Royal Cocktail by J. Kenner


Almost three years later

Princess Skye,Countess of Stahl, stood beside her husband, the former King of Avelle-am-see and its current Minister of Science. They were waiting to go inside the cathedral to take their place for Gisele’s coronation.

Gisele had been ruling the small country for the last seven months since Leo had abdicated the throne the day after the constitutional amendment had been ratified. Her ascension had been a quiet affair. Today’s official coronation was all about the pomp and circumstance.

“Do you regret not being Queen?” he teased.

Leo had ruled for almost two years, the time it had taken to get the amendment ratified. He and Skye had been married seventy-two hours after he’d abdicated the throne. He’d been a popular ruler, and Skye had been shocked by her own popularity as well, both in this small country and back at home. She’d avoided public speaking as much as possible, but when she did speak, she’d had nothing but support. And when Leo had announced that he would abdicate so that his older sister could rule and so that he could marry the woman he loved, the people had cheered for him, Gisele, and Skye herself.

The foundation she’d started to help children with speech impairments was now active internationally, and Leo had made significant headway in expanding the physics department at the country’s prestigious university.

Best of all, Skye was now two months pregnant, and Gisele was already planning how they would announce the impending birth of a little prince or princess to the world. A child who, if Gisele chose not to marry, might one day sit on the throne.

Now, Skye sighed happily. “What’s to regret?” she asked as she leaned into Leo’s embrace. “After all … I got to live the … fairy tale. And,” she added, “there really is … a happily ever after.”


I hope you enjoyed the story! You can read Griffin and Bev’s story in Light My Fire. And don’t miss Hannah and Matthew in In Too Deep!