Matched By My Rival by DJ Jamison

Thank You For Reading!

Thank you for reading Simon and Parker’s story! Matched By My Rival is not really a sports romance—though it does include football players—and that’s because I know nothing about sports, especially football. I couldn’t ignore such a big part of the characters’ lives, sadly, so I did my best. You can thank my husband for any details that are correct. And any that aren’t? Go ahead and blame him too! That’s true love, right? Thanks, also, to my assistant, Sabella Long, who researched rigorous college athlete schedules and typical routines in the off season. I sincerely hope you enjoyed getting to know Simon and Parker and all their great friends. Darnell, in particular, is quite charming. But he will never get a book. Football and me? Never again! (I know, never say never. But writing sports is hard!)

Seriously, though, every book takes so many people to make it the best it can be. I have to thank Brigham Vaughn, my alpha reader and a fabulous author in her own right; beta readers, Susan, Michael, and Anita; my copy editor, Kayleigh Sky; my proofreader, Julie; my cover designer, Cate Ashwood; and all of my readers who keep me going by reading and loving my books. Thank you for sharing the word about my romances and writing lovely reviews. You help indie authors like me so much!

Next up in the series we have Tapped By My Roommmate, featuring flirty bartender, Rhett Hayes, and his roommate, the lizard-loving geek, Ethan Greene. See, this is much more my comfort zone. You can expect many more geeks in my future, particularly sweet, flustered, somewhat inexperienced geeks who charm the pants off casual players.

If you missed Cooper and Trace’s story, make sure to grab SwipedBy My Dad’s Best Friend.

If you enjoy my work, I hope you’ll join my Facebook group DJ and Company for fun teasers and other goodies! I also offer extras on my Ko-Fi page, so don’t miss out!