Made to Order by Brigham Vaughn



Tyler stared at Donovan. His stomach churned a little from the food he’d wolfed down and the beer he’d drunk too fast. Nerves fluttered through his belly. Things had been fine earlier, when Donovan had him backed up against the wall with his hand around his throat but this … the slow conversation had been annoying as hell. And it made him more anxious about what he’d just agreed to.

Annoyed, he ripped the damp towel off and tossed it on the chair nearby. He stood naked in front of Donovan, heart beating way too fast.

Donovan had re-dressed and he wore a snug pair of black jeans and a fitted black T-shirt. His feet were bare. He was … yeah. Hot as hell. Kind of an asshole but hot.

“I’m just doing this once,” Tyler said. “This is a weird curiosity that I have to satisfy. I just want to get it out of my system.”

“Okay.” Donovan unzipped a black bag that sat on a padded leather bench at the end of the bed. “Guess I’ll have to make it good then, hmm?”

Make it good? What did that even mean? And why wasn’t he looking at Tyler? Tyler was standing here naked, and Donovan didn’t even seem to care.

“Guess so,” Tyler said. “Once I get this itch scratched, I can stop thinking about it.”

“If you enjoy it, I guarantee you’ll want it again.”

“You think you know me?” Tyler asked.

“No. I don’t. But I know men like you.” He set something on the bed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Donovan sighed and kept rummaging in the bag. “Men who are attracted to other men but who are too damn afraid of what that would mean, so they call themselves straight. Men who do this in secret because they’re not strong enough to admit that they find freedom kneeling for someone else.” He glanced up then and raked his gaze over Tyler.

Tyler resisted the urge to tighten his abs and flex.

“That’s not … I’m not afraid.”

“Kneel then,” Donovan said.

Tyler swallowed. He … God, he was going to start with that? Make Tyler go down on his knees for him? Tyler’s hackles rose and he stood rooted in place.

“Tyler. Did you hear me?”

Tyler nodded.

“I said kneel.”

Heart hammering, Tyler crossed his arms. “Make me.” He smirked, like he was just joking. But a part of him wanted it. Wanted to goad Donovan into something. It would be so much easier that way.

Maybe he was scared. But fuck.

Donovan’s eyebrow went up. Just one. Just one, carefully controlled raise of his eyebrow and a shudder ran down Tyler’s spine. Shit. How did a skinny redheaded dude manage to look so menacing? Tyler was the one with military training. He shouldn’t be afraid of anyone. Yet the look in Donovan’s eyes as he crossed the room made goosebumps rise on Tyler’s skin and the hairs on the back of his neck prickle.

“You want me to make you, huh?” Donovan asked.

“Yeah. Make me.”

“If you insist.”

Before Tyler could blink, the room tilted sideways. One minute he was standing in the middle of Donovan’s bedroom, the next he was lying flat on his stomach on the bed, his hands bent behind his back at an uncomfortable angle.

“What the fuck?” he muttered against the sheets.

“Jiu jitsu. I’ve been training since I was a kid. My mom thought it might be good for a hot-headed little kid to have some discipline and an outlet for all that.”

Tyler wriggled, attempting to throw Donovan off him. He was a hell of a lot stronger than he looked. At least he’d had some training, which made Tyler feel a little better about being taken down by a civilian. It was easier to swallow from someone with a lifetime of martial arts experience.

“Don’t usually use those skills in the bedroom but … guess thirty-odd years of practice comes in handy now,” Donovan said with a grunt. He reached for something, but he moved too fast for Tyler to see what it was.

Donovan’s weight settled onto Tyler’s upper thighs and he arched up, twisting, trying to throw Donovan off, but he merely pushed his thumb into a pressure point on Tyler’s wrist that made him howl and fall flat on his face.

“Oww, Jesus fuck that hurts.” Tyler wriggled, belatedly realizing the struggle—or the pain—was only making him harder. Something wrapped around his wrists, hard but not cold. Plastic maybe? And then Tyler heard a familiar zipping noise as it snugged around them.

“What the fuck? Did you just use a zip tie on me?” Outraged, Tyler struggled, which only made Donovan push his palm against the middle of his back, pressing his chest into the mattress.

“Yes. They’re quick, efficient, and effective,” Donovan said, sounding pleased with himself. He slid a hand up and wrapped it around the back of Tyler’s neck. God, like this, Donovan could do anything to him. And oh fuck, he’d felt that in his cock.

“Fuck you,” Tyler ground out.

“Oh no. You aren’t going to be fucking anyone tonight.”

Tyler let out a startled yelp as Donovan’s weight disappeared from his body and he was hauled upright to stand. His head swam and his cock throbbed as he stood next to the bed, wondering what came next. And how exactly he’d gotten into this position.


Donovan pressed Tyler downward just as he knocked his shin against the back of Tyler’s knees. Too startled and off balance to do anything, Tyler dropped into a kneeling position, wincing as he thudded against the carpet.

He knelt next to the bed, glaring at Donovan as he walked around to stand in front of Tyler.

“There.” Donovan smiled down at him, looking way too damn pleased with himself. “Now, you’re kneeling, and I’ve made you do it. Happy?”

“No,” Tyler muttered.

Donovan’s gaze drifted to his cock. “Could’ve fooled me.”

Fine, Tyler kinda liked being manhandled and tied up. Didn’t mean he had to admit it out loud, even if his body was doing it for him. “Now what?”

“Now, you be a good boy and stay there while I finish getting things ready.” Donovan disappeared from sight and Tyler stared mutinously at the headboard.

He could stand and headbutt Donovan, rush him, but realistically, Tyler was pretty damn helpless like this. And well, he was sort of curious about what came next. And that made him even madder.

Teeth gritted, he stared at the headboard. Donovan had a black metal bed. Tyler shuddered at the thought of being tied to that. God, what could Donovan do to him then?

Time seemed to stretch forever as Tyler waited. He shifted, feeling the ache in his shoulders and the dig of the carpet into his knees. Donovan moved around, doing something, but he had no idea what it was.

Tyler craned his neck, trying to see, but Donovan was just out of his sightline.

“Eyes forward.”

Tyler swallowed and looked at the headboard again. Donovan walked past him, sending a wave of cool air across his skin. He wondered what Donovan had planned for him next. Wondering what was in store for him. And then wondering why the fuck Donovan wasn’t doing anything to him.

“I’m bored,” he said.

Donovan chuckled. The sound made Tyler flinch. Donovan was much closer than he’d realized.

“The thing about me, Tyler, is that I don’t like to be rushed. I don’t work any faster than I need to. I’m meticulous. So, you can be as bored as you want. It isn’t going to speed me up.”

“I could call out my safeword and you’d have to cut me free so I could just walk out of here.” Tyler might not have been on this side of things much before but he’d done his share of reading about kink. He knew what it was supposed to be like.

Donovan will respect that. Right?

“You could. And I absolutely would.”

A little trickle of relief went through Tyler.

But damn, Tyler didn’t want to safeword. There had been a few minutes earlier, when everything had felt just right. Maybe some of it was oxygen deprivation but damn it, if a man could choke him and make him come in two minutes flat, Tyler really was curious what he could do with a little time.

“I won’t,” Tyler admitted, swallowing hard.

“And why is that?”

“I’m curious.” Tyler licked his lips. “I just want to know what it’s like.”

“Have you fantasized about this before?”

“No!” He shook his head. “That’s it. I haven’t. I mean, maybe a little recently, since we uh, talked about it. I just … yeah, I’m curious now.”

Donovan settled a hand on Tyler’s shoulder, making him flinch again. “Then trust me.”

Tyler’s stomach swooped. It was that feeling of being on a rollercoaster. The clack-clack-clack as he went up a hill, knowing the stomach-dropping terror was waiting on the other side. But he’d always been the kind of guy to throw himself at something crazy and worry about the consequences later. To walk away, exhilarated, blood racing through his veins.

“Get to your feet.”

Grateful, Tyler rose to a standing position. He hurt from kneeling, and he wobbled a little because he’d gone a little numb.

“The thing is,” Donovan said, his tone almost conversational as he steadied Tyler, speaking right in his ear. “I think this is something that’s been under there a while, just waiting for the right opportunity to come out. You just had to find the right man to do it.”

“And you’re the right man?”

“For tonight? Yes.” He turned Tyler to face him. “Now, are you ready for this?”

Tyler jutted out his jaw. “I’m ready. Are you?”

“I was born ready.”

There was something in Donovan’s eyes and wicked smile that scared the shit out of Tyler. In the good way.

“Over here.” Donovan pointed toward the foot of the bed and Tyler saw that the bench had been pulled away from the bedframe.

He inspected it as he walked over. At first glance, it had looked like simple storage. A long wooden box with a black leather top that flipped up. But it was more than that. It had leather straps that wrapped from top to bottom. And Tyler was willing to bet that was the kind of thing someone could be bound to. He could be bound to.

A pillow sat at one end. Exactly where someone could kneel and be bent over it. Where he could kneel and be bent over it.

Tyler’s heart rate picked up.

“I’m going to stretch you out over this bench and cuff you to it,” Donovan said. “The only question is, do you want leather or metal?” He picked up the two kinds of cuffs from the bed and held them out for Tyler to look at. “Leather will be softer. It’ll allow you to struggle without worrying about marks. Metal will leave marks if you thrash around.”


Donovan chuckled. “I see how it is.”

“How what is?”

But Donovan didn’t answer.

“I’m going to cut you out of the plastic tie now.” He reached for a pocketknife and opened it, the blade wickedly sharp and glinting in the overhead light. “Better hold still. You wouldn’t want me to slip …”

Tyler held his breath at the cool press of the blade against his skin. With a crack as the plastic broke, the cuffs fell away, and Tyler brought his hands forward, rotating his shoulders to ease the tension.

A moment later, Donovan tossed the knife onto the mattress, closed now, bouncing harmlessly.


Tyler went to his knees. He didn’t know why. Maybe because the sharp snap of Donovan’s voice was as effective as the shin to the back of his knees. Maybe because he wanted this so bad. Maybe because he was itching for something to happen.

He landed on the floor pillow, hands at his sides, breathing in and out, trying to calm his racing heart. But it thundered erratically, making him breathless. He glanced to the side, realizing he was eye level with Donovan’s cock now. He was hard under the black jeans he wore.

“Mmm.” Donovan grabbed the back of his head. “I see how it is with this too. I was going to bend you over this and inflict some pain in a minute but I think you desperately want a cock in your mouth too. Shame your hair is too short to pull.”

Damn it. Tyler had always kept it short, even once he got out of the service. It was easier that way. Low effort. But the thought of his hair being pulled while Donovan shoved his cock in his mouth sent a little quiver through him.

Donovan pulled him in, pressing his nose against his dick.

“You look good like that,” Donovan said, a little purr to his tone. “On your knees. Mouth watering at the thought of sucking me off.”

The hardness pushing against him was unmistakable. As was Donovan’s size. Tyler imagined that length pushing down his throat. Forcing its way into his ass. He went a little lightheaded. He’d only had fingers in him before. Would he love it? Hate it? The idea it might hurt should have scared him but all it did was send another shiver down his spine.

“Over the bench.”

Tyler glanced up at him, confused, and Donovan smirked down at him. “Come on. I said over the bench.”

Tyler hesitated but his chest was forced against the cool, smooth leather as Donovan took the choice out of his hands.

Donovan let out a little tsking noise. “Making me do extra work. Guess I’ll have to take that out on your ass.”

There was something so infuriatingly smug in his voice. It made Tyler grit his teeth. But the strength of the hand against his back and the insistent throb of his own cock made Tyler stop the ‘fuck you’ that threatened to escape from his lips as he settled against the bench.

“Get comfortable,” Donovan said. “I’m going to strap you down now.”

Tyler shifted, feeling the stretch across his shoulder blades as he let his arm dangle along the sides of the bench.

Donovan took his hand and cool metal circled his wrist before the cuff clicked shut, cinching snugly around him. He pulled away and was stopped short, realizing Donovan had already attached the other end of it to a metal ring on the leather strap.

Donovan reached for his other wrist.

Tyler fought, struggling to break free, but a press of Donovan’s thumb to a spot on his elbow sent a shooting pain through his forearm and hand, making him go limp. Oww.

“Would you stop it with the pressure-point shit?” he growled.

Donovan laughed. “Is it on your hard limit list?”

With a metallic click, Tyler’s right hand was secured too. “No,” he muttered through gritted teeth. He fucking hated it, but it sent a little thrill through him too, knowing Donovan could so effectively take him out.

God, what the fuck am I doing, letting a guy like this manhandle me?But the throb of Tyler’s cock, pressed between the bench and his body, egged him on.

“I’m going to use cuffs on your thighs now.”

Tyler didn’t quite know what that meant but he understood a moment later as something soft but firm wrapped around each thigh and tightened, securing him to the end of the bench.

“So,” Donovan said, standing. “You’re helpless.”

A tremor worked its way up Tyler’s spine.

“And I have some fun toys to play with.” There was glee in his voice now. Goddamn it, he was loving this. “Remind me of your safeword and let’s get started.”

“Eddie.” It was the first thing that had popped into Tyler’s head when Donovan had asked before. A cock-softening reminder of what could happen when things went wrong. Thinking of what rough shape his friend was in would definitely snap him out of whatever was going on.

“And mine?”

Out of the corner of Tyler’s eye, he saw Donovan kneel beside him.


“Good.” Donovan clapped and Tyler jerked, startled. “Let’s begin.”

Tyler wasn’t surprised when he felt the first smack of Donovan’s hand against his ass. Predictable, he supposed. It didn’t feel like much of anything at first, those first few hits. They were loud in the otherwise quiet room. Stinging a tiny bit. But they didn’t hurt.

Until they did.

The hits grew harder. Tyler’s ass and thighs began to heat, warming as all the blood rushed to the surface.

At first it was a little ache. A flinch as Donovan hit a spot that was already growing tender. Tyler breathed out harshly, twisting on the bench as Donovan smacked the side of his thigh.

He pressed a hand to the middle of Tyler’s back.

“You’re turning a lovely color,” Donovan said. “Not as nice as it’ll be once I really get going but it’s a good start.”


“You hate this, don’t you?”

Tyler kind of did. Not in the “I want this to stop” way, but he did hate being restrained like this. Bent over. Helpless to do anything but take the repeated smack, smack, smack of Donovan’s palm against his tender skin. It was starting to really hurt. Tyler shifted a little, unable to get away from the relentless pace Donovan had going.

Tyler had spanked someone before, and it hurt his own palm after a while. Donovan’s hand had to be aching. But he didn’t stop.

Smack, smack, smack.

Tyler shrugged his shoulders, feeling the ache begin to build as heat rose from his ass and radiated outward.

Smack, smack, smack.

He twisted again, trying to get comfortable, hearing the rattle of the cuffs, the metal digging into his skin a little.

“You didn’t answer me, Tyler.”

“Yeah,” Tyler said. “This sucks.”

Donovan let out a laugh. A genuine, delighted laugh, like he was having the time of his life. Fucker. He probably was.

“I’m quite enjoying myself,” Donovan said.

Well, that answered that question.

“Glad one of us is.”

“Oh, you’re enjoying it.”

The smacks stopped. Tyler let out a relieved noise, but he trembled when Donovan trailed a hand along his crack. Oh fuck.

The pain was one thing. It was something he could grit his teeth against and take. And maybe he didn’t hate it. Maybe he did kind of like the way it filled his whole body with heat and made his head sort of fuzzy. But it wasn’t enough to keep the nerves at bay about what might happen next.

“I can see the way you grind your cock into the bench.” Donovan pressed in a little, the tip of his finger brushing Tyler’s hole, sending an electric jolt through him. Donovan chuckled. “And oh, I think you’re going to like this too.”

Tyler’s stomach twisted with nerves. He and Eddie and the guys had gone skydiving once, on leave. Tyler had stood in the open door of a plane ten thousand feet in the air and felt the stomach-churning anxiety that he was about to do something that he could never go back from. This was worse.

Tyler swallowed hard, expecting Donovan to push in. But he pulled away and Tyler heard the familiar sound of a lube bottle opening. He twitched.

Donovan let out a little chuckle. “You know what’s coming, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said through gritted teeth.

“If you relax, you’ll enjoy it.” Donovan teased between his cheeks. “And you know all you have to do is say the magic word and I’ll stop.”


“So, what’ll it be, Tyler?” Donovan pressed in, just barely breaching his entrance. “Do you want this? Do you want to see where going down this rabbit hole leads?”

Tyler rocked his hips up as much as he could manage, forcing Donovan’s finger in to the knuckle.

Donovan let out a soft laugh. “So eager.” And then he started to move.

Tyler was tense, clenching around the invasion but all the little nerves there woke up, coming alive. “Oh fuck.” He seemed to have run out of other words to use.

“You like that.” Donovan stroked in and out, just the one finger, the slick gel easing his way. “You’re gonna like it more when it’s my cock. When you’re filled up and marked up, helpless while I beat you and fuck you.”

Tyler let out a groan. He didn’t want to, but the twist of Donovan’s finger just as he said those words made it slip from his lips. Tyler closed his eyes, face heating. Blood heating. Everything heating until he felt like he might spontaneously combust.

He was going to get fucked tonight. By a man. The words kept pounding in his head, stoking his desire and making it build. He almost didn’t notice when Donovan switched to two fingers, except it rubbed just the right way, making his heart speed up.

His breath came faster now. He was rocking into it, encouraging it. Begging for it, if not with words then with his body.

“Oh God.”

There was weight against the back of his neck, a warm palm pressing his face down against the leather. Pressure in his ass, spreading him open. He wondered what he looked like right now.

“So tight, Tyler. You’re going to feel so good around my dick.”

Tyler groaned again, his head swimming as he imagined it. The groan deepened as Donovan slid his fingers away.

“But as much as I love to fuck, there’s one thing I love more. Do you know what that is, Tyler?”

He shook his head, eyes still closed.

“Inflicting pain. And you said you wanted pain. Is that true?”

Tyler nodded.

“I need to hear the words.”

“Make it hurt.”

“Delighted to.”

And then agony exploded on Tyler’s right butt cheek. He was moving away from it, twisting and writhing against the restraints even as the sharp thwacking sound registered.

“What the fuck was that?”

That was a wooden spoon.”

Tyler opened his eyes, panting, still trying to absorb the spreading heat and sting that radiated from the spot on his ass, even as he wondered if Donovan was fucking with him. But he knelt there, holding up a goddamn kitchen utensil, smirking. With his stupid bearded face and red hair and smug expression. Forget it. Tyler had changed his mind. There was nothing hot about Donovan Ryan. He was the devil incarnate.

“Of course it is,” Tyler grumbled.

Donovan’s smile widened. “Kitchen tools are some of my favorite items to use. Oh, I’ve got floggers and whips. Some canes. But finding creative uses for household items is really a whole lot more fun. I think you’ll agree.”

Tyler had barely registered that Donovan had raised the spoon again before it landed with a firm smack on his left ass cheek. He howled, shaking and thrashing as if to get away from the pain.

“Do you like it?” Donovan asked.


Donovan stilled. “Do you want it to continue?”


“Oh, all the pieces are coming together now for sure.” Donovan’s voice was a little smug. “A reluctant masochist. Well, you wouldn’t be my first. And I do enjoy them. A little struggle play. A little roughing up. You do know glaring at me just makes me enjoy it more, right?”


Donovan laughed. God, he was just so insufferable.

And then another hit landed, lower this time, right at the crease where Tyler’s ass and thighs met, and he gasped. The pain twisted inside him, but before he could even breathe, there was another, in the same spot on the other side. And then a tap to his thigh. And another. One after the other. Not fast. Not one right on top of the other. But enough to make his stomach ache a little.

His whole body felt tingly and alive and his head spun. He squirmed, not sure if he was trying to get more or pull away. Donovan stopped a moment, running a hand across his ass and thighs, palm warm, touch sure.

“Mmm, you’re marking up nice.” There was real pleasure in his voice. He squeezed, gripping Tyler’s ass cheek, making the sore spots hurt in a different way. “You’ll feel it tomorrow.”

Tyler didn’t answer.

A few more hits. Short and sharp. Stinging and so close together that sent a wave of something through him. A queasiness followed by something sweet and mellow.

“I knew you’d be fun. But I didn’t know how fun. All that snarly annoyance at being forced to do this. But that’s just it, Tyler. I’m not forcing you to do anything. You asked me for this.”

He slid his fingers into Tyler’s ass again and Tyler gasped at the pressure. And fuck, the pleasure. Because it was so good. So good. So thick and … oh God, another finger. A little graze against his prostate. Another hit. Tyler realized Donovan was fingering him as he tapped his ass with the spoon and it was all swirling together, pain and the throb in his cock and …

It was all gone. Tyler let out a whine and Donovan stroked his head. “I’m still here. Just hold on.”

Tyler shifted, vaguely aware of the pressure against his knees and the ache in his shoulders. But then he felt a thud and white-hot fire slice through him. He couldn’t contain the howl that was ripped from his throat and he thrashed, the metal biting at his wrists and the cuffs gripping tight around his thighs.

Tyler panted, eyes screwed shut.

“That was a dragon’s tail whip.”

Tyler could barely suck in enough breath to respond so he just grunted.

“This is one of my favorite non-kitchen tools. It’s short so I have lots of control and the way the tail licks you …” It sounded like Donovan was practically purring. “So stingy.”

“Asshole,” Tyler muttered, and Donovan let out another delighted sounding laugh.

“Oh, you are fun to play with Tyler.”

Another zing of pain sliced through him. Donovan rubbed a hand over his skin. Tyler held his breath, hoping to feel the press of Donovan’s fingers but instead, his touch disappeared, and another flame of stinging heat zipped across Tyler’s skin.

He closed his eyes and breathed through it. He wasn’t hard anymore. But it still felt good, like waves of need crashing against his brain, pushing him forward.

More hits landed. Slowly. Randomly across his ass and thighs so he never knew where to expect it.

Tyler’s breathing was short and shallow, ragged, as Donovan pressed a palm against his back.

“Slow your breathing, Tyler. Do you need a break?”

He shook his head and tried to drag in another lungful of air, slower this time. Donovan hit him again, right in that sensitive spot and he howled, back arching, yanking against his restraints.

When he calmed, there was a slick, insistent pressure at his hole. Not fingers. Not a dick either.

“The fuck?” he slurred.

“This is the dragon’s tail too.” Donovan chuckled, pressing it forward. “The whole thing is made of silicone. It’s a whip with a handle that’s also a dildo. The best of both worlds. Pain and pleasure.”

Tyler gasped and he must have relaxed, because the toy slipped a little farther inside. A strangled groan ripped from his throat as it was pressed deeper, then slowly dragged out. Donovan fucked him with it, all the while using his other hand to grab and stroke Tyler’s cheeks.

“That’s going to be my dick inside you soon,” he said. “You’re going to take my cock in your ass tonight, Tyler. An ass that is gorgeously marked from my beating.”

Tyler shuddered.

Another zing across his body. Not from pain but from a pleasure deep inside. “I’m not a lot thicker than this toy. But I’m long. You’re going to feel me so far up in you.” He pushed a little farther in and Tyler let out a noise he’d never heard himself make.

“Oh yeah. You’re going to love having a man’s cock in your ass. It feels good to fuck someone. We both know that. But I think you were made for this. Made to take pain. Take a dick.” He dragged the toy out slowly again, and Tyler gurgled, his eyes rolling back in his head as the toy slipping free sent little sparks through his body. He was growing hard again.

“I’m not going to be able to wait much longer to fuck you either.”

“Do it,” Tyler gasped.

“Oh, you’re begging me now, huh?” Donovan gripped his ass cheek, twisting the skin, and Tyler huffed. “I like hearing that.” He pushed the toy in again. “Now hold this in while I get a condom on. If you let the toy slip out, I’ll whip you again.”

Tyler clenched, holding tight. Though part of him wouldn’t mind more licks of the flame.

A minute later, Donovan knelt behind him. He ripped the straps around Tyler’s thighs away, leaving his legs free.

“Do you know why I freed you?” Donovan shifted forward, rubbing his cock along Tyler’s ass cheek. He jerked in surprise. “Because I want to feel your cock throb in my hand as I bury my dick inside you.”

“Hnnghh.” The noise Tyler made wasn’t even a word. It was barely a garbled sound.

“Nice job with the toy.” Donovan teased it in and out, sending more sparks zipping up Tyler’s spine. “Though I’m a little sad I don’t get to use the other end on you again. That was fun.”

“I hate you a little bit,” Tyler said.

Donovan let out a throaty laugh. “Oh, I know you do. That’s the best part of this for me. Making you mad. Making you all surly and resentful because you’re loving this.”

He slid the toy free and before Tyler could stop himself, he realized he’d ground his ass against Donovan’s hips. Begging for it. Begging to be fucked.

Donovan stretched forward, laying his chest across Tyler’s back. His skin was hot, a little sweaty, and he smelled like a man. He was a man. A tall, strong man who had Tyler tied down and helpless. Who had hit him, marked him up, teased his ass open, fucked him, and was, even now, gripping Tyler’s throat.

The head of Donovan’s cock rubbed against Tyler’s entrance, pushing forward. Tyler sucked in a breath, every muscle tensing.

“You don’t want to like this,” Donovan said. “But you do. You need this. You need me to fuck you, so I need you to open up. Push out and let me in.”

Tyler closed his eyes and gritted his teeth at the firm pressure against his throat, against his ass, against his back. Donovan all around him, taking what he wanted.

Tyler let out a strangled sound as Donovan’s cock slipped inside. Tyler’s body seemed to pull him in farther and for a moment, they lay there silently as Tyler adjusted to the intrusion and the idea he had a man inside his body for the first time.

And then Donovan began to move. Tyler closed his eyes as the pain-pleasure radiated from the spot where they were connected and spread out across his whole body.

The slap of Donovan’s thighs against his made him ache and he arched his back, driving his hips up and back so Donovan could go deeper.

“Told you you’d love it.” Donovan sounded smug.

Tyler growled in annoyance, but he did. God, he did. He hated how fucking smug Donovan was about it but his entire body hummed with pleasure. That pleasure grew when Donovan wrapped a hand around his cock. He missed the pressure against his throat but the snug grip around his dick was even better.

The touch disappeared and Donovan spat, the sound obscene and thrilling at once. The grip returned, slick and tight. Donovan’s thumb grazed the head, teasing the sensitive spot at the tip. Tyler had come a few hours—or a lifetime—ago but the need was growing already. Building inside him, threatening to spill over. Concentrating in his balls, as he clenched around Donovan. He heard it in Donovan’s growl as he fucked him harder.

Donovan’s cock, his hand, the pain still radiating from Tyler’s ass, inside and out—it all combined together—forcing him toward the edge of a cliff. Toward that airplane’s door. Toward the inevitable.

His whole body flushed, going tight and hot … and he jumped.

There was that moment of stillness. Of floating. Of his heart in his throat, his body bracing for impact, for release. And then with a jerk, time sped up and he was spurting into Donovan’s hand, clenching around his cock, howling out his pleasure, unable to even drag in air as he let loose.

A while later, he realized someone—Donovan—was sweeping a soft, warm cloth across him.

“Mmm?” Tyler murmured. His ass throbbed, his cock was sated and limp, and he couldn’t move.

“You came hard,” Donovan said. He smoothed a hand up Tyler’s spine. “How do you feel.”

“No bones.”

Donovan’s chuckle was so warm and soft-sounding Tyler wanted to burrow into it.

“I fucked you boneless, huh?”

Oh shit. He’d been fucked for the first time. By a man. He swallowed hard, not sure if he liked that thought or hated it or maybe both. And maybe it shouldn’t matter but it did for some reason. And Donovan was right. Tyler was limp and boneless, wrung out like he’d gone through his first day of hell week training in bootcamp. Body aching. Too worn out to move. And that part was really fucking good.

“I know. You want to just lie there but you’ve been in that position a long time. Your hands are free now. Can you sit back? I’ll help.”

Donovan’s voice was soft, his hands strong as he helped Tyler sit upright. He wobbled, the world going light and hazy, and he slumped against Donovan’s chest. “Just lie back.”

A few moments later, Tyler was stretched out on his back on the carpet, staring up at the ceiling. He was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to move like that. “Fuck.”

He felt the brush of Donovan’s fingertips against his cheek, felt more than heard Donovan’s laughter when it reverberated through his chest, which was pressed tight to Tyler’s arm. He twitched his fingers, realizing the backs of them had just brushed Donovan’s spent cock.

“Am I dead?”

“I sincerely hope not, or I am going to have some fast talking to do to the police.”

Tyler managed to roll his head to the side. Through heavy-lidded eyes he saw Donovan’s smirk. The twinkle in his blue eyes. Right now, Tyler didn’t hate those ridiculous freckles or the red beard. Or that mouth. Tyler licked his own suddenly dry lips.

Donovan’s gaze flicked straight to his mouth. He let out a little sigh and pressed forward. He didn’t kiss him, just hovered an inch or so away until Tyler growled and closed the distance.

It was different, kissing a man. The catch of facial hair against his own stubble, the firm pressure, the large hand on the back of his head. The insistent tease of Donovan’s tongue against the seam of Tyler’s mouth.

His head was too fuzzy to dig into it now and he opened, giving back as much as he got, pushing Donovan for more. Donovan rubbed a hand down his chest and abs, making Tyler squirm into the carpet.

“Hurts,” he managed. “My ass.”

“Sorry.” Donovan’s touch was gone immediately. “Roll over, let me see.”

Tyler rolled onto his stomach, head swimming, still feeling the phantom pressure of Donovan’s lips against his.

He’d taken that leap. Done something big and scary and now he was flying high, buzzed and shaky and still not sure which way was up.

The only thing he did know for sure was that there was no going back now.