Elemental Awakened by Helen Scott



The guys were weird, there was no doubt about it, but weird was something I could deal with. Silence, on the other hand, was not, and that was what was happening while we all ate. I took a deep breath. Clearly, it was up to me if I wanted conversation, which was mildly annoying, since Dres had invited me over.

“So where are you both from?” I asked, figuring the basics was as good a place as any to start.

They glanced at each other, sharing a look that I couldn’t quite decipher. “We both moved around a lot,” Dres said.

I looked between the two of them. Evidently, that was all I was going to get. “How did you all meet?” I asked, trying to keep my voice pleasant and not let my annoyance creep in.

“Training,” Kai said before he shoved another forkful of food into his mouth.

I glanced between them again, and when neither of them said anything further, I asked, “Do either of you have a favorite color, or is that going to get a cryptic answer as well?”

They both looked up at me, their eyes searching my face. Confusion flit across their features for a split second.

Sure, they both had dark hair and dark eyes, but that was where the similarities ended. Kai’s face seemed like it was perpetually set in a scowl, whereas Dres’ long, angular features were almost blank, but something made me feel as though he was constantly amused by what was going on. That may have had something to do with why their lack of participation in the conversation was irritating me so much.

I had one more bite of the delicious meal, set my silverware down, dabbed the corner of my mouth with the napkin Dres had handed me with the plate, and stood. Neither of them said anything as I walked to the corner, grabbed my coat and purse, and headed toward the front door.

“Why are so you awkward all the time, man?” a low voice muttered behind me. I couldn’t tell which one had spoken though, as they were too quiet and their voices almost too similar in pitch.

“If you guys ever actually want to hold a conversation, let me know,” I said over my shoulder as I reached for the door.

“Blue,” one of them said as I closed the door behind myself. I couldn’t even tell which of them had spoken, but saying one word as I was literally walking out the door wasn’t enough to make me turn around.

I knew it was petty, but I was fed up. Not only had I had an awkward half hour with Dres, but then, even after Kai’s initial reaction to me, I’d let them talk me into staying. If I had just trusted my gut instinct, then I would have been home in bed, binge-watching The Office for the umpteenth time by now instead of only just leaving.

As I opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, my senses went onto high alert, part of me remembering how the dragon I’d seen on their porch before had reacted to me. It had been like it could actually see me and had almost approached me. That was something that had never happened before, not in all my years of seeing and drawing them.

The pause on the top step as I reached out with my senses, not really seeing what was in front of me as I felt for a dragon once more, was enough to startle me when Finn appeared on the path below. I couldn’t feel them all the time, but occasionally, I was aware they were there before they made a sound or I could see them, like a cat brushing against my leg.

“Tessa, hey! I wasn’t sure whether you’d still be here or not,” he said with an easy smile.

I didn’t miss the way his eyes raked over my body, as though I were something delectable he couldn’t wait to eat up. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. It had been too long since I’d dated. That had to be it. It definitely had nothing to do with the way he bit his bottom lip without thinking or the little grin that tugged at one corner of his mouth when he let it go.

“I don’t think they knew whether they wanted me here or not either,” I said, unable to keep the pout from my voice.

“They?” He cocked his head to the side as though he was listening to something.

“Dres and Kai. I’ve never met two men who were so cryptic and monosyllabic as the two of them. Getting more than two words out of them was like getting blood from a stone.” I sighed. After a second, I said, “Sorry, I know they’re your friends and roommates, I just didn’t expect to eat dinner in silence.”

“They aren’t exactly big talkers. Well, Dres can be, but I’m guessing being around a beautiful woman such as yourself made him clam up,” Finn said smoothly.

I could have sworn I heard a groan come from inside.

“If you give me a second to set this down, I’ll walk you home.”

Part of me wanted to say no, to tell him to go be with his roommates and maybe teach them how to talk to strangers, but the rest of me was more cautious. My mind reminded me of the people I swear had been watching me on and off for the last few weeks, and suddenly, I was grateful for the company. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust the area that I lived in, it was more that there had been too much weird shit going on recently. Between the creepers watching me, all the dragons I’d been seeing, and my ring warming on my finger to the point of pain, it was enough to make me wonder if I actually did need to get some help. I couldn’t say any of that though, so I just gave him a quick nod and a small smile.

Finn bounded up the steps and jerked open the front door, letting it slam behind him, which made me jump. Voices raised inside briefly before quieting down once more, while I sat on the step the same way Dresden had found me that morning and thought about what a bizarre turn of events today had been. It was a few minutes and no dragons later when Finn walked out of the front door once more. He’d switched his sweats for some jeans and a sweater, along with a long wool coat that came down to his knees and made him look dapper as all hell. He held his arm out to me as we descended the stone steps of the house to the path that led to the sidewalk.

Once we were on flat ground again, I expected him to release my arm and hand, but he just held it there as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Most men would have let my hand drop the minute they felt it was acceptable to do so, but not Finn. It was the kind of thing that made me feel all warm and gooey inside, which was not something I was used to.

We’d moved away from the house when he cleared his throat and said, “I’m really sorry about Dres and Kai. They don’t mean to be dickheads, it just kind of happens.”

“It’s okay, I just don’t do well in situations where I’m not sure I’m wanted,” I said with a shrug. A moment later I added, “And I don’t mean in a sexual way. I mean…” My voice dried up as my awkwardness constricted my throat and a blush rose on my cheeks.

Before I could try and explain further, Finn simply said, “I know what you mean.” He patted my hand, and from anyone else, it would have felt condescending. From him, it actually felt like he was trying to comfort me. The leather of the gloves he was wearing was as soft as butter against my skin.

I sighed as we turned up my street, reminding myself that Finn had already been in my apartment and I’d survived, so I didn’t need to be cagy about where I lived. My instincts were at war with one another, part of me wanting to spend time, not only with Finn, but with Dres and Griff as well. Kai’s grin flashed across my mind, and I wished he wasn’t such an asshole, since it kinda ruined the whole hot as hell thing he had going on. I shook my head slightly, trying to focus on what I was doing so I didn’t trip over thin air again. Doing it once was embarrassing enough.

“Do you want to come up for coffee?” The words seemed to pop out of my mouth of their own accord. I hadn’t even been thinking of asking.

“Are you sure you want company after your dinner with my roommates?” Finn asked.

I could feel his eyes on me as we approached my apartment building. When we got to the door, I turned to look at him. “That’s exactly why I’d like some company. You’re easy to talk to, which is something I appreciate, especially after that disaster.”

“Ouch.” He winced and shook his head, but when his gaze met mine once more, he grinned. “I would love to come up, and don’t worry, I won’t tell Dres what you said.” He winked at me, and I practically felt my panties flutter away.

I gulped air as I tried to get my brain to think about anything other than mounting him. My keys were in my hands, but I couldn’t seem to find the one for the building. Seeing as how there were only five keys on my key ring, it shouldn’t have been that difficult. Finally, after what felt like minutes of me fumbling with my keys, I was able to get the door open and led the way upstairs to my apartment.

“Home sweet home,” I said as I opened the door and let the two of us inside.

As soon as Finn crossed the threshold, I felt like his gaze was focused on the floor where Brok had turned to ash. Seeing him look at the spot made me want to ask him about it, to demand that he tell me the truth, especially since I hadn’t even had the opportunity to try to get it out of Dres. Maybe that could wait until after a cup of coffee.

“Do you have a coffee preference?” I asked as I headed over to the small kitchen area.

“Whatever you’re having is fine, just make it black.”

I nodded and shrugged my coat off, setting it over the back of a chair along with my purse. “Feel free to set your jacket wherever, I don’t have a fancy coatrack like you guys,” I said over my shoulder as I headed toward the kitchenette.

“Damn, no wonder Dres was quiet. He probably couldn’t even think around you in that dress, let alone speak.”

I turned to look at Finn and found nothing but heat and hunger in his eyes. My mouth turned dry, and I swallowed thickly as his gaze seemed to eat me up. “Too much?” I breathed the question.

His eyes flicked to my face, and he scowled. “Don’t you even suggest such a thing. You’re fucking stunning. You could wear a paper bag and look sexy, did you know that?”

Within two strides, he’d crossed the room and was standing in front of me, his eyes practically glowing as his gaze searched my own.

“Can I kiss you?” he murmured.

When I just frantically nodded, he smiled, a full beautiful smile, and it was like the summer sun shining down on the turquoise water only found in those beach paradises of the Bahamas or Hawaii. It was so stunning, I almost had to look away. The warmth in his brown eyes kept me locked in place as his head slowly lowered. I waited with bated breath for his mouth to capture my own. Just before I gave in and was about to push up to meet him, he closed the distance between us.

Soft lips caressed mine, while one hand cupped my face and the other rested on the curve of my hip. Neither one moved, just holding me, even though I desperately wanted to feel his touch all over my body. I raised my arms and hooked them gently around his neck, letting one hand travel up the skin there and over the back of his shaved head. The stubble was just noticeable under my fingertips.

He sighed, and the hand on my hip clutched me tighter. I stepped closer, our bodies lining up perfectly, and felt his tongue dart out against my lips. When I opened my mouth in a silent invitation for him to play, our tongues twined around one another. I felt that same rush of…something that I’d felt when Dres took my hand or when I’d landed on Kai. I didn’t know what it was, and though I wanted to find out, it scared me.

The longer we stayed connected, the stronger the sensation became. This time, I wasn’t flying though, I was standing in the spray of a waterfall, each cold little droplet pinging against my skin sending goosebumps erupting over my arms and legs. As we kept kissing, it felt like the spray from the waterfall was actually spray from waves hitting the shore and I was gliding out into the ocean, warm and happy, buoyed by salt water and baking in the summer sun. It took everything I had, but I broke the kiss and pulled away.

Finn looked at me like I’d just sprouted wings, the confusion and wonder on his face seeming to be at war with one another. After a second of just staring at each other, I said, “I’ll get that coffee, shall I?” My voice was breathy and sounded like I should’ve be in soft-core porn, not talking about making coffee.

“Sounds good,” Finn said, but his voice was a low rumble, thick with the lust our kiss had stirred up within him.

As soon as I turned my back, I let out a shaky breath and moved the rest of the way to the kitchen, my ring warm on my finger. I was used to it only acting like that around dragons, but when I looked around for any signs of one, I saw none, which made it even stranger. When I set the coffee maker running, I turned back to the living room and found Finn sitting on the couch.

“What are we doing?” I asked. Finn’s brows pinched together in confusion. “I was just having dinner cooked for me by Dres, Kai offered me a beer, which if the saucers that were Dres’ eyes were anything to go by, was a big deal, and Griff made me rolls, not that I even know where to start with that one. I don’t want to cause trouble between you and your roommates. I also need to know what happened the last time you were in my apartment. The truth, not some made up shit about demons,” I growled out. Anger heated my blood as though it were trying to match the warmth coming from the ring on my finger.

“My roommates and I have an unusual relationship,” Finn hedged.

“Oh, god, not you too? I thought you’d at least be straight with me, not give me some cryptic bullshit.”

Finn sighed and rubbed his hand over the tiny stubbly hairs on his head. The only reason I knew they were there was because I’d just been touching them. His skin had been like silk under my hands, soft and smooth, with the exception of his hair, of course, and now that was all I could think about.

My feet were carrying me over to him before he could even raise his head. I was an iron filing, and he was a magnet. Not the most romantic imagery, but it was sensation of being drawn to him that I couldn’t withstand that had me feeling a little out of control. Not only was my temper getting the better of me, but so was my lust.

“Fuck it,” I said under my breath, and when he looked up at me, I pushed him back onto the couch and straddled him. This was not me. I was not the forward woman that was mounting a man on a first date, not that this was even a first date. But something in me needed to touch him, to feel his skin against my own, to share the same air as him.

My mouth descended on him like I was starving, sucking, licking, biting. The tentative, careful kiss from before was gone, and now, it was all passion and fire.

Finn’s hands were traveling up and down my thighs and back, while I could feel the length of him pressing against my thigh. I scooted over slightly so that he was hitting me just right, and when he flexed his hips, I couldn’t help but gasp as he rubbed right against where my body craved him the most. The sensation of water surrounded me again, but it wasn’t scary. It was like it was just providing a conduit between us, filling in the few places where our bodies weren’t touching.

When a thumb rubbed the side of my breast, I almost moaned. If my dress rode any higher, then it would just turn into a sweater and the dress part would be forgotten. Part of me wanted to be outraged at my behavior, but the rest of me didn’t give a flying fuck.

As though he could sense where my thoughts were, Finn’s hands moved down to my thighs once more, stroking up under the wool fabric until he was caressing the sensitive skin of my hips and butt. His hands slid around and pulled me closer, pressing me against every inch of him. I rocked my hips ever so slightly, unable to resist the need that was like a storm raging within me. Finn growled in response and bit my lower lip, making me arch my back. When he released me, his mouth moved down to my neck and collarbone, kissing and nipping until I was steadily rocking on top of him.

All I wanted to do was strip his clothes off and fuck him until I went out of my mind with pleasure, but that couldn’t happen, not yet. Not when I still didn’t know what was going on. When he thrust his hips upward, pushing against where I needed him, I almost broke down and lost control, but as the sensation of being in water grew, so did the heat from my ring.

It was only when Finn hissed in pain as I touched him that I realized for the first time in my life, someone else could feel the heat that it emitted.