Discipline by Lena Little



Iroll over in the small bed and slide my hand out of my boxer briefs. No matter how many times I’ve pulled my mitt out of my drawers, it just keeps finding a way back inside, because she’s stuck inside my head. I can’t get her out just like I can’t get my hand out of underwear.

I need to slow down. Her dad, Winston, trusts me. He hired me to do a job and I need to deliver. I’m an ex-con after all. My parole officer will be checking up on me. I need to do good work, build a reputation, and get a real business going. Hell, I’m lucky this guy even accepted me into his home, especially considering he has a daughter here. I wouldn’t even allow me inside my own home, so I’m skating on thin ice here.

Thinking back to the joint I remember how nighttime was always the worst time. You never knew if your cellmate was going to off you, or some guard stab or poison you while the lights were out. Now, here in this suburban home? Nighttime is equally as rough.

I’ve got a hot little number a door down sleeping peacefully and all I want to do is watch her. Might get caught by her and might get caught by her dad. Either way, it could spell the end of me. Regardless, she’s going to be the end of me.

There’s a light knock on the door and I roll to face it, assuming Winston is checking in on me before he turns in.

“Yeah,” I answer, but when the door slowly pushes open it’s not Winston’s tall frame in the doorway.

“Hey. It’s me,” she whispers.

“What are you doing here?” I bark.

“I came to…see what you’re doing.”

“I’m sleeping, and you need to be doing the same.”

“I’m not tired.”

“You should be after…”

“What was that, Daniel?”

“That was…” I swallow. “That was too much too soon. A mistake.”

She steps back, clearly hurt by my categorization. “It sure didn’t feel like a mistake.”

“Wrong choice of words. It was just a lot all at once.”

“It was a lot, but I feel like there could have been a whole lot more.”

Stepping farther forward into the room, the light from the window catches her, making her look like the angel that she is and lighting up that way too thin, totally transparent T-shirt she’s wearing. Her taut peaks threaten to cut through the fabric and my cock responds in kind in my boxer briefs.

“I said you should be asleep.”

“I know. I want to sleep in here, with you.” She moves closer to the bed and I come up on my elbows. My cock is so hard I can barely even shimmy my ass on the bed. I swing my feet off the side and move toward the window, trying to hide my erection as I hunch over from the pain in my groin.

“Something you want to share with me, Daniel?”

I grumble in the negative and she just laughs. The girl laughs at me in my tortured state.

“I’m old enough to be your father.”

“But you’re not. You’re not my father, but you can be my…what was the word? Daddy?”

Closing the distance between us she runs a hand down my back, her tiny hand making my skin grow hot, her touch equally like molten lava.

“You’re just confused. You’re a kid. We already determined that and covered it thoroughly. You’re confused and curious.” I pause. “Now’s not the time to take this…to do anything further.”

I just continue staring out the window but she says nothing, her hand no longer moving across my back. Finally, I turn, unable to determine if she’s hurt or trying to muster up even more courage to keep the pressure on, to get what she came here for.

When she grabs the bottom of her nightshirt and pulls it up and over her head, tossing it to the side, it’s clearly the latter.

My eyes stay trained on hers, for all of three seconds.

“Fuck,” I grunt, my gaze skating down her lithe frame. I fist my cock and feel warm bubbly liquid seeping out of the tip of my crown, my body ready to fill her with my load and I haven’t even put a finger on her.

How did God make a creature so perfect, and why am I being tempted by such an angel right now, at the most inopportune of times?

“I was a bad girl before, but now I want to be really bad.”

She drops a hand down in-between her legs and opens her folds so I can see the channel that I want to ram my cock into so badly. I drag my vision over her hips, with a curve to them that’s made to fit all the children I’m ready to fill her with. And those perfect little tits. I can only imagine them filling with milk and my offspring drinking from my woman’s bosom as she nourishes them in the early stages of their life.

Maybe it was all the talk and thoughts of death while I was locked up that have me so focused on life right now. Or maybe it’s just her?

It has to be the second because the minute I left those steel-barred walls I was no closer to putting the past behind me than when I entered. But now, all I can think about is doing good, being a role model to my unborn children. I want to ravish that body that’s just a few feet from me, fill it with my seed, and breed my Little Girl until her stomach is round with the ultimate claim…my children.

Bind her to me for good, regardless of any contract or agreement I have with her dad.

“What do you think?” she asks after who knows how much time passes.

“I think you coming around here like that is asking for trouble.”

“I am asking for it, and I’m going to get it,” she corrects, stepping in closer and putting her hand on my chest, taking one of my hands and sliding it through her folds before bringing it up to my mouth and wiping it on my lips. Her taste brings all those feelings from earlier rushing back. I want to taste her again so badly, want to eat her out the proper way this time. Need to get her on her back and play with that little pearl for hours while I slide a couple of fingers inside her in a come hither motion. Maybe even push my thumb on her butthole when she’s ready to come and let her learn even more about herself in the process, and bind herself to me even tighter when I introduce her to pleasure like she’s never had, couldn’t even know, and won’t be able to live without.

I want to thrust inside her until it’s impossible to tell where one of us ends and the other beings. Piston my hips forward and back so hard until the bed rebounds off the wall, over and over again so hard until it splits the headboard in two. Make her lose consciousness when I take her like a Pit Bull with a rag doll wedged inside its canines, tossing her around for dear life.

“Not tonight you’re not,” I will myself to reply, my voice going dry as my ears can’t even believe the words I’m saying.

“I’m not, or you’re not?”

She moves in closer and I grab her by the throat, keeping her at a distance, but my grip only incites her, causing her to smile like the Cheshire Cat. “You sure you’re not up for some fun and games tonight?”

“You listen here and you listen good. You were an inexperienced virgin when I walked in your front door tonight and you’re going to go to bed the same way. Now, I realize you’re in the middle of your sexual awaking now, because I’m the one who woke it the fuck up. But that doesn’t mean it has to happen all in one night. You don’t want to do something tonight you regret for the rest of your life…me either. Is that clear?”

“Who said there will be any regrets?” she persists.

“Your dad’s just down that hall. How are you gonna feel when I wake him up from fucking you so hard I damn near tear the house down?”

“The entire reason you’re here is because my dad is nothing to worry about. If he was able to get me to mind there wouldn’t be a need for you. Don’t you get it?”

“No, you don’t get it,” I correct, letting my hand slide down to the middle of her chest. “Don’t tempt me like this. Not here. Not now. You know I want to fill you so full of my cock that I can barely stand right now, but it’s not going to happen. Not tonight. Listen,” I pause, trying to soften my tone. “You will be mine. Count on it. But I need to do this right, how you deserve. And on a twin bed in your guest room isn’t the way it’s supposed to go down. Not your first time. Not how I’m gonna claim you.

A long moment passes. “Just give me a kiss then, and then I’ll go.”

Leaning in I give her a peck on the cheek and she just shakes her head. “That’s now what I ever expected from a real man.”

She tests my masculinity and I fall for it, grabbing her hips and pulling her in close, stamping my mouth down over hers as her body melts into mine, my cock pressing hard against her abdomen. I pull her body away and we both breathe raggedly, staring at each other.

“That’s enough. Now get.”

She pivots on one heel, not even bothering to get her nightshirt as she shimmies out of the room and down the hall back to her room, hopefully for good.

I lock the door behind her and slide a chair up and underneath the handle…before grabbing her T-shirt and bringing it up to my nose as I crawl back into bed, wondering why the hell I haven’t already claimed the only girl I’ve ever wanted. Wondering if I’ve gone soft.

Or wondering if I should be proud of myself for finally doing the right thing for once.

Time will tell, but right now time seems to be stopped. I inhale her shirt again and realize I’m not falling asleep anytime soon, the memory of her breathtakingly nude body etched onto my mind…forever.