Her Deadly Angels by Ginna Moran

Chapter 2



YELLOW LIQUID SPLASHES across my face, stinging my skin. I stare in shock as a long blade protrudes from the woman’s neck, spilling her weird-colored blood down the front of her torn shirt. Stretching open her mouth, she tries to scream, but no sound escapes her thin lips. I can’t pull away from her before a bucket of water cascades over us. My skin cools as I watch the demon burn. A cloud of putrid smoke wafts through the air, and the demonic woman falls to her knees. Elias stands behind her, a bucket by his feet and his long blade clutched in his hand.

I recoil, trying to back up, but the wall traps me in place. I can’t do anything except for watch as Elias swings the long dagger with enough force to cut the demon’s head clean off. I heave a breath, retching at the disgusting sight. My empty stomach does nothing to help me. Elias flicks his gaze at me for a split second and shakes his head like he can’t believe my reaction. Locking his fingers to the demon’s severed head, he lifts it up and drops it into the bucket.

My mind is total mush as I try to process what’s happening. He doesn’t even look fazed by decapitation, which reminds me of Dante. This man has clearly done this before, because he lifts the bucket from the floor and strolls from the room like he has a plan. I watch in silence and without moving as Elias struts away.

From my spot, I get a good view of the empty living room and open kitchen. Elias flings open a cupboard, revealing dozens of jugs of water. While I can guess that they’re not intended for drinking, I still can’t process what’s going on. He snags a jug from the lowest shelf and begins pouring the water into the bucket. My only thought is that the stuff is holy water. I can’t think of anything else that might hurt a demon like this. I’m also nearly certain it’s what he used to get me away from Dante.

Smoke billows from the bucket, and I cover my nose and mouth, trying to filter the awful air the best I can. Elias abandons the demon’s head on the counter, returning to me—or I guess the demon’s body—and he drags it toward the small bathroom.

“Grab the candle from the dresser, will you?” he asks, twisting to glance at me still frozen in my spot. “There is a lighter next to my smokes on my nightstand.” No wonder he’s constantly hacking.

My feet automatically start taking me across the room to follow his instructions despite my mind yelling at me to get my shit together. I shouldn’t be helping this asshole. I should be running as fast as I can and getting away from him.

But then I catch sight of the demon’s body in the tub. What if I leave only to run into one? Right now, I know Elias doesn’t want me dead. He wants to use me to somehow get into the Higher Power’s good grace, but I highly doubt one of the angelic brethren will be coming around soon. I should just wait until Kase and Dante find me or until I can catch Elias off guard and steal his phone. Whether the ideas are good is another story. But I’m in survival mode, and this guy killed a demon. My chances are better with him. And who knows? Maybe I’ll get some answers I can use to help me.

“There’s a box of salt under the sink. Grab that too, will you?” Elias asks, arranging what looks like dried sage over the corpse. “Hustle. I have to move fast.”

I do as he commands and pull out the heavy box of salt from beside more jugs of water. I knew this guy was crazy, but fuck. It’s obvious he isn’t just some man on a mission to summon a miracle. Elias has experience taking care of demons in what I can tell is a very human way. With Kase and Dante, they open a portal to Hell and basically shove them back in.

And damn it. I have so many questions.

“Pour the salt around the edge of the tub. Be careful not to leave any breaks. I don’t want the fucker escaping because you don’t know how to draw a salt circle.” Elias motions to me with a wave of his hand, getting me to stand by his side. “You know how it goes. They’ll take whatever opportunity they can to avoid returning to the pits, and I don’t want to risk the lives of my neighbors. It’s not their fault you’re damn demon bait.”

Anger rushes through me, and I drop the salt, letting it clatter to the floor. “You’re right. But it’s your damn fault because you shouldn’t have kidnapped me in the first place. So don’t try to blame me.”

He grunts in annoyance and snatches the box of salt, pouring it along the ledge of the tub until it creates a salt ring around the demon’s body. “I didn’t kidnap you. I relocated you to a place more accessible to the divine. You can’t honestly tell me you enjoyed being a sex slave to a demon. I saw how rough he was, trying to tear your throat out with his cock.”

Blush burns over my chest and cheeks at his comment.

“I bet his demon juice tastes as bad as demon’s smell,” he adds, turning his head to grimace at me. “It fucked you up. I wasn’t sure you’d ever come down from that fucking high.”

How do I even respond to that? For one, the bastard watched me give Dante a blowjob. What a fucking creep. But why am I surprised? Elias was an angel in another life, and those halo-heads love to watch in silence, being their creeper selves. I learned that from Micah.

“Of course this would be easier if you hadn’t,” Elias adds, lifting the candle I brought from the dresser.

I notice strange, unfamiliar symbols carved into the black wax, shining golden with the light from the flame. He whispers something under his breath and tilts the candle until it touches the corpse and sets it ablaze. The room rumbles and shakes, and I nearly fall over as the flames in the tub shoot toward the ceiling. Unholy fuck. It’s all I can think as the demon’s body melts and disappears in what I can only describe as a human-made portal to Hell.

The fire disappears with the body, leaving the empty tub with the ring of salt still in place. My mouth opens, my jaw slack, and a dozen thoughts swirl through my mind.

“How in the hell?” I ask, my mouth rebelling to speak what’s on my mind.

Elias’s stern expression breaks, and a grin cuts across his brooding face. “You’ve never seen a banishing circle before?”

I press my lips together. I hate admitting he’s right, but my reaction is obvious. “I didn’t even know humans could do that.”

“Most can’t, but I’m a hunter, darlin’. It’s in my blood to send these Hellraisers back to the pits. It’s the least I can do for...” Elias’s voice trails off with his thought. He scrubs his hand into his beard and shakes his head.

“A hunter? As in a demon hunter?” Why can’t I get my curiosity in check? Elias kidnapped me and hurt Dante. I shouldn’t be socializing with him. If anything, I should kick him in the balls and create my own banishing circle to send his ass to Hell.

Elias arches a brow at me like I’ve asked the dumbest question in the universe. “What else would I hunt? These evil bastards are everywhere. They will do anything to gain power over humans to use us against Heaven. I want nothing more than to send all of them back to Hell, but especially the one who has a contract on my soul. It’s why I borrowed you from that asshole. I need a miracle, and you’re the key. I know it. I feel it in my gut.”

“Your gut is off.” I sigh and shake my head, breaking away from his gaze. “You need more than that. You seem to have experience with demons, but you obviously can’t remember shit about angels. This is all a waste of time. You can try to give them me in exchange for your soul to be saved, but you’ll be disappointed. Trust me. I asked for help like you and you know what they did?”

Elias scratches the back of his neck, looking just as curious as I am. “Didn’t answer?”

I laugh in exasperation. “I wish. The bastard angels wanted to send me to Hell and tried stabbing me with their flaming swords. I barely escaped their vengeance and attempt to force self-sacrifice on me.”

Elias’s gray eyes darken like thunderous clouds roll over his gaze. He doesn’t say anything but stares at me as if he can read my mind for confirmation of the truth. I consider telling him what I know about our past lives and how the same avenging angels blame me for his fall from Heaven, but what’s the point? He might turn around and blame me too.

I’ll have to try another way to relate to him. He doesn’t seem like the same Hell-bound people I’ve come into contact with before. If I can figure out what is going on, maybe I can get him to release me.

“I know you won’t believe me, but they might do the same thing to you,” I add, wringing my hands together.

His intensity burns through me like any devil’s would, and I shift on the balls of my feet, struggling between loving how his eyes seem to penetrate me on a soul-deep level yet hating it all the same. I have a serious problem that I’m starting to feel bad for the man who kidnapped me. My poor taste in mortal men just won’t release me. If anything, it grows stronger.

“I doubt it. I’ve been working my ass off to prove my soul’s worth. Over the last year, I’ve sent thirty-six—thirty-seven—demons back to Hell.” He curls and uncurls his fingers. “What have you done to repent?”

“I have nothing to repent for,” I snap, glowering. “I haven’t done anything to deserve this.”

“You let a monster fuck your damn face. I’d say that deserves a mark for Hell on your soul.” Elias stomps past me, shoving me out of the doorway with his shoulder. “Despicable.”

I stand in shock, trying to process what the fuck he just said to me. My annoyance explodes into fury, and I chase after him and grab his arm. Spinning around, Elias scowls at me. I swing my hand and slap him across his handsome face, jerking his head to the side. He cups his cheek, his muscles flexing. I brace for him to hit me back. To do something to hurt me. But he just continues to glare.

So I try to hit him again.

Snatching my wrist, Elias yanks me into him, pinning my hand between us. His heart thumps on the back of my hand, the chaotic beats incredibly strange. I try to tug away from him, but he doesn’t let me go. He tightens his fingers and leans in close until we share the same breath.

“Darlin’, hitting me won’t change the truth of the matter. I know you believe we’re somehow on the same level, but you have no fucking idea. Now knock it off and quit talking. Don’t make me gag you. We gotta get moving. If the next demon turns out to want a piece of your ass, you’re going to find yourself bent over if you want me to send it to Hell. You make a killer distraction.”

“You’re sick!” I yell, ramming my hand into his chest, getting him to let me go. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He heaves and coughs, his face turning red. As soon as he catches his breath, he smirks at me in amusement.

“Oh, come on. If these angels don’t show up, then I can at least let all my trouble in kidnapping you be worthwhile. Maybe being some demon bait will help put in a good word for your soul too. Couldn’t hurt.” A smirk plays on Elias’s lips as he stares at me, waiting for my reaction. “I already know you can handle it, demon whore.”

His words kick me in the ass, and I launch at him, my mind reeling. What right does he have to judge me and belittle me? For being a man looking to repent, he is clearly off base with how to accomplish this.

Elias blocks his face with his arm, so I reach behind me and punch him in his cock. Hollering, he tries to throw me off, but I curl my fingers around his junk and squeeze. If he thinks his life has been shitty up until now, he has no idea. I’m not some weak little demon plaything that can be pushed around. I’m the fucking woman who can make angels fall.

“Call me a name again, and I will rip your damn balls off, you wannabe righteous asshole,” I say, heaving a breath as I peer down at him. “You have no idea what you’re talking about or who I really am and who I belong to. I didn’t make a shitty deal for some mundane thing. I turned Lucian down to begin with, but the bastard devil didn’t leave me a choice. It was either make a damn deal or get trapped with my abusive-ex who would’ve gotten the deal instead. I’d have ended up in Hell regardless. So don’t you fucking judge me. There is nothing wrong with having a good time to make up for the bullshit that people like you put me through. I bet you’re jealous because this is probably the closest a woman’s ever been to your cock.”

“Screw you, devil slut,” he growls.

Patting his cheek with my free hand, I say, “I’ll save that for the angels. Because guess what? They’re going to be mine too. That’s my thing and why Hell wants me so badly. I break angels, just like I broke y—”

Elias flips me off him and onto my back. I gasp as the air escapes my lungs. Yanking a dagger from his belt, he aims it at my throat. I hold utterly still, not putting it past him to try to send me to Hell on Heaven’s behalf. He seems psycho enough to do it.

“No more talking, darlin’. You’re getting to be a real fucking pain in my ass.” He pushes to his feet and clutches his chest, coughing like crazy. He clears his throat several times, glaring at me. “Say one more word, and I’ll gag you. Go sit at the table and wait for me to finish packing.”

I huff a breath and roll to my knees, taking my time to get off the floor. As much as I want to swear at him, I resist for the sole reason that I don’t want him shoving another dirty rag in my mouth. I shuffle my way to the tiny table and plop down in one of the chairs. Pill bottles litter the glass top, and I try not to let them get to me. Pills remind me of Joel and what he did. What if Elias tries to do something the same to make me comply?

“Don’t even consider touching my shit,” Elias mutters, swiping his arm across the table and gathering the medication into a bag before I can read the labels.

“I wouldn’t. I don’t have a pill problem, thanks.” I regret saying anything with the death glare he gives me and snap my mouth shut. I just can’t get my mind to comply and keep quiet like he demands.

“Neither do I. So stop fucking judging.” This. Guy. Elias telling me not to judge him is laughable.

“I’m not.” I push away from the table, preparing to fight him if he even considers trying to gag me again. “I was just curious. My ex was a pharmacist. Shoot me for trying to figure you out.”

“Guns are too noisy, and I don’t kill humans. The pills are part of my pain management, among other things. Cancer is a fucking asshole.” His jaw tightens as he presses his lips together. I don’t think he intended to tell me any of this by how quickly he abandons me to rush to the bedroom.

I watch Elias head to his dresser and pull the top drawer open. Easing out of the chair, I only hesitate for a second. I thought I’d wait around for Kase and Dante to find me, but with this guy choosing to leave...fuck this. It might be harder for my devils to track my soul, if they even can. With the way the demonic woman spoke, it sounded like Lucian still keeps a bounty on my soul.

Racing across the living room, I charge to the door and flip open the deadbolt before unhooking the chain. I twist the knob and pull, but it doesn’t budge. A doorstopper is shoved under the crack, preventing me from escaping fast enough. I swear under my breath and twist at the sound of Elias’s thudding footsteps.

“If you stop now, I’ll only tie your hands up,” he calls, coughing as he runs toward me.

“Fuck you!” I kick the stopper out of the way and swing the door open.

Cool air engulfs me. Rushing down the driveway, I race toward the sidewalk. I thought Elias lived in a crappy apartment, but I find myself in the middle of a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs. I don’t recognize anything. All I can hope for is that I can manage to run and find someone willing to let me use their phone.

“Get back here!” Elias yells from behind me.

A car door slams and the engine starts.

Shit. Fuck. Damn.

How will I escape him if he chases me in a car? I can’t run that fast, and I’m out of shape.

But I need to try.

Peeking over my shoulder, I glance at Elias barreling out of the driveway. The only thing I can count on is that he was being truthful about not killing humans. I ignore the blare of his horn and keep running despite knowing he follows behind me. Tires squeal, and he zooms past, jerking left into the next driveway.

“Help!” I scream, hoping to cause a commotion.

I spin to run, but hands lock into my hair.

“Damn it. Why can’t you just do as you’re told?” he asks, hoisting me onto his shoulder.

Kicking and screaming, I try my best to fight him off, but it’s no use. It’s like his determination makes him the most powerful asshole in existence in this moment. Elias pops open his trunk and prepares to throw me into it. If he locks me in, my life could be over. My soul will be done for.

In one last attempt to fight, I jab my fingers into his eyes. Pain explodes in my back as I hit the sidewalk. Elias can’t get to me fast enough.

Once again, I run.