Forbidden by Liliana Carlisle



I feel sick.

It’s nothing new, but I don’t want to risk being sick in bed, messing up my sheets.


This bed is too big and comfortable. The sheets are too soft.


I sit up, the sudden change in position destroying my head and doing nothing for the dryness in my throat.

This is not my room.

Memories of the night before flash in my mind, with the predatory Beta and slumping to the floor, almost a carbon copy memory of the night I met…


I scramble out of the sheets, falling with an awkward thud on the dark carpet, crawling towards the bathroom.

My brain is back to a fog, the pressure so heavy my vision blurs.

I force myself to stand, clutching my stomach as I catch a distorted glimpse of myself in the mirror.

My face is flushed, and my hair is in wild tangles. I splash water on my face and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash, attempting to feel somewhat normal.

I look around the room, taking in my surroundings. As I walk back to the bedroom, Jakob’s subtle scent refreshes me, clearing my mind.

Damn him for having such an effect on me.

But he saved me, once again, from danger.

Regardless, I need to leave.

I walk to the door, turning the handle.

It won’t budge.

I try again, with the same result, and my temper flares.

He locked me in here!

I don’t know whether to be scared, angry, or both.

Don’t panic. Panic will only make it worse.

I force my breathing to slow and sit back down on his bed, my head in my hands.

The door unlocks a few moments later, and Jakob appears, his blue eyes blazing.

I can’t deny the relief that floods through me as I see his face again, my heart fluttering at his appearance.

But something is off about him.

There are dark circles under his eyes, and he looks haunted. His dark gaze meets mine, a mix of hunger and desperation.

I freeze.

“I specifically told you,” he growls, his voice lower than I remembered, “to not go back there.”

My mouth falls open in shock. “What do you care?” I sputter, stunned at his chastising. “Why did you lock me in here? What is going on?!”

For a moment, he looks unsure, as if he doesn’t know the answer. But his eyes quickly recover with a dark determination. “Do you know what would have happened to you if I weren’t there?”

Gone is the Jakob I met the first night, the clever Alpha who made me laugh and come apart in his arms.

This man is unhinged.

“Once again,” I say, my eyes never leaving his as he stands in the doorway. “Why. Do. You. Care? You told me to forget about that night!”

He remains silent, his breathing ragged.

“Don’t you have an Omega to worry about?” I hiss, standing up to face him. “I’m a Beta! What do you want from me?”

My voice cracks on the last words, and I can’t fight the tears that form in my eyes.

I hate crying in front of people. They already have their looks of pity when they learn about my illness, and I don’t need any more reasons to be ashamed.

But his gaze softens, and he takes a few steps and pulls me into his arms, and I don’t resist burying my face in his chest.

“Don’t cry,” he murmurs. “Please.”

It only makes it worse. I inhale his scent, letting it caress me as silent tears fall, staining his shirt.

Before I met him, I knew the path my life would take.

It was going to be hard, but I would survive.

And yes, maybe my relationships would never be permanent.

I knew I couldn’t hope for anything but convenience and limited time.

But with Jakob…

He gave me hope that I could have more than that.

I shake in his arms, the most vulnerable I’ve been in years.

I’ve never envied the life Lucy leads. My illness already took choices away from me, and I didn’t want my biology to take away any more than necessary.

But as he holds me and comforts me in a way I didn’t think possible, I wish I could be his Omega.

And judging by the way he wraps his large arms around me, holding me close to him, he wishes the same.

He kisses the top of my head, and his gentleness is a soothing balm to my soul.

“Tell me why it’s like this with you,” I sniffle.

He’s silent for a long time, his hands slowly rubbing up and down my back.

“I can’t stay away from you,” is the only answer he gives me. “And I can’t…”

“Can’t what?” I ask.

“I can’t bear to see you hurt,” he admits.

I look up at him, and his hands slowly move to my waist. His eyes are gentle, and they focus on my lips.

It would be so easy to stand on my tiptoes and kiss him senseless until my tears dry.

My body reacts to him, the warmth between my legs a reminder of the pleasure he brings me.

I bring a hand to his hair, raking my fingers through it, and a low rumble starts in his chest.

He purrs.

It’s an inhuman sound, and I like it way too much.

His cock is hard through his pants, and it rubs against my stomach. I bite back at a moan, trying my best not to come undone in his arms.

I must look a mess. But he stares as if the universe revolves around me and me alone.

I bite my lip, and he groans, leaning in to devour me.

To conquer me like the Alpha he is.

Which is why…

“We can’t do this,” I choke out.