Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7) by Sarah J. Maas

Chaol debated ending it there, but he asked, “Is that why you didn’t kneel to Erawan?”

“Or to the puppet king before him,” his father said, picking at his food.

“You knew—that the old king was Valg-possessed?”

His father’s fingers stilled on a crust of hearty bread, the only sign of his shock. “No. Only that he was building a host throughout the land that did not seem … natural. I am no king’s lackey, no matter what you may think of me.” He lowered his hand once more. “Of course, in my plans to get you out of harm’s way, it seems it only led you closer to it.”

“Why bother?”

“I meant what I said in Rifthold. Terrin is not a warrior—not at heart. I saw what was building in Morath, in the Ferian Gap, and required my eldest son to be here, to pick up the sword should I fall. And now you have returned, at the hour when the shadow of Morath has crept around us on all sides.”

“All sides but one,” Chaol said, motioning toward the White Fangs just barely visible through the windows high above. “Rumor has it Erawan has spent these months hunting down the wild men of the Fangs. If you are so short of soldiers, call for aid.”

His father’s mouth tightened. “They are half-savage nomads who relish killing our people.”

“As ours have relished killing them. Let Erawan unite us.”

“And offer them what? The mountains have belonged to us since before Gavin Havilliard sat on his throne.”

Yrene muttered, “Offer them the damn moon, if it will convince them to help.”

His father smirked. “Can you offer such a thing, as the heir apparent to the Healer on High?”

“Careful,” Chaol growled.

His father ignored that, too. “I would rather have my head on a pike than give the wild men of the Fangs an inch of Anielle’s land, let alone ask them for aid.”

“I hope your people agree,” said Yrene.

His father let out one of those joyless laughs. “I like you better than the assassin-queen, I think. Perhaps marrying the rabble will breed some backbone into our bloodline once more.”

Chaol’s blood roared in his ears, but Yrene’s lips curved into a smile. “You’re exactly as I’d pictured you to be,” she said. His father only inclined his head.

“Prepare this city, this keep,” Chaol managed to say through his gritted teeth. “Or you’ll deserve everything you bring down upon it.”


Fifteen minutes later, Chaol could feel Yrene still trembling as they entered a small yet warm bedroom. One of the few cozy places in this horrible keep. A bed and a half-rusted washing basin filled most of the space, a ewer of steaming water beside it.

Not exactly a bedroom fit for a lord’s son. He fought the heat that warmed his cheeks.

“I was disowned, remember,” Chaol said, leaning against the shut door, their packs discarded at his feet. “This bedroom is meant for a guest.”

“I’m sure your father had it selected just for you.”

“I’m sure he did.”

Yrene snarled. “He’s worse than you portrayed.”

Chaol gave her a tired, small smile. “And you were brilliant.” Utterly brilliant.

His father, at least, had agreed to begin the evacuations for those on the outskirts of the city, and by the time they’d made their way to this room, the keep had already been abuzz with readying for a siege. If his father needed help planning it, the man hadn’t let on. Tomorrow, after they rested tonight, he’d see for himself what his father had in mind.

But for now, after almost two days of flying through the frigid air, he needed to rest.

And his wife, however bold and fearless, needed to rest as well, whether she admitted it or not.

So Chaol pushed off the door, prowling to where Yrene paced in front of the bed. “I’m sorry for what he said to you.”

She waved him off. “I’m sorry you ever had to deal with him for longer than that conversation.”

Her temper, despite all that loomed, despite the bastard ruling over this city, warmed something in him. Enough so that Chaol closed the distance between them, halting her pacing by taking her hand. He brushed his thumb over her wedding band.

“I wish you were meeting her instead—my mother,” he said softly.

The fierceness in her eyes banked. “I do, too.” Her mouth quirked to the side. “Though I’m surprised your father cared enough to send them away at a whisper of a threat.”

“They’re assets to him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sent them with a good part of the trove.”

Yrene glanced around in doubt.

“Anielle is one of the richer territories in Adarlan, despite what this keep suggests.” He kissed her knuckles, her ring. “There are chambers full of treasure in the catacombs. Gold, jewels, armor—rumor has it the wealth of an entire kingdom is down there.”

Yrene let out an impressed hum, but said, “I should have told Sartaq and Nesryn to bring more healers than the fifty we selected.” Hafiza would remain with the foot soldiers and cavalry, but Eretia, her second-in-command, would fly with the ruks and lead the group, Yrene included.

“We’ll make do with what we have. I doubt there was a single magically gifted healer in this city until an hour ago.”