Pandemonium by R.E. Butler

Chapter Thirteen

Although Rafe was tired after playing three sets at Tails and then sexing up Demi once they were home, he hadn’t slept well. The meeting with Benecio was hanging over them like a cloud and while he wasn’t worried about his and Rhaider’s ability to defend their mate, he didn’t like how crazy the male seemed to be. Honestly, who in their right mind demanded that someone leave a mating to mate with them? And threatened to kill people if there wasn’t compliance?

He shook his head and turned his attention to the coffeemaker, watching as the dark brew filled up the travel mug. He was getting coffee ready for all three of them. He took his with milk and sugar; Rhaider with sugar only, and Demi liked a sweet, caramel-flavored creamer.

His jaw cracked as he yawned a second time.

Dang,” Demi said as she slid up next to him for a hug. “That was a big yawn.”

He kissed her and gave her a sheepish smile. “I didn’t sleep well.”

Me either.” She sighed and rested her head on his chest right over his heart. “I just want this nonsense with Benecio to be over.”

We do too,” he promised. “And it will be, one way or another.”

The coffeemaker sputtered, signaling that the cycle was finished. He fixed it the way she liked it, and then pushed the lid onto it. The travel mugs were the stainless steel kind that kept things hot or cold for several hours. The three he’d found in the cabinet all had the Tails logo on them.

I’m ready when you guys are,” Rhaider said as he walked into the kitchen. “Oh, coffee, you’re awesome.”

Are you talking to me or the coffee?” Rafe asked.

Rhaider took the mug Rafe held out to him and took a sip. “I’m not sure.”

Rafe snorted. He gave one more kiss to the top of Demi’s head and let her go. She leaned away, picked up her mug, and smiled at them. “Let’s get this over with.”

The trio left in their SUV after grabbing Hemi to join them, and stopped to pick up Demi’s dad on the way to the bar. Waiting for them at the bar were Duke, Byron, Reign, and several other males that were part of the pride’s security force. Abbie stood nearby with her match-making book. Titus wasn’t going since he was the second-in-command of the pride and needed to be on hand in case any problems arose.

We’re going to meet up with Benecio and his people,” Duke said to the small group. “I’m going to lead things with Demi, Rafe, and Rhaider with me. I’m hopeful that he’ll see she’s mated and realize what a giant jackass he’s being and let it drop peacefully. But we will be prepared should he attempt to instigate an attack.” Duke looked around at everyone and then said, “We all want to make it home in one piece, so watch your back and the backs of the pride members.”

Everyone nodded and left the bar. Hemi drove since Rafe and Rhaider didn’t know the area well. Hemi’s dad sat in the passenger seat and Rafe and Rhaider sat with Demi in the second row.

I hope it’s not a set up,” Demi said.

He didn’t call the meeting, Duke did,” her father said.

True, but he’s had time to prepare. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.”

It’s not because of you,” Rafe said. “He’s clearly unbalanced.”

Demi frowned but didn’t say anything else.

Hemi and his dad made small talk with everyone, but Rafe was too keyed up to keep a conversation going so he watched the scenery blur by and kept his worried thoughts to himself.

They arrived a short time later at a public park. The parking lot was mostly empty, save for a handful of vehicles. Rafe got out of the car and looked around, seeing some males milling around near an open space with concrete benches.

Is that him?” Rafe asked as he helped Demi from the vehicle.

She looked where he was looking and nodded. “He’s the one standing next to the bench with his arms folded.”

No one was seated.

Duke sent two of the pride males off to search the perimeter and report back anything out of the ordinary. They didn’t want Benecio to have a huge group of his males lying in wait for them and to be caught off guard. Demi’s concern that it might be a trap slipped through Rafe’s mind, but he put it aside. It was too late now at any rate. They needed to put a stop to things with Benecio once and for all.

They fell into step with Duke. Abbie was behind them, with Hemi and Reign. Byron and the others were spread out around them. They approached the group which consisted of Benecio and a handful of males.

Everyone looked pissed, especially Benecio.

Benecio,” Duke said as he came to a stop a few yards from him and his people.

Duke.” Benecio wasn’t looking at Duke, but at Demi.

We’ve come to show you in person that Demi has found her heart-matches in two males. Even though you had no real claim to her and she refused your advances, her mating is proof that she can no longer be claimed as the mate for anyone else.”

Benecio tilted his head slightly and his eyes lightened to pale gold. “According to the laws, I publicly claimed her and made my intentions known. The males are usurpers to my mate, which gives me the right of mate-battle.”

Mate-battle? Rafe hadn’t ever heard that term before. He glanced at Rhaider, who also looked confused.

Byron stepped forward. “Any claim you had, however erroneous or delusional, was nullified the moment Demi and her mates mated. Heart-matches supersede all else. The law you’re referring to is ancient. You can’t hold her to a law that isn’t in effect anymore.”

I can and I will.”

Wait,” Abbie said. She moved up next to Duke, the mate-match book in her hands. “I’m the match-maker. I can try to find your rightful mate. You don’t have to bring war to anyone.”

Benecio’s brows went high. “What is the meaning of this?”

Abbie rubbed her hand over the top of the book and Rafe felt some kind of power come from her, a crackling, electric feeling in the air. She opened the book and began to flip the pages.

Let her find your mate,” Duke said. “Demi is taken. Someone else will be a better choice for you.”

I don’t agree to this,” Benecio said with a growl. He took a step forward, claws erupting from his fingers.

Abbie gasped and there was a strange ripping sound that seemed to come from the book. She slapped the book closed and took a step back.

No,” she whispered. “No. No.”

Abbie?” Demi asked. “What’s wrong?”

Abbie looked at Duke and shook her head. “I can’t. I can’t match him.”

She ran from the group, and Rafe glanced over his shoulder to see her climb into one of the SUVs and slam the door shut.

Well shit,” Rafe said under his breath.

Triumphantly, Benecio said, “I told you that Demi is rightfully mine. So, you have two choices: I can either fight the males who are trying to steal her from me, or I can bring my people to your doorstep and take you all out. The choice,” he said, pausing for a long moment before leveling a narrow look at Demi, “is entirely up to her.”

I’m Alpha of the Kedrick pride,” Duke said. “I will not allow you to put my pride member into a position to send anyone to battle. You will end this craziness immediately or you will suffer.” Duke finished speaking with a deep growl.

What’s it going to be, Demi?” Benecio asked. “Come to me and no one gets hurt. Dig in your heels, and your supposed mates will be hurt. I guarantee it. Along with your father and mother and brother.”

Hey, fuck you!” Hemi said with a growl.

Demi blinked luminous eyes at Rafe. “I don’t know what to do.”

We’ll fight you ourselves,” Rhaider said. He looked at Rafe and he nodded in understanding.

Yes. She’s ours to defend,” Rafe said.

Then until tomorrow night,” Benecio said. “I’ll be waiting.”