Isn't It Bromantic (Bromance Book Club #4) by Lyssa Kay Adams

            “Far from it,” Michelle said. “They’re super serious about it. They read them because they think it will make them better husbands and lovers and people. He seriously has never told you?”

            “There’s a lot we’ve never told each other.”

            “Elena, he joined the club for you.”

            “F-for me?”

            “He wanted to figure out how to make you happy and come back to him.”

            Out of nowhere, tears sprang into her eyes. Elena leaped to her feet and turned away from Michelle, blinking rapidly to fight them off. It was no use. Twin tears leaked down her cheeks.

            “Oh shit,” Michelle said, rising. She instantly wrapped her arms around Elena from behind. “Don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

            “When did he join the book club?”

            “A few years ago, I think.”

            A few years? “He never told me. Why didn’t he tell me?”

            “Maybe it’s time to get to the bottom of that and a lot of other things,” Michelle said soothingly, tightening her embrace. “Everything is going to be okay.”

            The words were simple but so, so ironic. Vlad had hugged her almost the exact same way when she saw him after her father disappeared, and he’d said the exact same words. It’s going to be okay.

            Michelle gave Elena a moment to collect herself before patting her shoulder. “Can you wait in here for a second?”

            Elena’s eyes tracked Michelle’s rise. “Where are you going?”

            “To call in reinforcements.”

            Elena’s eye began to twitch. “Wh-what kind of reinforcements?”

            Michelle smiled. “I promise, everyone is on your side.”

            “No. Claud hates me. She put a hex on me.”

            “She will come around as soon as I fill her in.”

            Elena rose to her feet to follow Michelle from the living room. Michelle pulled her cell phone from a multi-device charging station in the kitchen.

            “Michelle, please,” Elena said. “I know what you’re trying to do, and I . . . I am so touched. But Vlad doesn’t want me to stay. He thinks he does, but he doesn’t.”

            Michelle burst out laughing as if Elena had just told the funniest joke she’d ever heard. She put the phone to her ear. A moment later, she said, “Can you come over? She’s here.”

            Elena gulped as Michelle met her eyes.

            “I’m not entirely sure,” Michelle said, “but she just told me I have her blessing to date her husband.”

            Another moment passed, and Michelle ended the call. A glint in her eye preceded a giggly little clap. “I’m so glad you came here this morning. We have so much work to do.”

            “But it doesn’t matter. I’m leaving.”

            “Are you really, though?”

            “I—I have a plane ticket.”

            “Doesn’t mean you have to use it.”

            The front door burst open, bringing with it a gust of the west wind and a creepy-crawly feeling along the back of her neck.

            “Where is she?” Claud stormed in with a general’s determination. She was trailed by Linda and Andrea, good little foot soldiers.

            “In here,” Michelle said calmly. Elena fought the urge to stand behind her for protection.

            “For God’s sake, girl,” Claud said, huffing and out of breath. “It’s about damn time one of you got your head out of your ass.”


Vlad smelled bacon.

            That was impossible, though. Elena was gone. She’d taken her things and driven away in his car last night. And even though he had known it would happen eventually, had always known she would one day leave, it gutted him. Just like he knew it would.