Forbidden by Liliana Carlisle



Good Omega.

He called me Omega, and I came harder than I thought possible.

It was only when I saw the look of horror on his face, ,y blood dripping from his lips, that I realized what he did.

He bit me where my mating gland would be.

It’s the second time he’s bit me.

But the primal part of me, the foreign part that I still don’t understand, screamed with triumph when I felt his teeth sink in.

I reach up a hand to comfort him.

“It’s all right,” I whisper.

But he’s frozen in place, a mixture of pain and lust mixed on his face. He grits his teeth, now stained red from my wound.

“Alpha,” I say, and his frenzied eyes meet mine, his pupils blown. “Alpha, it’s okay.”

That seems to calm him. He releases a growl, then rolls us onto our sides, pushing us against the couch.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, and I shake my head, gently rocking against his inflated cock.

“Just be with me,” I whisper. “Make love to me, Jakob.”

He purrs, gently rocking with me, bringing me to another soft release. I gasp into his neck as he nuzzles at my ear.

It seems to go on forever, the rocking, gentle thrusting, and the orgasms. It’s slow, but intense.


I’m in tears by the end of it, exhausted and succumbing to sleep.

I don’t wake until the next morning, alone and spent on my couch.

* * *

I don’t want to open my eyes.

If I do, it will bring the harsh reality that Jakob left.

It’s only for a week.

Even so, I can’t help but worry.

I never ask him where he goes or what he’s doing—I know he wouldn’t answer me if I did.

But if something happens to him, I would never know.

My neck stings, a painful reminder of the night before.

He bit me.

He called me Omega.

I try not to let the insecurities fester, but he called me Omega.

Something I can never be for him.

And when he’s gone and I’m alone, I’m worried I won’t be enough.

* * *

I meet Lucy for lunch, wearing a turtleneck sweater. But she narrows her eyes as I sit down at the table.

“Let me see your neck,” she says quietly.

I try to feign ignorance, sipping my water and looking away. Of course, it doesn’t work.

“Amelia,” she says. “Please.”

“It’s just a hickey,” I argue weakly, setting my glass down. “It’s nothing.”

“Then let me see,” she insists. Her dark brown eyes are wide, full of concern and worry.

I acquiesce, pulling part of my sweater down to show her the bite.

She stares for a moment, her mouth parted.

Then, to my horror, she begins to cry.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, completely blindsided as her eyes turn red, fresh tears filling them. “What is it?”

“He could have hit a vein,” she chokes out. “Do you understand how powerful an Alpha bite can be? He’s going to kill you.”

My mouth falls open, trying to find the right words. “No, it will be fine—”

“Do you even know what Collectors truly do? Do you know how many Omegas I treat that are deathly afraid of them? Have you bothered to ask him how many people he has killed in his line of work?”

I don’t respond.

“It’s about more than just you being a Beta,” she continues, wiping at her face with her napkin. “You are going to end up hurt in the end, and I don’t know what to do. I only hope that I’m around when it happens, so I can at least try to patch you up.”

My phone buzzes. It’s Jakob. I ignore it, but Lucy notices.

“I love that you’re happy,” she says. “But I’m worried about what happens when it all comes crashing down.”

Me too,I want to say. I’ve been worried this whole time.

And now, with Lucy in front of me, all my insecurities flood to the surface.

She’s this concerned, and she still doesn’t know what happened the night Jakob and I met.

“I can’t explain it,” I finally admit to her, pained at her tears. “But I can’t stay away from him. I just can’t. I need him.”

She narrows her watery eyes.

“Alphas are intense,” she insists. “That’s how they always are. But eventually, it has to end. You know that, right?” She asks, her tone desperate. “He’s going to find his Omega, and he will leave you. He probably won’t even want to. But the pull will be so strong that he won’t be able to fight it.”

Now it’s my turn to fight the tears that spring to my eyes.

She’s not wrong about anything she’s saying. She’s laying the truth before me, demanding that I accept it.

But the small voice in my head whispers, Alpha is ours.

Jakob is my Alpha.

And try as I might, I can’t ignore the voice.

And it may be my ruin.