Bedroom Bully by Harper West



I staredat the flier for the family reunion and almost threw up in my mouth. Since when did my family do reunions? I’d never been to one in my whole ass life. I’d never once heard my parents mention anything about family get-togethers.

And yet, the little asterisk note at the bottom of the mailed flier told a very different story.

*We hope to see you there! Everyone’s excited you’re coming home.*

“Fucking hell,” I whispered.

So, the first thing I did was call the person who had to sign off on my paid leave.


“Why aren’t you at work yet?” he asked when he picked up the phone.

I clicked my tongue as I dropped my purse on my desk. “Actually, I am.”

“Then, why are you bothering with calling me when you could just come up here?”

“I think you and I both know the answer to that question.”

He paused. “What do you need, Miss Loren?”

I sighed. “My family is having a family reunion this weekend. I just got the flier in the mail this morning.”

“There’s so much wrong with that sentence, I don’t even know where to start.”

I forgot sometimes that he knows my family well, and his sentiment made me chuckle. “And as much as I’d love to tell you to not approve my vacation time, I know they’re expecting me to come home for it.”

“How much time do you need?”

“At least the weekend. But, with travel, I’d need to fly out tonight and then come back in Monday. So, off Friday and Monday.”

He didn’t hesitate. “That’s fine. I figured you’d be gone for a week or something. Fill out the proper paperwork and get it to me. I’ll finish it off and get it approved.”

I flopped into my office chair. “I’d say I appreciate it, but we both know I’d be lying.”

He chuckled. “I could still do it, if you want.”

His offer was tempting, but I didn’t want to risk another surprise visit from my parents. “No, but thanks. I might take you up on it again if they want to try and finagle me home again before the holidays.”

“I’ll be the dick boss when you need it, then.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

There was a beat of silence where I felt kindred to him, in a way. As if we both had this unspoken understanding regarding how we felt about family get-togethers, in general.

But the moment passed when he cleared his throat. “Get that paperwork to me and quit stalling. You have work to do if you don’t want to take it home with you.”

I nodded. “Will do, Mr. Ryker.”

The day flew by, and I dropped my paperwork off with him by the time lunch rolled around. Then, to my shock, he dismissed me for the rest of the day so I could go pack. Everything passed in a blur, from buying my plane ticket to flying home to hugging my parents the second I showed up on their doorstep.

And immediately, I was thrust into helping them put this last-minute shit together.

I prayed that my parents didn’t oust me about my weird-ass sex toys while family was here. Aunts and uncles showed up in droves and cousins I hadn’t seen in years gave me awkward hugs because they, too, had been forced to attend this farce of a family get-together. What had gotten into my parents, I had no idea. Maybe it was a show they had watched. Maybe someone in the community guilt-tripped them into having a family affair. Whatever the case, though, I was glad we had it at the community center in town.

Because that meant we had a massive swimming pool to help stave off our heat strokes.

I didn’t want to get into the pool mostly because I didn’t own a bathing suit that fit me. But, my sister was no stranger to bikinis and how they flattered her body. Where I was a beached sea elephant resting on the sandy shorelines, she was an elegant mermaid with tits shoved up to her face and a washboard stomach that most women drooled over.

However, something on her back caught my eye.

“Hey, Mags,” I said as I walked up to her.

She poised herself, ready to dive into the water before she looked over at me. “What’s up? Mom and Dad need something again?”

I pointed to the scar on her back. “I didn’t know you had something like that. Where did you get it?”

She blinked. “Get what?”

I ran my finger along it softly and it made her jump. “That. What happened?”

She quickly turned it away from me. “Nothing. Just an accident.”

I tilted my head. “When did you get into a car accident?”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re so damn nosy, you know that?”

She flipped her hair at me before she dove into the pool and a memory I had forgotten a long time ago came rushing back to the forefront of my mind. Back in high school, my sister had been incredibly rebellious. She cursed out my parents at least once a week, she was always sneaking out at odd hours and using my window to get back into her room before she got caught. However, one particular evening I had stayed up late to read a book and she came crawling through my window with disheveled hair and the scent of burnt rubber on her.

I didn’t think anything of it at the time. But what if that night had something to do with the scar on her back?

I’m overthinking things. She probably fell and raked her back against something.

Still, it made me wonder why she had dodged the question so completely if it wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Maggie, can we--?”

Mom’s voice bellowed out of nowhere. “Rebecca, sweetheart!? We could use some help with the grill!”

Maggie cackled from the deep end. “Have fun, sweetheart!”

I stuck my tongue out at her. “Coming, Mom!”

I jogged over to where Mom was trying to clean off the grill for another round of burgers, but I saw her continuously peeking over the fence. I peered through the chain links, wondering what in the hell my mother was looking at.

Then, she grabbed my arm and pulled me close. “Don’t say anything and don’t panic.”

I furrowed my brow. “What’s going on?”

She nodded her head. “Through the chain-link fence. The red car. You see it?”

I peeked around her body. “Yeah. So, what?”

She looked over at me. “See the man leaning against it in the shadows? You have to look really hard, but you can see him.”

And when I realized who it was, my blood boiled.

“What in the absolute fuck is he doing here?” I hissed.

Mom shot me a look. “I don’t know, but you better figure it out before your father sees him.”

I shook my head. “Why the hell would he be at some stupid family reunion anyway. He isn’t family.”

She scoffed. “Thanks.”

I rubbed her back. “You know what I mean, Mom. I mean--.”

“You know your father and his father have always been close. I told your father not to invite the man because of what it might trigger, but that might be why he’s here.”

I ground my teeth together. “You leave him to me. I’ll get him out of here.”

I’d had enough of JoJo’s bullshit. It was one thing to boss me around while I was on the clock. It was a completely different thing to fly halfway across the damn country to attend a family reunion he had no business being at. I marched outside and locked eyes with him. He pushed off the front of the car and made his way for me, but I practically sprinted so that the shadows continued to cloak him by the time I got there.

And when I approached him, I shoved his chest.

“Hey, what the hell gives?” he asked.

I shoved him all the way back into the shadows. “What in the absolute fuck are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “My father and I were invited. He can’t attend because he isn’t feeling well. I figured I’d come and give my regards.”

I stuck my finger in his face. “You weren’t invited. Your father was, yes. But you know damned good and well that the second my father sees you, he’s going to strangle you. Not to mention my sister is in there. Or did you forget that Maggie existed?”

His eyes raked down my body. “Nice shorts.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Eyes up. Now.”

So, he started staring at my tits. “I didn’t even know you owned halter tops. Looks great on you.”

And that’s when I did the unthinkable.

I slapped him right across the face.

“All right, then,” he grunted.

I gripped his shirt and pulled him down to my level. “You don’t get this part of my life. You don’t ever get to be involved with it. So, get in your stupid rental car, get back to whatever penthouse hotel suite you rented, and go the fuck home. I’ll see you Tuesday morning.”

He grinned. “And if I don’t.”

He peered over my shoulder for a split second before he moved. His arm whacked against mine before he grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back. I went to yelp, but turned me around, clapped his hand against my mouth, and bent me over the hood of his car. I felt his cock grinding against my ass cheeks. His growl shivered me to my core as he pinned me to the hot car. And as I began to sweat, his mouth found the shell of my ear.

“No matter where you go and no matter what you do, you’ll never escape me. I’m infinite, Rebecca. And until you realize that, I’ll simply have to keep reminding you.”

My eyes watered. “Why are you doing this to me? My sister’s right inside. Go finish whatever shit you have with her and just leave me alone.”

He nibbled my earlobe. “Is that what you really want… sweet girl?”

I swallowed hard. “I just want to spend time with my family.”

He chuckled darkly. “Says the woman who didn’t want to come to this in the first place.”

I shook my head as his leg pressed between my thighs. “Why are you really here? You aren’t here because your father can’t make it. Mom already told me that he’s at the beach for the weekend. That’s not at all why you’re here.”

That’s when I felt his hand tease my ass cheeks. “Maybe I didn’t want to spend another moment away from you. Did you ever think of that?”

I scoffed. “You don’t have that kind of compassion and emotion inside of your cold, hard heart.”

“Mmmm, maybe you’re right,” he said as he stuffed his hand up my shorts, “but maybe I didn’t give you what you deserved before you left.”

His fingertips played with my pussy lips, and I tried my best to keep silent. I kept my eyes locked with my parents, hoping and praying that they didn’t see anything. Mom kept peering over every once in a while, but with the way she craned her neck I knew she couldn’t see us. Even with her glasses on, her eyesight was subpar at best.

But, when his fingers found my swollen clit, I groaned.

“So wet for me. Your body betrays you, sweet girl.”

I bucked against him. “JoJo, please.”

He pulled back slightly. “Uh-uh-uh. Sassy little girls don’t get what they want.”

Sweat dripped down my face as his fingers encircled my clit. My toes curled into my flip flops as I rolled my lips over my teeth. I panted for air as he stroked me in ways that made my head spin. His thumb slipped into my tight, wet cavern and my fucking head almost popped off. Electricity sizzled me, cooking me from the inside out. I bucked with his movements, fucking myself against his hand as my juices dripped into his palm. I was his, like melted putty on an outside patio table. And as I collapsed into his rented red sports car, I succumbed to his ministrations.

Before he stopped.

“Wh-wh-wh—what are—you, uh--.”

He stood up and released me. “Remember who can bring you to your knees, sweet girl. I would hate for someone to take you down a bad path because you’re insistent on hating me.”

I pushed my ass against his cock. “Come back. Please. I was so—so close.”

He spanked me. “Now, get off my car. You’re leaving sweat marks.”

I jerked upright and gritted my teeth before he spanked my ass one last time. I watched as he walked around to the driver’s side of his car with a grin on his face, slipped inside, and cranked up the engine. He rolled the top down, like he was some badass boy with the coolest toy on the block. And as he backed out of his parking space, he winked at me.

Before driving off and leaving me with arousal dripping down the insides of my thighs.