Elemental Awakened by Helen Scott



I hadn’t even heard Malia come back in, but when I opened my eyes to get my towel, there was a small pile of clothes on it. Quickly, I toweled off and tried to figure out what went where. One part was obviously a skirt, while the other part was the top, but it looked much too short.

Once I’d wiggled into both pieces, I realized that my stomach was completely exposed. Scalloped leather edges caressed my hips at the waistband of the skirt and the high neckline of the top, while two different colors of material, one blue, one pale gold, crisscrossed over my breasts and wrapped around, tying on my back. The top’s sleeves were both in the blue color and hung to the floor, but a slit was cut most of the way up in them, allowing me to still be able to use my hands.

Below the leather waistband, the skirt itself was made of the same silky material as the top, and it flowed to the floor. It was clearly designed for someone much taller. I did the best I could though and wrapped the straps of the shoes around my ankles. When I exited, I went back to where I’d seen Malia before.

“There you are. The clothes look wonderful. You look much more Atlantean now.” She smiled.

“Thank you. I was wondering if I could see Finn?”

“Of course, child. He is two rooms down from where you were on the right.” Malia seemed much friendlier now that I was dressed appropriately, although I kind of felt like I should be some kind of teen pop star with my belly exposed as it was.

I followed her directions, bringing my small bundle of clothes with me, and when I found what I thought was the entrance to his room, I called out, “Finn?”

“Is that you, siren?” his voice called back. It was croaky, but the sound of it made me rush in, tossing my clothes to one side as I went to him. The sight of him in the pool barely covered made me skid to a halt. A man who was recovering from a stab wound had no right to look so damn good.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as I knelt by the edge of the pool, carefully keeping my distance so I didn’t invade his privacy or see anything he didn’t want me seeing.

“Better now that you’re here.” He smiled at me, and my heart thudded in my chest.

How had this man come to mean so much to me in such a short time?

“You big softy,” I said quietly, my heart still alight at his words.

“Want to come in for a dip?” he asked.

“I can’t, I don’t have anything to wear,” I said with a pout.

“I’ll close my eyes, you strip and get in, and I won’t look until you tell me to, deal?” His mouth quirked up on one side as though he’d issued a challenge rather than asked a question.

I bit my lower lip, the urge to go to him winning out over my common sense, so I gave him a quick nod and watched as he covered his eyes with both hands and made sure he wasn’t peeking. With as much speed and grace as I could muster, I stripped out of the top and skirt, along with my panties and bra, since I needed them to stay dry, and stepped into the water.

The warmth hit me first and then a tingling sensation everywhere the water touched. It was like feeling goosebumps break out over your skin and stay for longer than usual. As I slipped beneath the ripples of the water, I could feel the tingles spread all the way up and over my head. Once I grabbed a couple leaves from plants and allowed them to strategically float between us, I touched his elbow.

“You can look now. Are you really okay?” I asked, running my hand up his bicep.

“I really am. Anyone who gets to the healing pools in time usually survives their wounds, unless they were destined to die anyway,” he said, seeming to be at peace with the thought.

“And if you had been destined to die?”

“Then nothing in Atlantis would have been able to save me, but at least I would have died at home, even if I didn’t get to show it to you.”

His words were daggers to my heart. He seemed to be okay with whatever happened to him, but I wasn’t. “Where was the wound?” I asked, not remembering exactly where.

“My right side, just below my ribs.”

“Can I feel?” I was already reaching out as I swam around him to his other side and tried to stay somewhat decent while I moved so he didn’t get a full show. My hand skimmed his side, frantically moving over his skin to make sure that he was, in fact, healed.

“You can do whatever your heart desires, siren,” he said, his voice dropping low and turning gravelly.

“Whatever I want, hm?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow up at him. Before I could get too flirty, his skin became a ridge under my fingertips, a puckered viciously curved line “Here?” I murmured, letting my fingers trace it one more time.

“There,” he agreed.

“Does it still hurt?”

“A little if I move a certain way. For the most part, I’m healed though. Now, I’m just enjoying the waters before dinner with the queen.”

“Thanks for the heads-up about that, by the way,” I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

Before I could stop him, he lunged forward and captured my mouth with his own. His hands slid around my back as he pulled me close, and on instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist, forgetting that we were both naked, until his erection was pressed against my core.

I opened my mouth to gasp, and he took it as an invitation, his tongue surging out and claiming my mouth as his own. The last time we’d kissed, he hadn’t seemed as sure of himself, or as aggressive, not that either way was a bad thing. I was just surprised to find both sides in one man.

While one hand stayed spread across my back, holding me close to him, the other traveled down to my ass, gripping the fleshy part under water until I was rocking my hips back and forth without even thinking about it, rubbing myself along his shaft until I was mad with need.

The hand that had been on my back came up and cupped my breast, squeezing and massaging until I had to throw my head back and moan. Finn caught my nipple between his fingers and rolled it gently, making my hips buck and the head of his cock rub against my entrance. I wanted him inside me so badly, I could scream.

Between kissing my neck and nipping at the skin of my collarbone, Finn teased me mercilessly. When the hand that was grabbing my ass slipped between us, I expected him to pleasure himself, but his fingers caressed my stomach and moved lower until they were slipping between my folds. The noises I was making by that point were not very ladylike at all, and when he found my clit, I just about lost my damn mind.

“I can’t take this, Finn, I need you inside me,” I murmured as I leaned forward and bit his earlobe before kissing my way down his neck.

“Come for me, then we’ll see,” he growled out as he gently pinched the bud of nerves at my core.

Before I could respond, he slipped a finger inside me and stroked me. With the water being between us and making me feel weightless, I lost all my inhibitions and began riding his hand like it was his dick. His fingers pumped in and out of me in a steady rhythm, and his kisses rained down on my skin. I was soon at the edge of a mental cliff, and when he touched his thumb to my clit, that was all it took to send me sailing over the edge into my own personal oblivion.

When I flickered my eyes open, he looked almost predatory. The whites of his eyes had completely bled out, and the black swirled with browns over the whole surface, making it look like I was staring into space, rather than my lover’s eyes.

“Are you sure you want to play with a demon, little siren?” he asked, his voice taking on an almost cruel tone as he spoke.

“I want you, Finn. I don’t give a shit if you’re a demon or a human or something else, you’re it. And if you don’t want me, that’s fine, but you should have told me before I got naked with you,” I said, still panting from my orgasm.

“Fuck, I want you too,” he whispered before claiming my mouth with his own.

I let him kiss me for a moment before I pulled away and said, “You know, we’re not on Earth any more…”

“That’s true,” he said with a wicked grin.

“Are we okay to have sex in here? Or is that going to offend the animals or what have you?”

“We’re good. Most people come to the pools to try to conceive so they are used to adult activities.” He chuckled.

“Uh, you know I’m not trying to do that right?” I asked, suddenly nervous.

“I know.” He smiled and kissed my nose. “Are you on birth control?”

I nodded. “I got an implant a few years ago, so I’m good. Should we use a condom?”

“Demons can’t catch human diseases, and we don’t have any of our own, so we’re good,” he said.

“That’s just what I was hoping to hear,” I said as I reached between us and wrapped my hand around his cock. I slowly stroked up and down until his head lolled back and his hips started bucking upward to meet my own. “Tell me you want me,” I murmured. The words were out before I even knew what I was doing. I wasn’t one to talk dirty in bed, nor did I need it myself, but there was something about seeing Finn like this that made me want to hear his voice, hear him declare his need for me, the little human girl bringing the big bad demon to his knees.

“I want you. I want to be inside you, paying worship to that divine body and soul of yours. I want to hear you scream my name while you ride my cock, and I want to feel you come around me until your body is weak from pleasure. But we don’t have time for all of that right now, so I’ll just settle for satisfying our desire to feel each other.”

I certainly got more than I bargained for there and was practically panting by the end of his little speech. Without any further hesitation, I angled him against my entrance and slid down on his cock. I was quite happy to take my time, but evidently, that was not what he wanted.

As soon as our hips connected, he began rolling his under me, not pulling out, just moving his cock around inside me, until I was the one with my head lolling back in pleasure. Before I could take control back from him, he lifted me out of the water and sat me on the ledge of the pond, angling me just right so his cock could slide home and fill me as he took me right up to the edge of pain and pulled back again. Each thrust was more intense than the last, and the water in the pond began to form waves that smacked up against Finn’s back, making his gorgeous body stand out even more against the frothy caps.

The waves kept coming, though, and were getting taller than him as he moved in a rhythm all his own. Every time I’d try to match his pace, he’d let me keep up with him for a few seconds before he’d change the speed just enough that I’d given up trying to match him. Now, I was just lying back and enjoying the explosions of sensations happening all around me.

When the waves were taller than his head, I knew my eyes had gone wide with wonder, since none of them were hitting me. Within seconds, we were lifted off the ledge by the water and it formed to my body, flowing against my skin while Finn still thrust in and out of me. Slowly, the water spread, moving around us until it formed a sphere with us in the center.

I wanted to stare and marvel at it, but all I could focus on was the feeling of Finn inside me, and with each stroke, he filled me even more until I was mumbling his name in between moans. When his rhythm faltered and his speed increased to the point that all I could do was hold on, I knew he was close. I just hadn’t expected the whole bubble to come crashing down with us inside when he yelled my name.

His fingers gripped my hips as we splashed into the water, holding me tight against him as I felt his cock twitch inside me as he came. When we landed, we dipped below the surface, completely submerging ourselves. I expected to pop up right away, but we didn’t, and when he pulled me tight for a kiss, I thought it would be a quick peck. Instead, what I got was an intense claiming, just like what had set this whole thing off. When he blew air into my mouth, I was even more surprised.

My eyes snapped open under the water, and I saw him watching me, his eyes glowing with mirth for a moment before he pulled back and turned his head to the side, revealing gills. If I hadn’t already been underwater, you could have knocked me over with a feather.

When we surfaced, I spluttered and stared at him open-mouthed. What did you say when you found out that not only was your lover a demon, but could breathe underwater and help you breathe underwater? This kind of stuff wasn’t exactly in the realm of normal, and that was confusing enough as it was.