that it was best he left, rather than show his friend, who had invited him, that his mood had dampened. Jeremy shut the library door behind him quietly when he exited and headed out through the garden.

* * *

When the carriage halted in his estate, he alighted and rushed inside. He needed to think of something he'd do about those two siblings who, he was certain, were simply after his money.

Mr Randolf, his butler must have noticed that he was in a terrible mood, because the moment he walked in, he said. "Is everything alright, Your Grace?"

Jeremy sighed and walked past him. He should have controlled himself from her beauty, he thought. But he had been drawn to not just her beauty but her exuberance as well. Her confidence, the way she spoke and challenged him. He liked a challenge. He walked into his study and shut the door behind him. He took out a drink from beneath the mahogany table and poured himself. He took a sip of the drink and pulled his hand through his hair.

It had been so long since anyone rattled him the way those two siblings did today. He had been a fool, letting himself be used. Well, there was no way he was falling for such a trap. He was smarter than that. If Allan thought that he could trap Jeremy by such a threat, then he was not at all smart. Because it would also affect his sister. Having these thoughts made him relax. He took a seat and sucked in a breath. No one would coerce him into a marriage. He was not ready to take that step, and he was not certain that he would ever be ready. Those siblings could threaten him all they wanted, but he knew that he would never wed Miss Helena. Never.