His Plus One by Kate Aster

From the Author

Thank you so much for reading the final book in the Brothers in Arms series. Writing this series has been such a delight for me because, as you might have suspected, there is a LOT of my own story (and my husband’s) captured in Freya and Mason’s tale.

If you enjoyed it, I truly would appreciate it if you’d please post a review wherever you bought it. Reviews are so important for independent authors like me (and Freya!) because we don’t have a publisher’s marketing team out there pushing our books. You are my team—and I’m so grateful to have you!

You might already know that I also love to revisit characters and show you what they’ve been up to with free follow-up bonus scenes—because they really do continue to live on in my mind.

So I hope you’ll sign up for my New Book Release email list so that you’ll find out when I have a new book available, and also get those special bonuses I write from time to time.

In fact, I wrote a bonus for this book—because I really wanted Freya to be able to have the last word. It seemed fitting somehow, since she’s the character who kicked it all off.

If you’d like to read Freya’s bonus scene, just download it here…

Freya Gets the Last Word:


Or, if you have any trouble downloading it, I’ve also created a SECRET webpage where you can see it at:


But shhh… it’s a secret! :)

I hope you’ll also take a look at my other series on the pages that follow. And please keep in touch with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Thank you again for your incredible support! I feel so honored each time you allow my characters to somehow touch your life. You mean the world to me!