Possessive Stepbrother by MINK



How is it possible that no one else feels the tension in this room? It’s so thick, like swimming in jelly. Yet Mom and Carlito are acting as though everything is normal. Both of them are lost in their own little world at the moment. I watch as Carlito lifts his hand to feed her a bite of his dessert and then kisses the side of her mouth to clean off the cream that was left.

What they have is what I hope to have in a marriage. I want to be hopelessly in love with the man I’m going to marry. Before we became part of the Rossi family, I never imagined I would get to see real love. That wasn’t the way things were done.

I knew one day a husband would be picked for me. Then I watched as my mom and Carlito’s love grew. They made me want more for myself. They showed me that true love is possible. The way that Carlito respects her is so different from a lot of the families I’ve seen in the past. To him, she’s a partner, and he trusts her opinions.

“Have you started preparations for the wedding?” Finnegan asks from beside me. I don’t have to look Torino’s way to know he’s staring at me. I can feel his eyes on me. He’s been watching my every move since I came downstairs earlier.

I could tell he was annoyed that I’d defied him. I have to admit, it thrills me to ruffle his feathers a bit. Everyone might have thought I put this dress on for Finnegan, but the truth is that it’s for Torino. I read a blog online about how to get revenge on an ex. Torino isn’t my ex, but I can still show him what he’s missing.

“Not really. It’s all been so fast, but I’m sure Mom and I will be handling it soon,” I offer.

“I’m sure whatever you come up with will be outstanding. Your taste is impeccable.” His eyes sweep down my dress again. How did I go from never having attention from men to now having two interested at the same time?

“Honey, what happened to those scrapbooks you made years ago?” Mom asks, jumping into the conversation.

My face starts to warm. I do have a few scrapbooks of all sorts of things. Only a couple of them are wedding themed. There’s also a few baby ones mixed in there.

Mom continues, “Alessa has always wanted to be a wife and mother. She takes her role within a family very seriously.”

“She’ll make a perfect wife,” Torino says, drawing my attention to him.

“I couldn't agree more.” Finnegan drapes his hand over the back of my chair. He starts to play with the ends of my hair. I don’t even look over at Torino. This is not good. Luckily, Mom saves the day.

“Why don’t you go get them, honey, and meet us in the sitting room. I’ll get everyone a drink.”

“I’ll see if I can find them.” I push back my chair before Torino gets the chance to launch himself across the table and start a war.

Why do I find the fact that he’d be willing to go to war for me so damn hot? I don’t really understand his anger, though. He’s the one who said we shouldn’t have done what we did. So none of this makes sense to me. Does he want to keep me in some box tucked away? One day he’ll be getting married, too. He’ll need heirs.

I exit the room and head toward my bedroom. After a quick walk, I enter my room and immediately go over to give Tinker some love. I have zero intention of bringing down my scrapbooks. It feels wrong to do it. I made those when Torino was away at college. He’d been the one on my mind when I created them.

I hated those years he was away. I was also so scared that he’d come home from school for the holidays and have a girlfriend or something. Luckily, I didn’t have to see any of the women he was probably sleeping with. Tears burn my eyes thinking about them. They all got something I’ll never have.

I spin around when I hear my bedroom door open and then close. Torino strides toward me, pulling his belt off in the process. My heart starts to pound wildly. When he reaches me, he doesn’t say a word. He only spins me quickly so that I’m not facing him. Before I even know what is happening, he has my hands tied behind my back with his belt, and he’s spinning me again.

“You disobeyed me.” His face is hard. “I can’t let your disobedience go unchecked, sister.”

Oh my God, he’s so filthy. I press my thighs together. His thumb rubs back and forth across my bottom lip. I open my mouth, stealing a taste of him. He sucks in an audible breath before he grips my chin. “You have no idea who you’re toying with.”

“I know what I’m doing,” I challenge.

“That so, little girl?” He releases his hold on my chin. “On your knees.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him to fuck off, but my body obeys him. I drop to my knees in front of him. He reaches down, undoing his pants and pulling his cock out. It springs free, and my mouth waters.

Cum leaks from the angry red head. I lick my lips, wanting to taste him. “I’ve had to watch you all night in this fucking dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. You made me this way.” He strokes himself.

I squeeze my thighs together, the throb becoming unbearable.

“And now you’re going to fix it. Open your mouth.” His voice is a sexy rasp.

I stare up at him, making sure not to break eye contact with him. I’m sure my face is flushed, but I hold his stare. He grips my chin. “I said open your pretty little mouth now.” He gives a small tug, and I open for him.

My breasts start to ache along with my clit. Wetness from my arousal runs down my thighs. His hands go to my hair, gripping a handful of it while he guides his cock into my mouth. I whimper when he pushes all the way to the back of my throat slowly and pulls out.

“Suck,” he commands.

I do as he tells me and suck him. He starts to thrust faster in and out of my mouth. The groans coming from him have me sucking harder, using my tongue to drive his pleasure. I want him to burn and ache for me the same way I do for him.

“You’re so damn good at everything you do.” His hold on my hair tightens. “He’ll never see you like this. The only person you’ll ever get on your knees for is me. You understand that?”

I moan my answer around his cock.

“Fuck.” He grits out, jerking his cock free. I whimper, wanting more of him. He didn’t finish. “You want my cock back, little girl?”

“Yes,” I plead. He grabs me, lifting me off the floor and putting me on the bed. He pushes my dress all the way up, exposing me to him. He grabs my thighs, pulling me to the edge of the bed. With him standing on the side, it’s the perfect height for his cock to line up with my sex.

“Torino.” I gasp when he pushes the head of his cock inside me.

“I told you to leave my cum on you.” I watch as he wraps his hand around his cock, stroking himself. A loud groan comes from him seconds before I feel his warm cum spill inside of me. He keeps stroking himself and more cum fills me. So much so that it starts to slip out, coating me everywhere.

“This is how your pussy should always look.” He puts his cock back into his pants and zips up.

“Torino.” I wiggle. “I need you.”

“And you could have had me, but you brought this on yourself.” He lifts me from the bed, putting me on my feet. He unties my hands from behind my back. His fingers massage my wrists before he rights my dress.

“Now you will know how I felt all night while you walked around in this scrap of a dress. You’ll ache for me the same way I ache for you.”

“You’re a jerk,” I hiss at him.

“And you’re a disobedient little brat.” He grabs me around my wrist, leading me out of my bedroom. His cum leaks down my thighs. I can smell him all over me.

I should be mad at how he acted. My body is aching with need. But honestly, I’ve never felt more alive.

Who knew all I had to do was be disobedient to get what I wanted? But now that Torino has shown me his cards, I plan on going all in.