Russian Boss’s Secret Baby by Bella King

Ch 29


I’ve been strapped to a chair with restraints attached, just like the kind I had seen in Slate’s sex dungeon. This time, I’m not so eager to find out what it’s for.

As soon as the restraints are secured around my wrists and ankles, the black hood is removed, and standing before me is none other than Katie, the psycho bitch who crashed us into a ravine, smoking a cigarette.

“You look like hell,” I say, bravely but perhaps also stupidly.

“Oh, that’s very cute,” she replies sarcastically.

She steps a bit closer and puts out her cigarette on my arm, burning through my clothes. I try to hold back a scream, to avoid giving her the satisfaction.

A small cry of pain escapes me, and Katie laughs. “Bet you’re wondering how I got here from that crash you got us into,” she says.

I’m, in fact, not curious at all about how she got here. It’s clear she has an entire team of grunts working for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were tailing us the whole time.

“Not really,” I reply.

Taken back, she steps back a few feet and scoffs. “The correct answer is that I have a man who cares about me who came and saved me as soon as the car slid off the road, something Slate would never do,” she says in a nauseating, syrupy tone. The way she says Slate’s name sounds like an insult.

As she speaks, she gestures toward one of the men from behind me to step forward. “Come here, baby, I want her to see us together,” Katie purrs. Her behavior is desperate and immature, parading around her boyfriend like a prize hog that won the state fair.

“Congratulations, can I please leave now?” I ask, half-heartedly serious.

Katie immediately gets frustrated with me. “What? Don’t you recognize him?” she asks in disbelief.

I scan the man’s face and body. He’s just some guy to me. “Never seen him before,” I reply, now realizing that she has given me more power than she intended by exposing her insecurities to me.

“He’s the Imposter, you dumb fuck! He’s starting to outsell you in Miami, and soon he’s moving up out of Miami to other cities in the area. Slate’s business is going to be completely fucked,” she says giddily.

“Wait, so you kidnapped me, brought me here, and also happen to have his biggest rival in the same space as me?”

“Yes, what of it? How is that important?” she snaps, a note of nervousness in her voice.

“Because Slate’s probably on his way here right now, and when he gets here, you’re both fucked. More fucked than his business ever could be.”

Katie’s expression tightens. “Keep your mouth shut, whore,” she retaliates, clearly unnerved by what I’ve said.

This is good. I know Slate will come find me, and when he does, her head will fucking roll.

“He doesn’t love you,” she says casually. I can see in her eyes that she’s carefully considering whether or not she should even keep me alive. She’ll get everything that she wants just by having me here in some form. Slate will show up, and either she will try to kill him or she will grovel at his feet and beg to be with him again.

“Have you ever thought about how you want to die, Mia?” Katie asks, playing up her villainess persona extra hard to make up for her bruised confidence.

I roll my eyes. This woman doesn’t have the balls to kill me, which is why she’s stalling. She sure is talking up a big game, though.

“No, not really. I always thought I’d just shoot myself up with heroin if it ever came down to it, like in a hopeless apocalypse situation,” I reply, positive that this response will agitate her further. “I’d die feeling pretty damn good.”

“Oh, don’t be precious with me, Mia,” she responds. “I’m not going to let you off that easily.”

Even though her false bravado is entertaining at best and pathetic at worst, my nerves crawl as I consider the possibilities of torture that could come from the mind of a crazy person with something to prove.

In a mine shaft, no less. This location has to have been scouted for torturing hostages.

I think about the baby inside of me. My baby will never remember this, of course, but they are right here with me through whatever happens.

I visualize what I think a child between me and Slate would look like. How would they behave? All of the possibilities of this baby’s life flood my brain and I’m overwhelmed by the need to protect them at all costs.

Slate is violent, yes, but he has never harmed me, not even close. His work is dangerous, and that’s something I’ll have to get over if we’re going to raise a baby together. But with all the money Slate has… our baby would never have to worry about a thing. They would have anything they ever wanted and more.

If I was given the chance to live this life hypothetically a year ago, I would have chosen it with no questions. Now, as I sit here bound by my wrists and ankles in an underground cocaine dungeon, I need to abide by my choice.

Katie is furious with me now. My refusal to cry and beg for my life has landed her in quite a role reversal.

She may be crazy, but she’s also insecure. Her plan is crumbling beneath her feet simply because I refuse to be afraid of her.

She’s not a killer, that’s evident.

Now, she’s got a hostage that isn’t afraid of her and a dangerous mafia boss on his way to come fuck her up. The fear is settling in deep, and she knows I can see it.