Forbidden by Liliana Carlisle



A mating bite is the most sacred act an Alpha can perform with their Omega.

It’s the ultimate act of possession between two souls.

I never imagined it would happen at an underground human auction.

I had to do it to protect her, in case the others somehow got to her.

In case they cut her mating gland out.

But I can feel her horror and disgust as she grinds against me, even as I work her, helping her through as many orgasms as she can take.

She won’t accept who I am, no matter how many times I tell her.

She’s shut down.

I keep my Alpha under control, despite the possessiveness that races through my veins.

Protect her.

She pants against me, satiated for the moment, while I scoop her into my arms.

“Hold on to me,” I murmur in her ear. “We’re getting out of here.”

I sense her fear as she clings to me, clutching at my shoulders desperately. I keep one hand under her while the other yanks open the door. I race down the hallway, now littered with bodies and sobbing Omegas. Blood stains the floor, and I almost slip on it as I race towards the main entrance.


Lucas limps next to me, his teeth bared. “You got her?” he hisses, fighting back the obvious pain in his leg.

“Yeah. Our ride waiting?” Amelia shifts in my arms, whimpering.

“Yeah. The Russian government just sent troops in to recover the rest. But we have to leave now to avoid the crossfire.”

We burst through the exit, our black SUV waiting for us in the dirt. Calum’s already inside, and he opens the door for us as we rush in. With a screech of tires, we speed off, narrowly avoiding the oncoming military trucks.

I sit in the backseat with Amelia, cradling her in my lap as she whines.

“Holy fuck,” Calum grunts. “She’s going to stink up the car with her scent.”

I growl, holding her blood and slick-covered body against my chest. “She started her Heat on the fucking stage,” I hiss. “She can’t help it.”

He looks back at us, and his face morphs into surprise. “You bit her,” he observes.

“I had to, just in case they got to her before I could stop them.”

The rest of the car ride is quiet, except for the occasional sound of Amelia’s whimpers.

The suppressants won’t last long, though. My Alpha roars with need, and it’s the worst kind of torture to not do anything as she squirms against me, delirious.

I know exactly what she needs, but I can’t give it to her just yet.

“You have the patience of a goddamn saint,” Lucas says as we reach the tarmac.

“I’ve waited this long for her,” I murmur. “I can wait a little longer.”

“We have a medic,” Calum adds. “They’re waiting for us on the plane.”

I sigh in relief.

I board first, never letting go of Amelia. She’s still incoherent, but her whines have turned into silent sobs, and she shakes in my arms.

It breaks my fucking heart.

“Don’t cry, Princess,” I whisper to her. “We’re almost home.”

She clutches my shirt tighter.

The medic sees us immediately, examining Amelia as I lay her down on the stretcher in the back of the plane.

“She needs fluids,” she says. “I’ll administer the IV now. And as for her Heat, I can administer a high dose suppressant that also acts as a sleep agent. She’ll be able to rest, but when she finally wakes up, the Heat will be violent.”

I nod. “Whatever it takes.”

“It should last the duration of the flight, but I suggest you have a nest prepared for her as soon as possible. We have emergency blankets and pillows on board.”

Amelia looks up at me from the table, her eyes wide, as if she finally recognizes me.

I sense her wonder and hope, followed by the despair that I caused her.

And as her eyes burn into mine, there are so many things I want to tell her.

How stupid I was for leaving her.

How from the first night I saw her, I knew she was special.

How I loved her, even as a Beta.

That she was always enough for me.

But she slips under from the powerful suppressant before I can say a word.

I grab every blanket and pillow I can find on the plane and wrap her in them, trying to make her as comfortable as possible.

The medic tends to Lucas next, then administers each of us a powerful suppressant.

As Amelia rests, we debrief.

The Russian government will house and provide medical attention to the Omegas, including the ones with their glands removed.

Other planes are on their way to help reunite families.

There were fifty arrests made, but many Saviors escaped.

It’s not over by a long run.

But I finally allow myself to lean back in my seat and close my eyes, focusing on my newfound connection with my mate.

Amelia is alive.

She’s safe.

That’s all that matters.