Forget Me Not, My Scottish Love by Allie Palomino

Excerpt of To Have and To Trust, Andie and Gavin’s story

Maitland Curse

Anon comes the Maitland Curse,

Listen close and wise,

Though ye heed every verse,

It willna stop death upon life.

The Dark Wolf will meet a woman of sheer perfection,

Love will blossom and they will wed,

But there must be between them, a strong connection,

So that their souls will be truly fed.

The wife takes her laird to bed,

The Dark Wolf plants his seed of life,

The next Maitland laird has been bred,

Upon the laird’s wife.

The next Dark Wolf grows within her womb,

Growing stronger with every rise,

The last nail is cast in her tomb,

The Dark Wolf’s birth causes her demise.

The wife who bears the first born son,

Has born the Maitland heir,

The wife who bears the first born son,

Has born the Dark Wolf heir.

The heir shall open his eyes,

For all to see their glowing pale color,

The wife who has born the heir closes her eyes,

Leaving the young Dark Wolf without his mother.