Last Guard (Psy-Changeling Trinity #5) by Nalini Singh

The response came after a few seconds. I would be happy to talk to them. I’ll be there in about ten more minutes.

Arwen told Canto about his new friends as the three of them waited, while Pavel checked his phone for work purposes. He was StoneWater’s tech specialist, and he and Canto had taught each other a few things.

Then there she was, walking out of the shop with a bag in hand, sunglasses covering her eyes. The cameras clicked again as she walked to get into the car. He pulled away as soon as she was safely inside, making the introductions as they drove.

PAYAL had barely recovered from the shock of Ena Mercant’s invitation. Now this.

She hadn’t expected to speak to any of Canto’s family anytime soon, but she wasn’t going to run from such contacts. These people were important to him—so even if they didn’t like her, even if Ena’s invitation turned out to be a slap of rejection, she would persevere. She’d spent a lifetime surviving people who didn’t like or respect her. But now she had Canto. For him, she’d bear anything.

Angling her head to look at the man in the back seat who had a very different build from Canto—and silver eyes watchful and quiet—she said, “I’m glad to meet you, Arwen.”

She used the mirror to meet the gaze of the bear who sat directly behind her. “It’s nice to see you again, Pavel.”

The bear smiled at her, but Arwen had an assessing look on his face when she glanced at him once more. He only said a few words as Canto drove them out of the city. She’d already stopped at three boutiques and had everything she needed—especially for her tea with Ena in a few short hours.

Once they were at the house and had carried her purchases inside, Canto left to deal with a minor work matter, while Pavel excused himself to return a call.

It left Payal and Arwen alone on the deck.

They stood side by side in awkward silence until Arwen blurted out, “Sorry.”

Payal looked at him to see a blush painting the razor-sharp lines of his cheekbones. “For what?”

“For acting like a jealous kid.” His hands tightened on the deck railing. “Canto was mine for a long time. He protected me inside his shields when I was born—I don’t know how it happened, but we were in the hospital at the same time, and it just did.”

This was the empath Canto had mentioned, Payal realized. Not just a trusted empath. A beloved Mercant. “I don’t intend to take him from you.” Canto’s family was part of his foundations, part of his heartbeat.

“I know. I was being stupid.” He gave her a hesitant smile that was so open it sliced right through her shields. “Can we start again?” He held out a hand. “I’m Arwen, and I adore Canto. He’s the best big brother I could’ve ever had.”

Physical contact wasn’t an easy thing for her, but this was important enough that she slipped her hand into Arwen’s. “Payal. Canto is … extraordinary.” She didn’t know why, but she added a private truth. “We met as children before you were born.”

Arwen’s eyes flared. “You’re her. The girl he’s been searching for all this time.”

A tight hotness inside her chest. “I thought he’d forget me, but he never did.”

“Canto never forgets the people he loves.”

That last word made her entire soul quake. She clung to the railing to keep her stability. “Arwen, if I talk to you as an empath, will you keep my confidence?” Now that she’d met him, now that they’d come to terms, she felt his gentleness, his kindness.

“Yes,” Arwen said. “But I have a conflict of interest because of my relationship with Canto. Can I recommend a friend?” When Payal nodded, he said, “Her name is Jaya and she’s a senior empath. She usually works with patients in comas or who are otherwise trapped in their bodies and minds, but she’s also just … wise. As if she was born that way. I talk to her, too, about everything.”

Payal had just taken Jaya’s details when Canto returned, and the heart of her, it arrowed in toward him. As if he were her star, and she the circling planet. She wanted to pull back, step away, protect herself, but it was too late. Her walls were cracked and damaged so badly that there was no hope.

Chapter 36

You are one of mine. I will allow nothing and no one to cause you harm. Ever.

—Ena Mercant to Canto Mercant (September 2053)

ENA HAD SPENT a lifetime watching out for her family. She’d been taught to do it by her grandmother, who’d been taught by her mother. Theirs was a matriarchal line—though when there were boys who showed leadership qualities, they were never pushed aside. Ena’s great-grandmother had been taught her duties by her father.

Canto could’ve been the next male to lead the clan; for a long time, Ena had believed he would be her successor. The angry boy she’d first met had grown into a strong, stable youth who made her proud. He was also intensely protective of the younger children in the clan—he’d held Arwen inside his shields, and even now, he watched over Silver.

When it became clear that Silver was more suited to succeed her, she’d wondered if Canto would resent her choice—they’d both understood that the boy had never been Silent, that his emotions could burn flashfire hot. But Canto had supported her.