Her Deadly Angels by Ginna Moran


Soul Crushed


WARM ARMS SLIDE around me, and I turn onto my side, meeting Andre’s gaze. Stars light up the night sky like thousands of diamonds. I can’t stop the smile crossing my face. I’ve missed seeing Andre outside of flames. But now? He’s here, visiting me in my sleep.

“Miss me, little hellion?” Andre asks, stroking his fingers along my cheek. “Because I’ve missed you. I’ve missed all the hours you’ve denied me of filling myself up on the pleasure our bodies together can bring. I suppose this dream will do for now.”

I bite my lip, tingles blossoming from the spot on my cheek his fingers caress and to the rest of me. “It will have to. Kase told me what can happen. You survive on my desire and lust not unlike the incubi demon you freed last week.”

“Someone must do my bidding,” he teases, a smile lighting his velvety brown eyes. “Until you’re ready.”

“I want to. I’m just...I don’t know. So much could happen.” I graze my lips to his, relishing the sensation of his exhilarating darkness tangling with my soul.

“Let me show you it’ll be worth it.” Andre rolls on top of me, planting his hands on each side of my head. Bending down, he crashes his mouth to mine, kissing me with enough passion to set my body off.

The sensation steals my breath, and I gasp in the fragrant air that turns me on without Andre even touching me yet. And what the hell? What is this magic? Is it the dream or Andre? Whatever it is, a strange desire courses through me, and all I can think about is fucking his brains out. My clit aches, my body in desperate need of relief. Andre hums and arches up, extending his nails a bit to shred my clothes right off of me. His features shift, his jaw turning sharper and more angular as hard plates sprout across his cheeks in a deep onyx color like armor.

“You want me, little hellion, don’t you?” he murmurs, his muscular body bulking up as he pushes away and slinks around me. Then I notice his extra-appendages jutting from his sides. Whoa. It’s strangely seductive and a bit frightening. Not because I’m afraid, but because if he’s anything like Kase and his tail...damn.

I stare in surprise, his devil façade massive and rock-hard, his ribbed tail arching up and over his head like a scorpion. Bulging veins snake over his body gathering between his thighs to set his cock aglow in a way that entrances me. It’s unlike anything I could imagine, the glowing flesh hardening to point at me.

My body zings at the sight, and Andre uses his two hands to stroke the length, but instead of growing, it returns back to what I know of him in his mortal form.

“Turn over. I want your ass in the air,” Andre says, his crude demand weakening my knees. “It’ll be easier this way.”

“To do what?” I ask, squirming, my whole body out of whack with all-consuming desire.

“Do it and find out.” Andre strokes the length of his cock again.

Doing as he says, I roll over and bow, sticking my ass into the air. He mounts me, his cock sliding between my legs without going in, and he tightens his hands around me, pinning me in place. Just his touch sends pleasure cascading over me, and I pant and imagine what it will be like to let him fuck me doggy-style and if it’ll hurt. Because damn. I’m about to take a pounding.

“Are you ready?” he murmurs, aligning his body to mine. “I’ll go slow.”

I hum my agreement, digging my fingers into the strange spongey ground of my dream world.

My muscles spasm with my sudden orgasm, the intensity knocking Andre away from me.

I jolt upright, my body humming, the blanket under me wet with the lingering ecstasy aroused in me by Andre. What the fuck? Damn. He gave me a wet dream that affected my reality, and I clench my thighs together, a moan escaping my lips.

I blink my eyes, trying to orient myself to Lucian’s room, the fog of lust consuming me. I expect to see him staring like a perv from his bed, but it’s now empty. I’m alone and on the floor where I fell asleep since I refused to climb into bed with the cocky bastard.

“Raven,” a soft voice whispers. “Raven, wake up.”

I rub the heels of my hands into my eyes, clearing away the sleep. I spot Zade flying outside the open balcony door, flapping his wings to stay in place.

“Are you crazy?” I ask, abandoning the mess of blankets on the floor. I hug my arms around myself and cross the room. “If Lucian catches you—”

“He won’t. He’s busy outside. Please, let me have just a moment to speak with you. Andre was visiting, wasn’t he? I could sense him.” Zade’s heavenly glow dims with his words. Grabbing onto the railing, he balances on the ledge instead of joining me on the balcony. “How is he?”

His question throws me off. It wasn’t exactly what I expected from him. I thought he’d come with a message from Cassius, wondering if I was ready to accept his deal for my soul. But even after everything, I’m not.

“He’s bound to Hell. That’s how he is,” I snap, annoyance rushing through me. Andre has been visiting me almost every night for the last six days since I refused to go to Hell and remained outside the circle for our time together. He wasn’t happy, but I’m done bowing to crazy-ass demands. I’ll go to Hell when I’m ready, and not a moment sooner.

“Will you give him a message from me?” Zade asks, ignoring my comment like I didn’t say anything at all. “I want him to know—”

“Just keep him away. I will string your intestines across the city if anyone finds him before he dies.” Lucian’s voice rings through the air, stealing my attention from Zade. “Do you understand? He must die unbound. I need time.”

Lucian’s words ignite fear inside me. What is going on? Time for what? Shit. I need to find out. Without thinking, I launch at Zade and cling onto him, using his need to catch himself to save my ass from possibly breaking my leg in the fall from the second story.

“You fucker! Help! Micah!” Elias hollers. “Mi—”

A loud slap reverberates through my bones, followed by silence.


“Hurry, Vincent. Get him out of here. Now,” Lucian says.

I dash toward the side of the house, fear and anger exploding through me. Zade snatches the back of my nightshirt and pulls me into his chest, using his free hand to cover my mouth.

“Shhh, don’t let him hear you,” he whispers. “If he does, I can assure you, Elias will be dead by morning.”

Tears burn my eyes. “Let me go.”

“And do what? You can’t follow a demon, Raven...but I can.” Zade releases me, still keeping his hand across my mouth. “I just need you to do me a favor. Please.”

I slowly nod. “What is it?”

“I’ll find out where the demon is taking Elias, so you can tell your soul keepers, but then, I need you to allow me to use your soul. I need to speak with Andre,” Zade says. “I need you to agree to let me use you to get into Hell.”

I blink a few times. “Deal.”

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading Her Deadly Angels! To find out what happens to Raven and her devils next, check out Her Darkest Devils, the third installment of The Seven Sinners of Hell’s Kingdom.

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