Russian Boss’s Secret Baby by Bella King

Ch 2


“Jonathan, get the fuck over here.”

Jonathan approaches me cautiously, attempting and failing to cover up the smell of alcohol on his breath.

“Now, Jonathan,” I begin, “You know that I know that you have drinking problem, yes? And you know that I know that you get too fucked up and embarrass me when you drink too much?”

Jonathan avoids eye contact with me and nods.

“So what you are trying to tell me is that you know you are embarrassing fucking idiot when you drink too much and you have chosen to follow me to the nightclubs already drunk? Get the fuck away from my car, you dipshit,” I say.

Jonathan stutters some kind of half-assed apology as he shuffles away from the car, nearly tripping and splitting his stupid little head open on the pavement.

“This is what I thought,” I shout after him, feigning true disappointment. “You must seek help, little man.”

I climb into the back seat of my car as my driver starts it. My two friends, Michael and Eli, sit on either side of me.

“Where did you want me to take you tonight, sir?” the driver asks, sheepishly as usual.

“Where the fuck do I usually go? It’s never anyplace different. Nowhere around here has the right atmosphere. Too sweaty,” I reply, annoyed at his asking. He always asks, as though he doesn’t remember where I always go, muttering something about not assuming things. It’s aggravating, but I can’t be too hard on him.

Without another word, the driver takes off down the ramp of the parking structure, stopping at the exit to pay the parking fee.

A woman dressed in ripped denim shorts and a dirty red tank top approaches the car the second the car stops moving. “Can I do anything for any of you boys?” she asks.

I knew it was a mistake to have the windows open. I start to close the window without a response to her.

“Does any of you have a rock?” she asks desperately as the window goes up and closes.

“Ugh, that’s tragic,” says Eli as he lights a joint.

Michael shoots Eli a dirty look. “You’re going to call her tragic when you’re lighting up in someone else’s car? That’s just indecent, man. At least ask first.”

Eli gestures towards me, a kind of begging in his eyes that he knows I hate.

“He is right, you know, Eli,” I say, choosing my words carefully to keep him nervous. “It’s very strange of you to light your joint without asking me first if I wanted some. You are quickly forgetting who you work for. At least offer me some.”

“Um… okay, here, take it. I’m so sorry, sir,” he says, his voice shaking a bit.

God, he’s pathetic.

I take his joint, roll down my window again, and flick it out onto the concrete.

We drive through the city as the sun sets completely, and by the time we arrive at the nightclub, it’s completely dark. We prefer to move at night, since we tend not to blend in well with regular people. Night clubs give us a place to look like everyone else who is rich and bored, trying to sell themselves to a cocktail waitress who didn’t finish high school.

I try to project a little more class than that, but my current posse is making it difficult.

As we arrive to the top floor, the curvy Latina who works every night greets us. “Hello gentlemen, always good to see you,” she says flirtatiously.

I would reply, but I must admit I have no idea what her name is. I do notice the small, feminine man is behind the bar tonight, which means the drinks will be made exactly how they should be. I swear he’s the only one who does them right.

When I look around the room, though, I notice another girl, totally new.

“Hey, who is that one over there?” I ask the Latina girl.

“Oh, her? That’s Mia, she just started like 2 weeks ago. We’ve had her on a lot. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t notice her before,” she replies.

I examine the new girl. She lacks the physical confidence of the girls I usually see in here, that’s for sure. She probably could have worked here for six months and I wouldn’t have known just by looking at her.

When she turns around, I see that she has absolutely exceptional tits that sit perfectly in her low-cut black dress. Her legs are long and slender as she walks through the room in her black heels, focusing a little too hard on trying to find something and failing. She has large brown eyes that appear almost a bit clueless, which, it turns out, is a huge turn-on for me.

“I want that one,” I say, and the Latina girl raises her eyebrows at me.

“You do? Um, I’m not sure if she’ll be able to keep up with you guys. She’s still learning the basics.”

“No matter to me, she can take her time. I want to get to know this one.”

I feel a jolt of excitement at the prospect of getting to know such an innocent-looking woman. She’s nothing like anyone I’ve seen before, at least not in a shady place like this. Clearly, the gritty reality of crime in Florida hasn’t tainted her yet.

But I will.