Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Chapter One

Dìleas Neart Castle, Scotland 1223

“Damn it!” Cameron cursed, slamming his hand against the table.  He threw the missive down.

“What does it say, Cameron?” Keith, his first-in-command and brother, asked.

“Alexander.  He is refusing my request.  He insists that after having married Joan, Henry’s sister, he now wants to bestow the honor of marrying an English bride on to me.”  His mouth twisted.

“He continues to want ye to marry an Englishwoman?” Aidan asked.  He was the youngest brother, and second-in-command.

“Aye, that he does.”  Cameron sighed heavily.  “I have supported Alexander on many occasions.  We aided him in his mission to quell the revolts after his accession and after he aided the English barons against King John.  I remained loyal throughout that trying time.  This clan remained loyal to him.  That loyalty extended again when he ordered the hands and feet of men amputated after the death of Bishop Adam of Caithness.”

Alexander II began religious institutions throughout Scotland.  He ordered the amputation of the hands and feet of those men who witnessed the death of Bishop Adam of Caithness.

Cameron paused and the muscle at his jaw throbbed.

“This directive, however, is unacceptable.  I responded after the first missive and told him of my unwillingness to enter into such a distasteful marriage.  He overruled my refusal and vehemently insists that I take an English bride.  He’s selected her already.”

Many English barons grew rebellious when King John of England reneged on the promises he made after the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215.  Alexander II of Scotland aided the rebellious English barons against King John.  In 1216, Henry III of England, John’s son, became king at the age of nine.  Regents have ruled and will continue to rule until Henry becomes of age.  Alexander is married to his sister, Joan. 

“What will ye do, Cameron?” Keith asked.

“I will respect this order.”  Cameron sighed and shook his head.  “I have nay wish for a wife, but I am in need of an heir.  I have supported Alexander many times and this will be no different.  I will remain loyal to my king although I dread being forced to marry a cold Englishwoman."

“Do ye often think of her, Cameron?” Aidan asked.

“Who?” Cameron asked, knowing whom his brother was referring to but refusing to be baited.

“Ye know who, Cameron.  That young girl that night on the borders years ago,” Keith said, smiling.

“Wipe that smile off yer face, or I will.  That was one night many years ago.  I doona think about her.  Why should I?” Cameron said, knowing full just the opposite was true.

“He who protests so heartily has something to hide.”

Cameron snorted and pushed Keith.

“Who has he selected?” Aidan asked.

“He doesna mention her name.  Although, what does it matter?  One woman is like another.  Alexander is resolute on solidifying peace with the English through a marriage.  Mine.  I am the fortunate one selected as repayment for my loyalty, Alexander said.  I recognize his other motive, however.  Being laird of the most powerful and strongest clan in Scotland has its benefits and disadvantages.  This would be a disadvantage.  My marriage to an Englishwoman would send a message to all.”

“Doona let Amy hear ye say that, Cameron.”


“Women are nay all the same.  She’ll give ye a good scolding,” Keith laughed, referring to his wife.

“She has ye wrapped around her finger, Keith.”

“I love my wife, Cameron.  One woman is nay the same as another and hopefully one day ye’ll see that.”  After a moment, Keith asked, “Gillyanne hasna conceived?”

A shadow briefly darkened Cameron’s silver eyes.  The topic of children was a sore one for him.  Despite the mistresses he’d kept, they had never conceived.  He began believing himself incapable of siring a bairn. 

Cameron wanted to be a father. 

It was not solely to have an heir to continue his line, but a child to raise, to teach, and to watch grow. 

He wanted a child to love.

“There is a condition of the marriage, Keith,” Cameron paused, looking at his brother.  “If my bride doesna conceive within a year of the marriage, the marriage will be annulled.”

Will be annulled, or may be annulled?” Aidan asked.

Will be annulled.  Alexander knows I doona have an heir.  He explained that while he was ordering the marriage to take place, he wanted to allow me the opportunity to sire an heir with another woman, without remaining attached to a barren one.  This, too, was made a condition as reward for my loyalty.” 

Cameron paused, shaking his head.  “The marriage will eventually be annulled.”

“How can ye be so certain?” 

“I havena sired an heir, Aidan.  Even with the women who’ve graced my bed, no child resulted.  There was a time when I didna care who the woman was who would carry my child.  Gillyanne has never conceived.  The fault lies with me.  That is why I couldna care less about marrying an Englishwoman.  The marriage will be annulled after a year.”

“What if she conceives, Cameron?” Keith asked seriously.

“It willna happen,” Cameron said harshly.

“But what if she does?” Keith insisted.

“Then English or not, I’ll cherish that woman, and my bairn,” Cameron said intensely.  There was a light in Cameron’s eyes.

Keith turned to the door as it opened.  Amy came in just then, handing over a drooling baby to Keith.

“I have to assist Alice with mending garments.  Owen is yers for now, Papa.”  Her hazel eyes gleamed as her brown hair shined in the light.  She turned to leave, and with his free arm, Keith caught her hand.

“Not a kiss?  Or a hello?”

Cameron and Aidan snickered, and Keith gave them a glowering look.  Amy got on her tiptoes and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek.

“‘Tis all?”

Amy gave him a saucy look.  “Be thankful for that.  Bye now,” she said winking at him and left the room.

“One woman is nay like another, Cameron,” Keith reaffirmed, staring after his wife.

Cameron reached for his gurgling nephew and laughed.  Once Owen was in his arms, the baby began to pull on Cameron’s hair.

“One woman is like another, but ‘tis worth having one around to get this,” he said, looking down at Owen.  Owen giggled, bringing a smile to the laird’s face. 

“I can assure ye of one thing, Keith,” Cameron continued, “the only thing that will be wrapped around my wife’s finger is the thread as she sews.”