Baby and the Wolf by Victoria Sue

Chapter Seventeen

“What do you want to do?”Red asked as soon as they got back into the truck. “I mean, apart from going to get him, obviously.”

Ryker huffed, not surprised that Red knew exactly what was going through his head. “What distance are we talking about?” He knew roughly.

“In the truck, three hours, but I’m not convinced he’s there.”

Ryker glanced over at him before Red drove through the pack entrance and headed home. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, how do we know Michael took him back to the pack? How do we even know they weren’t making that up?”

A chill ran through Ryker. “We don’t, I guess, although where else would they take him?” And the thought he might already be sold was too sickening to contemplate.

“Tell me about Riggs,” Red said instead of answering his question.

“He was a gamma, eventually a beta until my father lost the pack. Zeke stopped him from killing me.”

“Emmett’s dad?” Red said in amazement.

Ryker nodded. “Riggs was corrupt even then, and he had his hand in a lot of illegal stuff. Main one being guns. I heard them arguing about the new alpha taking over, and they knew I’d heard. My father was drunk. He’d beaten my mom to death. Riggs had turned up after and he was furious. Not because he’d killed her, but because it might draw unwanted attention to them. My dad said Riggs owed him cash for covering for him, and I had to keep quiet. Dad shot me, but then Riggs finished him off. Head shot for my dad so he couldn’t shift after fighting over the gun. He got me in the chest, and I shifted. Then he got me in the throat and the chest, and I was losing too much blood too quickly to do a double shift. He heard Zeke’s truck and ran, assuming I was bleeding out. Zeke stopped the bleeding and waited with me until I could shift. He saved my life, then offered me a job.”

“So, he’s taken Calvin to punish you both?”

Ryker shook his head.

“I don’t know how long he’s been hanging around. It’s been twenty years since I saw him, but the other day I caught a scent of something I recognized but couldn’t remember where from. I’m guessing it was him.” He hung his head, glad Red was driving.

“This isn’t your fault,” Red decreed.

But it was. For letting Riggs get the drop on him and for not recognizing Riggs’s scent. What sort of alpha did that make him? “Where are we going to start if you think the pack’s a load of bullshit?”

Red took a corner quickly and Ryker was glad he had his foot down. “I think he’s close.”

Ryker glanced over at him.

“I think he intended on coming back for the kids. I just think we got there before he got the chance.”

“Another reason, we screwed his plans up.”

“He’s been watching the pack house since we took the kids back, right? We know he took them because they’re omegas. He might have buyers for them, or maybe he wants his own pack. Male omegas are uncommon. Females are revered in pack circles, but it’s like the older alphas don’t know what to do with a male one, even though with the population problem, they need them. A lot of alphas see them as a means to an end, and I’m betting they’re willing to pay a lot of cash for them.”

“Fuck,” Ryker groaned. “We might never get Calvin back.” Emmett would be distraught.

Ryker’s cell rang, and he answered it even though he didn’t recognize the number.

“Well, well. You’ve been busy for a mixed bastard.”

Ryker went cold all over. He recognized Riggs’s voice right away. “What do you want?” Either he had called to gloat over having Calvin, or he wanted to negotiate. Zeke would put up any amount of money to make Emmett happy.


Ryker’s heart slammed in his chest. “Emmett. Emmett, are you okay?” He heard the phone being taken away and a muffled cry.

“You hurt a single hair on his head—”

“Yeah, yeah,” Riggs interrupted, sounding bored. “You know, originally I was just going to take the kid to fulfill my contract, but then I discovered who your mate was.” He paused, obviously for theatrics.

Red glanced over and slowed the truck so they could listen.

“And dear old dad will pay a fortune to get him back. So, when I’ve decided how much I think he’s worth, I’ll be in touch. You’d just better hope I don’t get bored with him first.”

The line went dead, and every appalling scenario Ryker could think of looped around his brain on a never-ending circuit.

Red took the phone from him, but before he could make a call, the phone rang.

“This is Red.”

“Red, Emmett’s missing.” Chrissy sounded frantic.

“We know,” Red replied. “We’ll be there in about forty minutes. Pull in every wolf we have.” He hung up and looked at Ryker. “You need to call Zeke.”

Ryker had the worst conversation of his life with Emmett’s dad. Luckily, Zeke was already on his way to the pack house. When they pulled up, Fox, Red, and Chrissy were loading rescue equipment into their truck. Zeke arrived moments later. Marco came hurrying out with some equipment for the truck.

Zeke glanced over as Ryker got out. “I think you ought to call the Panthera.”

Ryker came to an abrupt stop, and Zeke gazed at him. “Much as this kills me to say, if she’s genuinely regretful about Josie and she wants to get to know Emmett, she’d be a good one to have in your corner. Shifted panthers are big bastards, as you know.”

Ryker turned to Red. “Call Jered and ask if they will cover security for here. Ask if he’s got anyone with caving experience.”

He pulled his phone out to dial the number one of the Panthera’s claw had left with Chrissy in case they could help.

“Why caving experience?” Red asked.

“Because he’s been hiding around here. The kids were hidden in a cave. He can’t risk them being scented by other wolves. It’s a guess, but…”

Ryker pressed the number, not expecting the Panthera to answer, but he guessed she must have given them her private line. “Regina speaking.”

Ryker’s words nearly fell over themselves in his hurry to explain. Her harsh indrawn breath was the only sound she made until he was finished. “I have a team that will be perfect for this. They will be on their way within minutes. Where shall we meet?”

“The old escarpment. It used to be a picnic area. Outside hunting season, it’s—”

“I know it,” she interrupted. “And Ryker?”

“Yes,” he whispered, waiting for condemnation.

“Thank you for calling me. We will do all we can to get your mate back safe and sound.”

Wordlessly, Ryker got in the truck and half listened while Red brought everyone up to speed. He added what he knew of Riggs and then fell silent.

The escarpment, as the locals called it, was usually completely deserted out of hunting season. The main picnic area was now over sixty miles away, complete with a brand-new ranger station, an information center, and a gift shop. They all agreed that area was full of abandoned caves. If they had a chance to find them, it would be there. If they had a chance.

Emmett didn’t knowwhere he was when he opened his eyes. Fear slammed into him as he automatically tried to reach to feel his baby bump, but found his hands were tied. He was freezing, and the air smelled damp. His head throbbed unmercifully since he’d come around a few minutes ago, and he shivered so much his teeth were chattering. He had no idea what Riggs had hit him with, but he remembered the brief flash of pain. Now, it just felt like someone was taking a hammer to his skull.

There was a little light from the cave entrance, but that still didn’t tell him where they were, just that it was still daylight. He closed his eyes and breathed for a moment, trying to take stock of where he was. Then another memory slammed into him, and he opened them wide, ignoring the pain, and searched his prison. No Calvin. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried that he wasn’t here. Emmett pulled at his bound wrists in frustration. He couldn’t move and… He held himself completely still. He’d been used to feeling little flutterings that had morphed into definite ripples and even tiny kicks, but he hadn’t felt anything since he woke up. He stilled, his heart thumping loudly in his ears, but couldn’t feel anything. Was the baby okay? He shivered. It was freezing in here.

He didn’t have long to wonder, though, because he heard the telltale sound of scraping footsteps. He expected to see Riggs when he rounded the corner.

He didn’t expect to see Calvin.

“Calvin? Sweetheart? Are you okay?” His questions came out in a rush, but Calvin cringed back toward Riggs as though…as though he was scared of Emmett. Emmett stopped, horrified, and for a moment didn’t absorb what Riggs was saying.

“Poor kid, huh? Humans get this all the time. New pup and the others get shoved aside. I told him if your alpha had been at all bothered, he could have challenged Michael, but he didn’t. He just let Michael walk out of there with Calvin because he knew you were going to present him with his own kid in a few weeks. I mean, there’s no alpha I know that would want someone else’s bastard when he’s about to get his own.”

“That’s not true,” Emmett said hotly. “Ryker couldn’t fight an omega. It would be wrong.”

“But Michael’s not an omega. All alphas know that.”

Emmett ignored Riggs. He knew what he was doing. “Calvin, sweetheart. Ryker is coming for us, you’ll see.” But Calvin wouldn’t even look at him. He was even dressed in the same clothes as he had worn when Michael had taken him.

“Anyway, I expect Ryker to have called your dear old dad by now, so when he rounds up the cash, we can be on our way. We’ve got a pack to take us in, so no one can give either of us away.”

Emmett dreaded the effect everything was having on the seven-year-old. Calvin didn’t trust either Ryker or Emmett anymore. They had, in his mind, given him away, and the one constant—as evil a bastard as he was—was Riggs. Even though Emmett knew Riggs was lying, Calvin didn’t.

Emmett kept his mouth closed with difficulty. When they got Calvin home was the time to start proving he was secure. He didn’t know how he’d do it, but no one would take Calvin from him ever again. Shit, but tied to a wall wasn’t the time to convince anyone.

Riggs’s phone rang before he finished his next thought. Riggs frowned, then answered. He looked over at Emmett, complete shock morphing his features, and then he smiled. The self-satisfaction pouring off him would have made Emmett nauseous if he wasn’t already.

“And just you, grandma,” he snickered. “I smell so much as catnip and he dies.” He nodded and clicked his phone off, then eyed Emmett with some amazement.

“Well, fuck me. Seems like you don’t just have a dad with cash, your dear old mom had some too.” He leaned forward. “And guess who’s willing to pay for you to come home?”

The Panthera? Emmett was stunned and a little hopeful. “And Calvin. She’ll pay for Calvin.” Calvin had to know how much Emmett wanted him.

But Riggs shook his head and none too gently ruffled Calvin’s hair. “Nah, I might keep the pup around. I mean, you’re not gonna want him, and I’m building my own pack.” But Riggs’s voice was strained. There was something he wasn’t saying.

“Of course I want him,” Emmett said, wishing Calvin would look at him. He licked his dry lips. “Can I have some water, please?”

Riggs took a small water bottle off of his belt and handed it to Calvin. “Take it.”

Calvin took the bottle with shaking hands and reluctantly carried it to Emmett. He still wouldn’t look at him though. Emmett opened his mouth, and Calvin tipped a little too much in. Emmett tried to swallow but coughed sharply and gasped for breath. Calvin shot backward, dropping the bottle, and Riggs growled.

“Fucking idiot.” He stepped forward, and Calvin ducked, obviously expecting a blow.

“It wasn’t his fault,” Emmett burst out as Riggs shoved Calvin and he staggered. “Leave him alone.”

Riggs scoffed. “Pick it up.”

Calvin seemed to curl into himself even more, but he did as he was asked and clutched at the bottle with trembling fingers.

Riggs gazed at Emmett, satisfaction obviously replacing irritation, and he smiled. He bent down, untied Emmett from the wall and hoisted him to his feet. His shoulders pulled unmercifully because his wrists were still tied. He was terrified Riggs would let him fall. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to put his hands out to protect his belly.

He blinked against the sunlight as they got to the cave entrance and had no choice but to climb into the truck. Riggs pushed him onto his side on the floor in the back and told Calvin to get in the front. Emmett did his best to protect his bump, but it seemed that Riggs drove over every rut. His hands were still tied, so he tried with the little room he had to bring his knees up. After what seemed like an endless amount of time, he felt the truck slow and turn, then the engine die. He bit his lip hard, trying not to cry, but almost did from pain when Riggs pulled him from the truck.

“No tricks,” Riggs spat out and pulled Emmett close to him so that Emmett was shielding Riggs’s body. Riggs was also holding a gun.

Emmett gazed around a clearing, but his eyes widened when he saw the sleek black Lincoln and the woman who got out of it. Emmett stared in disbelief as he looked at his grandmother. She seemed to have aged forty years almost overnight. Gone was the makeup and the classic hairstyle, the three-inch heels and the Armani suit. She looked frail. In fact, Emmett immediately worried she was sick.

She reached into the car, which had every door open so Riggs could see there was no one there, and with shaking hands pulled out a canvas bag. “It’s all here,” she called out anxiously.

He nodded to Calvin. “Bring it here, then.”

The Panthera nodded and tried to pick up the bag. She struggled but managed to half drag it across to the car. Emmett’s eyes filled at the sight. He wanted to kill Riggs himself for putting her through this. As she got nearer, Emmett really started worrying because her face seemed gray and she struggled to breathe, but Riggs’s grin widened the closer she got. He inhaled and nodded to himself.

Emmett’s heart sank. He knew there were no wolf shifters near as Riggs would be able to smell them, and as she drew close, he could see the tightly wrapped bundles of one-hundred-dollar bills poking out of the top.

“Good girl, granny,” Riggs mocked.

Regina bit her lip as it wobbled slightly, putting a shaking hand to her lips.

He glanced at Calvin and nodded to the truck. “Get in.”

“No,” Emmett shouted. “Calvin comes with me.”

Riggs cuffed his head, and Emmett staggered, but Riggs kept a tight hold on him.

“Nah, he’s already sold. Besides which, he’s my insurance for getting off this mountain.”

“But you promised,” the Panthera said, her eyes widening and filling with moisture. “You said we could keep the pup if I agreed to come alone.”

“And how do I know you haven’t got a hundred cats in the trees, huh?”

“Emmett’s my only grandson,” Regina whispered. “I could never do anything to harm him.”

Riggs scoffed. “Yeah? Then how about you do a swap? I reckon you’d make better insurance than a mutt anyway. I can offer a refund with some of this cash.”

Her eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“No,” Emmett interrupted. “You can’t—”

But Riggs snarled and pushed him away, reaching for the Panthera, who stumbled as he took ahold of her way too tightly. “Calvin, get here,” he yelled, and Calvin scrambled back out of the truck and ran over. “Move away.” Calvin looked confused but stood to the side as Riggs picked up the bag and practically dragged the Panthera to the car.

Emmett took a breath, then stilled as what looked like a dozen sleek black panthers padded out of the trees, all staring at Riggs and the Panthera. Riggs scoffed and tightened his hold. “You’re out of luck, fellas. Granny’s coming with me.” He snarled and yanked on the Panthera. “Looks like I made the right choice.”

“No,” the Panthera said coolly, all trace of fragility gone. “I don’t think you did.” And so fast Emmett couldn’t follow, she stepped to the side, ducked under Riggs’s arm holding the gun, and yanked it from his hand as every cat leapt for Riggs.

Emmett looked away as Riggs’s cries were cut off in a fury of snarls, fur, and blood. Footsteps came running and strong arms clasped Emmett as his hands were untied. He took a second to revel in Ryker’s arms, then looked up and saw Chrissy bending down to Calvin.

“Calvin?” Calvin raised his head and met Emmett’s gaze for the first time, and the hurt, recrimination, and desolation shone in his eyes before he turned away.

Emmett called out again, but Calvin huddled against Chrissy. The pain of seeing Calvin reject him was almost worse than when he had been dragged away screaming.

“Sweetheart? Are you okay?”

Marco appeared next to Ryker. “Let’s sit him down.”

“I can’t feel him,” Emmett admitted as Ryker wrapped a thermal blanket around him.

Marco quickly got out a stethoscope and pressed it to Emmett’s bump. After a couple of seconds, he smiled. “He’s fine. A little sleepy because of the cold, but he will wake up when we get you warmer.” Emmett was led to the truck almost in a daze, and then the Panthera appeared in front of him, a tender smile on her face.

“You were amazing,” Emmett whispered, knowing both he and Riggs had been had by the frail granny impersonation. With no makeup, she still looked a little older than before, but all her pretended frailty was gone. The Panthera squeezed his hand.

“Men have been underestimating me for years.”

“Panthera, I can’t begin—”

But she waved off Ryker’s thanks. “Regina, please. Get my grandson home, and maybe we can visit after the weekend.” Then she paused. “I understand you are having difficulty with the shifter council?” She smiled. “It will be dealt with.”

Emmett added his thanks, and she beckoned to her panthers. One immediately shifted in time to open the car door for her. She patted his naked ass affectionately as she slid into the car.

“Did you find Michael?” Emmett asked. “Riggs told me he was building a pack. I’m worried they’re holed up somewhere.”

Ryker and Marco exchanged speaking glances.

“What is it?” Emmett whispered, dread coiling inside him.

“The claw found a group of caves at just about the farthest part of our territory. There was evidence there had been a lot of shifters in there, including Michael,” Ryker said. “He was already dead.”

“He’d definitely been killed by a predator, but we don’t know what,” Marco said. “To be honest, we assumed it was Riggs now that Michael had outlived his usefulness. There were at least fifteen other scent signatures. I think they’d all been living there some time, but we have no idea where they are now.”

Emmett nodded and let Ryker and Marco fuss over him some more. Then he curled into Ryker’s arms and closed his eyes.